Dota 2 Mafia 2 Topic 1 - A Moba Mafia of Moderate Mayhem

Board 8

This is gonna be fun is what it is. I may not have played DotA 2, but I liked the MOBA terminology sprinkled into the introduction lol

Anyway, I don't believe I see anything about an anti-claim mechanic in the rules, so I'm just gonna say right now that I'm a Miller.

When I got my PM, I was debating on whether I should try and bait a shot from Mafia, but every time I've done that in the past, Mafia never took my bait. So I doubt it would've worked here. I figured I'd follow Lea's precedent from Nickelodeon Mafia and reveal my Miller role immediately to avoid investigative roles outing themselves over me.
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
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