Would you support a UOTY-styled character contest on board 8?

Board 8

Board 8 » Would you support a UOTY-styled character contest on board 8?

As much as I hate UOTY and am glad it was retired, I really like its format because it's epic. I am curious as to whether or not you guys would like to have a Character of the Year. As I see it, most of the drama in UOTY was due to users' desires to be popular. Since we haven't gotten a proper site contest since 2015, I thought why not have something fun here and do such a contest without it being about e-pop?

I'm leaning toward making it any fictional character who's ever appeared in a video game. So while this would include the likes of Darth Vader, Spider-Man, James Bond, Frodo, God, etc. it would not include real people or characters that don't usually interest nerds.

Also, I'm not going to host such an undertaking solo, so if there's enough interest I'd really like a co-host or two.

What do you guys think of all this?
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
KujikawaRising posted...
So while this would include the likes of Darth Vader, Spider-Man, James Bond, Frodo, God

lol so edgy
Emperor of Board 8
I don't need no fire, I can make you burn. I can make you scream without saying a word.
Shaduln posted...
KujikawaRising posted...
So while this would include the likes of Darth Vader, Spider-Man, James Bond, Frodo, God

lol so edgy

Edgy how? I hate to inform you, but none of those ever actually existed.
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
KujikawaRising posted...
Shaduln posted...
KujikawaRising posted...
So while this would include the likes of Darth Vader, Spider-Man, James Bond, Frodo, God

lol so edgy

Edgy how? I hate to inform you, but none of those ever actually existed.

Damn I need some band-aids
I am the Cheese! I am the best character on the show! I am better than both the salami and the bologna COMBINED!
andy you're already tanking the idea
Peridiam posted...
andy you're already tanking the idea

How so?

I can omit mythological figures, if that's more appropriate...
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
by being edgy and divisive

if you want to encourage people to support the idea don't start with socially odd behavior
i support this idea

i don't support this host

all in favour of me running this instead say aye
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
MZero , to the extreme
"2017 Guru champ BKSheikah is racist against cute Pokemon." - Luster
I swear this was already done in the past.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
KujikawaRising posted...
I'm leaning toward making it any fictional character who's ever appeared in a video game.

Just make it an all fictional character contest then.

I've never understood why people think it "creates diversity" by limiting the pool.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
Lopen posted...
I swear this was already done in the past.

it literally was
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Peridiam posted...
by being edgy and divisive

if you want to encourage people to support the idea don't start with socially odd behavior

It's socially odd to reject the existence of a monotheistic deity? I didn't realize that belief in "God" was mandated for social acceptance in this country. I thought we were supposed to be accepting of diversity.

Steiner posted...
all in favour of me running this instead say aye

You can have it if you want. Saves me the work.

tazzyboyishere posted...
KujikawaRising posted...
I'm leaning toward making it any fictional character who's ever appeared in a video game.

Just make it an all fictional character contest then.

I've never understood why people think it "creates diversity" by limiting the pool.

tbh that was the other idea, but it means more fodder might get in like if somebody nominated a Grey's Anatomy character just to get dead last which is why I didn't want that >_>
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
Don't cut yourself with all that edge Andy.
KujikawaRising posted...
Peridiam posted...
by being edgy and divisive

if you want to encourage people to support the idea don't start with socially odd behavior

It's socially odd to reject the existence of a monotheistic deity? I didn't realize that belief in "God" was mandated for social acceptance in this country. I thought we were supposed to be accepting of diversity.

this is what i'm talking about

if you wanna be the host you gotta be tuned in to your audience, be palatable. responses like these miss that point.
KujikawaRising posted...
I thought we were supposed to be accepting of diversity.

said the guy going out of his way to antagonize religious folks
I have the power of God AND anime on my side
Steiner posted...
i support this idea

i don't support this host

all in favour of me running this instead say aye

You put your RESOLVE HAT back on, which conveniently is the same hat as your NORMAL HAT.
you guys do know I'm too lazy to host this and just wanted somebody else to take it, hence being so edgy, right?

I'm just being a caricature of myself since it's fun. Sorry if anyone was offended.
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
What a bait by KujikawaRising.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Well played. I didnt think someone would put that much effort into trolling this.
I am the Cheese! I am the best character on the show! I am better than both the salami and the bologna COMBINED!
how many y/o is uoty
Posted using GameFlux
Can we just have Pokemon of the year or something.
I KNOW we did that one

p sure jolteon won because jolteon wins everything
I have the power of God AND anime on my side
I hosted this about 6 years ago with all Disney characters. Scar won in the finals over Genie and Jack Sparrow.
Tom Bombadil posted...
I KNOW we did that one

p sure jolteon won because jolteon wins everything

I think discord conspired to get all the eevees out of the top 5 or something

also there was drama because people didn't believe tabii was a real person
You put your RESOLVE HAT back on, which conveniently is the same hat as your NORMAL HAT.
wow steiner way to make us all vote out the eevees or something
Emperor of Board 8
I don't need no fire, I can make you burn. I can make you scream without saying a word.
yeah I remember Pokemon of the year it was like last year

We could do video games
MZero , to the extreme
"2017 Guru champ BKSheikah is racist against cute Pokemon." - Luster
I know we did Pokmon of the Year, too. Not going to do that again because it was just last year, I think, and Inviso just wrapped up the Pokmon Gauntlet contest.

I'd much rather do something broader, where people nominate 5 of their favorite characters (I'd think 240 total) - ones they'd think would do well. I would probably exclude religious figures of any kind, including mythology, to avoid offending anyone and being "divisive" like I intended to here. That is, if I was hosting it. If you guys want me to, I'll try, but I'll need help.

Hey Steiner, you want to co-host this with me? I'm game for that. I'm not playing around this time, promise!
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
KujikawaRising posted...
you guys do know I'm too lazy to host this and just wanted somebody else to take it, hence being so edgy, right?

KujikawaRising posted...
That is, if I was hosting it. If you guys want me to, I'll try, but I'll need help.

Hey Steiner, you want to co-host this with me? I'm game for that. I'm not playing around this time, promise!

BK_Sheikah ? More like BYIG_Sheikah.
http://i.imgur.com/gw03gl7.png - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
I'm being a caricature of myself in more ways than one. I'm an enigma.

I'm more than happy to help out but I'd rather be second banana :P
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
I'd only call you an enigma if I had a poor vocabulary and was misusing a thesaurus
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Am I really that predictable?
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
It would be better if you were no banana and didn't help out.
Yo you know what we should have

A Save My Everything
I think crazyisgood tried that once.
BK_Sheikah ? More like BYIG_Sheikah.
http://i.imgur.com/gw03gl7.png - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
I once did a "Save My Save My Contest" because there were so many on the board at the time.
I'm BlueCrystalTear , probably at work.
KujikawaRising posted...
you guys do know I'm too lazy to host this and just wanted somebody else to take it, hence being so edgy, right?

I'm just being a caricature of myself since it's fun. Sorry if anyone was offended.

Spurs - Yankees - Eagles - Golden Knights
KujikawaRising posted...
you guys do know I'm too lazy to host this and just wanted somebody else to take it, hence being so edgy, right?

I'm just being a caricature of myself since it's fun. Sorry if anyone was offended.

i cringed
NBIceman posted...
KujikawaRising posted...
you guys do know I'm too lazy to host this and just wanted somebody else to take it, hence being so edgy, right?

I'm just being a caricature of myself since it's fun. Sorry if anyone was offended.


KujikawaRising posted...

Hey Steiner, you want to co-host this with me? I'm game for that. I'm not playing around this time, promise!

please stay away
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
for what it's worth i was already very much deliberating on this. i love the format of uoty and also conceptually having a contest large enough in scope that more than like, 2 people care about the outcome. to see that people think it's a good enough idea even with andy running it gives me hope.
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
plus you could make a spreadsheet
You put your RESOLVE HAT back on, which conveniently is the same hat as your NORMAL HAT.
several tbh
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
Hmm I have it on good authority that spreadsheets actually make things worse.
BK_Sheikah ? More like BYIG_Sheikah.
http://i.imgur.com/gw03gl7.png - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
mnkboy907 posted...
Hmm I have it on good authority that spreadsheets actually make things worse.

ignore lefty
This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
Years off to a good start I see
Khal Kirby , warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ https://goo.gl/Diw2hs
I'm in favor of this happening and agree it should be opened up to all fictional characters.

BKSheikah dominated even The Show hosts in 2017, wow!
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Board 8 » Would you support a UOTY-styled character contest on board 8?