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Hearthstone Topic - C-C-C-COMBO META

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Board 8 » Hearthstone Topic - C-C-C-COMBO META
I have to keep remembering to do my quests every 3 days. Hopefully this mini-set really shakes things up (seriously doubt it will though based on previous mini-sets) because game is stale AF right now.
Pretty quick climb this meta, this time I used Quest Hunter to hit legend

Im in the top 500! Maybe I shoot for something decent ranked, or maybe I just chill til deadmines or whatever the miniset is
VeryInsane's mobile account
Post #3 was unavailable or deleted.
So uh, is anyone gonna try Mercenaries
Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.
I played it for about an hour today and honestly it's not too bad. It's a very chill mode and it'll really appeal to you if you like to see numbers going up.

That being said I'm not sure how long it'll hold attention but it's fun so far.
I don't even know what Mercenaries is. I'm aware of its existence, but I've made zero effort to learn about it.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
The closest comparison I could make is a REALLY basic version of Pokemon. You build a team that has a mix of types (red, green, or blue) and each character has 3 abilities they can use in a fight. In a fight both people pick their abilities and then the speed of each ability determines the order that combat triggers. Red does double damage to green, green double damage to blue, and blue double damage to red (Fire > Grass > Water > Fire).

Your minions level up after each fight and they keep their new stats and abilities forever. You get new cards directly from packs or from shards in packs like a mobile game.

There's some interesting strategy from building your team and using abilities with speed that work together. Like for example a card might have an ability that gives an ally +5 attack so you want it to trigger BEFORE the card attacks.
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Does Mercs require playing regular Hearthstone for daily quests or anything like that, or is it entirely independent? Been watching some people stream it over the last couple of days and even though I don't really understand what's going on that well it looks interesting to me.

Also, I hit a wall playing mahjong and I need a break, the losses are sending me.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?
It's pretty much entirely independent quest wise

You also don't really get gold in it too so it seems like the regular quests are just better right now
Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.
You need to spend a total of 900 gold to build your little mercenary village but that's the only investment from actual hearthstone.
I think I had something like 30,000 gold when I stopped playing so spending gold isn't a problem, I just didn't want to see something like "Play 3 Ranked Games = Get X Merc Coins/Packs" or anything like that. Mostly because I know me and I know I'd end up playing those three ranked games even though I wouldn't enjoy doing so.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?
Why are so many people playing Miracle Priest on ladder

Stop playing Priest
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Yay we finally get miniset news
VeryInsane's mobile account
They made pvp literally unplayable so it will be dead real soon.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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New 1 mana Druid card

Druid of the Reef
Choose One: Either 3/1 with rush or 1/3 with taunt

Uhhh am I crazy or this is stupid strong for 1 mana.
A 3/1 rush for 1 by itself is stupid strong. Do you know how many times I've gotten pissed off by that stupid Fel Rattler in DH? And that thing costs 4. (And does more.)
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
I think giving Aggro Druid a removal option is pretty strong, like this and oracle is basically multishot on a body.

Alternatively on curve its a voidwalker, yeah its pretty good. I guess you cut Horror/whatever 2 drop you use for it

The birds are pretty interesting, the shaman one in particular is pretty flexible with dungeoneer, Forgeborn, Fireheart, and other strong battlecries

VeryInsane's mobile account
Post #22 was unavailable or deleted.
azuarc posted...
A 3/1 rush for 1 by itself is stupid strong. Do you know how many times I've gotten pissed off by that stupid Fel Rattler in DH? And that thing costs 4. (And does more.)
Fel rattler costs 3, but yeah, it's good because it's a 3 mana swipe (that can't go face).

This is 1 mana holy smite. Still good.

Thoughts on the cards


Crow's nest lookout : 3 mana 2/2 deal damage to the left and rightmost minion. Worth noting, if the enemy has one minion, this'll hit twice. But...TBH, as long as minionless decks like quest mage and big warrior remain popular, I can't see running this.

Need for Greed : If it works the way I think it works (the mana gets set to 3 even if you've discounted the card with the quest or skull of gul'dan) I don't think this will be that great. But still, it's tradeable. Quest probably swaps this in in exchange for some of the other tradeable cards that the deck literally only trades and never plays.


Druid of the Reef : It's very good.


Monstrous Parrot : looks like garbage. And I say that as someone who still occasionally plays a meme deck in wild casual built around Unearthed Raptor. This still has the 3/4 statline of unearthed raptor, but it costs 4.

Defias Blastfisher : So...back in the stone age when mech mage was a thing, they did 4 random damage on a 4 mana 5/4. This with one beast is 4 random damage on a 5 mana 3/2. Doesn't go into any existing decks. I guess the idea is that you put this into a deck with Rodent Nest, and then you play rodent nest on 4, pop it, then play this and deal 12 random damage. Yeah, that's a game winning blowout if it happens. Sounds like a very high RNG deck, though.


Grey Sage Parrot : Big spell mage support. In another era, this would be scary. Right now, I don't think existing mage decks want it.


Sunwing Squawker : I mean, sure, put this into libram paladin maybe? Most of the time is a yeti that adds a libram of wisdom to your hand. Occasionally will draw a card instead, or summon an 8/8 divine shield taunt. The one thing I don't like about it is that it doesn't save you from a bad draw. Didn't draw libram of wisdom or hand of a'dal? LOL, sucks to be you, here's a minion that does nothing. Not sure this makes the cut.


Defias Leper : This is a big deal for wild shadow priest, since it already runs patches the pirate, and was using bad pirates to pull it out. Now it can run good pirates.

Amulet of the Undying : Gross, big priest support. That said, don't think this matters too much in wild. Scrapyard Colossus isn't usually the best res to get off of your res effects anyway; you'd rather grab blood of G'huun. Probably relevant in standard, though, where priests run lightshower elemental, and Taelan Fordring.


Blackwater Cutlass : 1 mana 2/2 weapon looks a little bit frightening to me, but...I guess 2 mana 2/2 weapons have been historically pretty weak even with upsides, and if there's a class where it could make sense it's rogue, since the weapon shuts down rogue hero powers, doesn't play nice with the existing "weapon rogue" archetype.


Brilliant Macaw : Doesn't say "this turn", which is a big deal. But...I don't think it has very good targets in standard. In wild it can replicate Zephrys, Reno Jackson, and Shudderwork. In standard...most of shaman's battlecry cards already have very good stats these days. 2 mana 2/2s. 5 mana 5/6s. Seems like a card for wild reno shaman.


Shadowblade Slinger : so...most warlocks have moved on from the self damage plan, and are now mostly doing a handlock plan. This maybe pushes them back towards the self-damage plan.

Wicked Shipment : Lost in the jungle, but it's imps. Zoo hasn't shown signs of life in ages, though.


Man the cannons : 2 mana swipe, although only 3 damage to the primary target, and 1 damage to your minions too, not just enemy minions. But...still excellent into Druid, 3 is a good number for taking out key targets, and they often have a bunch of 2/1s.

Defias Cannoneer : I've seen the people hyping that this spells doom for wild. I...think it's overhyped. Something that was mentioned on the state of wild podcast is that you basically want to cut all 3 and 4 mana pirates (except for southsea captain). You want to run basically all 1 cost pirates, because in the current meta, completing the quest fast is a big deal. Quest Warrior can beat Quest Hunter, but they do so by completing the quest first. This new card, Defias Cannoneer, is a 3 drop, and you don't even necessarily want to play it on turn 3--only if you've already got a weapon equipped. It will often wait for turn 4 or 5 for after you equip a weapon. The wild VS list still has one 3-drop spider tank pirate left in the list, so maybe this could sub in for stormwind freebooter. But Stormwind Freebooter is a lot better on turn 3 when you don't have a weapon yet. This by comparison is better once you have a weapon. Overall...maybe it replaces Stormwind Freebooter, but I don't think this moves the needle very much for wild. Watch out to see if they release another 1 drop pirate, though. It could be a 1 mana 1/1 with no text, and it might get run in wild pirate warrior just to complete the quest faster.

Golakka Glutton : Who would want to tech against beasts this badly? Maybe blizzard is worried the parrot cycle will be too good? But...3 mana tribe tech cards don't have a good history. Looking at Dragonslayer here, which even if the opponent didn't run dragons at least it was a 4/3. This is a 3 mana 2/3 if the opponent doesn't have beasts.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
Here's the rares spoiled today

Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
So the two class legendaries are gonna be shaman and rogue

Rogue is clearly Edwin but the Shaman one could be interesting to guess
VeryInsane's mobile account
Might have just had the nail in the coffin Hearthstone game for me.

It was an OTK DH mirror and I completed Kurtrus by turn 5. Opponent uses Illidari Studies into Glide on turn 5 to complete his quest and shuffle my Kurtrus away.

Next turn I use Illidari Studies and get the card that can shuffle one of his cards into his deck. I shuffle Kurtrus obviously and he draws it the next turn WITH sigil of alacrity bonus. So I basically discounted his Kurtrus by one for him.

He eventually wins like 5 turns later after drawing through his whole deck and meanwhile Kurtrus didn't appear for me at all. It was probably the bottom card in my deck and his got put right on the top.

RNG is gonna RNG but I haven't had fun in Hearthstone in probably like 2 months so I was already pretty close to quitting. After this game I think I really just need to uninstall so I'm not tempted to play or spend any more money at this point.

And yeah I could have played around glide by completing the quest and playing Kurtrus on the same turn but who cares.
Understandable. The whole quest meta is kinda fucked TBH. Basically simplified wild down to 3 decks. And every deck in standard needs to either have a quest, or have some lategame plan with similar power to a quest (like token druid summoning multiple greyboughs). Or just a lot of face damage like face hunter and garotte rogue.

I will say that I don't expect this meta to last forever. Either Blizzard will finally nerf more quests, or they'll print cards that make people not want to run the quests anymore. So maybe check in a few weeks after the next expansion? (Not the mini-set, I don't expect the mini-set to change anything).
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
Post #28 was unavailable or deleted.
Was watching someone stream raza priest in wild.

One of the twitch comments "playing dwarven district priest"
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
Been a while since I made any attempts, but I have set a new personal best. 4 juggernauts!

Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
OK, beat my own record again; five juggernauts (with the sixth rokarra in my hand, but my opponent died).

Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
My cats hate it when the bug they're playing with dies before they've lost interest.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.

Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
You pick the targets, huh.

All of those work really well thematically.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Mr Smite + Rockbiter + Windfury = 18 damage on turn 10

Not quite a GG combo but I could see this card being changed to "Your other pirates have charge".
skullbone posted...
Mr Smite + Rockbiter + Windfury = 18 damage on turn 10

Not quite a GG combo but I could see this card being changed to "Your other pirates have charge".
I mean...reckless rocketeer + rockbiter + windfury = 16 damage on turn 10.

I could totally see Mr Smite getting nerfed, but I doubt it'll be because of a 10 mana combo with windfury and rockbiter weapon.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
Yeah I mean that was partially a joke but also nobody cares about wild lol
I think the key thing with Mr Smite is it swings a lot of decks into being able to beat quest mage now

(Well, Warrior and Handbuff Pally at least)
VeryInsane's mobile account
well, this is cool...nothing wrong with this...

Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
This has to be hands down the worst tavern brawl I ever seen

its. Remarkable
VeryInsane's mobile account
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Obviously a hotfix is coming, 0 mana 6/6s weren't intended., wild is now 35%-40% druid and rising according to the VS live report.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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It might be a little while since it doesnt cost them money /s
VeryInsane's mobile account
Just lost a game at 20 health where I was 66% favored, tied my opponent, but they had the Diablo effect that summoned 3 random demons, which happened to combine for 14 health of damage and exact lethal.

Sometimes I get Ulti's rage all too well...
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
Hmm I think we get another wave of nerfs before the expansion, like maybe nerfing Battleguard and something from Rogue

BGs just from the little I played Sneeds/Cookie seem pretty broken, especially Sneeds when you have any sort of avenge trigger
VeryInsane's mobile account
Post #47 was unavailable or deleted.
lol Renew back to 1 mana.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?
UltimaterializerX posted...
I finally figured out my problem with Vicious Syndicate. If the data says something is bad, they just assume it is.

I dont care what data says - Celestial Alignment and Anacondra Druid are terrible for the game.
I mean, yeah, if there's a deck that instantly wins the game on turn 8, but they tend to die to aggro, and 70% of the people on ladder are playing aggro, VS will say that it's a tier 4 45% winrate deck.

But these tend to be the decks I really don't like. Cause I like homebrewing my own variants of decks, and usually my homebrew versions start with an aggro deck and make it a more midrange/greedy and value oriented, and then my midrange versions auto lose to whatever the flavour of the month combo deck is (Tickatus Warlock, Quest Mage, Garotte rogue, Celestial Alignment Druid, etc).

Speaking of which, nerfs are coming to a bunch of the big combo decks, and also Razormane Battleguard, also Renew is going back to 1 mana:

Razormane Battleguard
Old - 2/2/3
New - 2/2/ 2
Arcanist Dawngrasp (Mage Questline Reward)
Old - +3 spell damage
New: +2 spell damage
Old - Shuffle 3 bleeds
New: Shuffle 2 bleeds
Old: 2 mana
New: 1 mana
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
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Board 8 » Hearthstone Topic - C-C-C-COMBO META
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