Hearthstone Topic - C-C-C-COMBO META

Board 8

UltimaterializerX posted...
I finally figured out my problem with Vicious Syndicate. If the data says something is bad, they just assume it is.

I dont care what data says - Celestial Alignment and Anacondra Druid are terrible for the game.
I mean, yeah, if there's a deck that instantly wins the game on turn 8, but they tend to die to aggro, and 70% of the people on ladder are playing aggro, VS will say that it's a tier 4 45% winrate deck.

But these tend to be the decks I really don't like. Cause I like homebrewing my own variants of decks, and usually my homebrew versions start with an aggro deck and make it a more midrange/greedy and value oriented, and then my midrange versions auto lose to whatever the flavour of the month combo deck is (Tickatus Warlock, Quest Mage, Garotte rogue, Celestial Alignment Druid, etc).

Speaking of which, nerfs are coming to a bunch of the big combo decks, and also Razormane Battleguard, also Renew is going back to 1 mana:


Razormane Battleguard
Old - 2/2/3
New - 2/2/ 2
Arcanist Dawngrasp (Mage Questline Reward)
Old - +3 spell damage
New: +2 spell damage
Old - Shuffle 3 bleeds
New: Shuffle 2 bleeds
Old: 2 mana
New: 1 mana
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision