This 30 y/o Unemployed MOM makes $5000 a MONTH by SELLING PICS of Herself!!!!

Board 8

Board 8 » This 30 y/o Unemployed MOM makes $5000 a MONTH by SELLING PICS of Herself!!!!
Is Summers Hot??

30 y/o Dirty Birdy, Summers VonHesse, a military wife and mother of 2 hasn't worked in years but is making more than 5000 a MONTH by selling SEXY pictures and sometimes NUDE pics of herself online!!

The Nevada mom posts racy pics of herself and allows creators to run a subscription content service and strangers pay various amounts to see footage of her in swimsuits, lingerie and even in her birthday suit

Summers said "I've never had a 'real job' since i got married 8 years ago. Being able to contribute in my house feels really nice"..and her husband is supportive of it as he's the one TAKING THE PICTURES too!!

She started showing off her "hot postpartum bod" on her instagram back in November and racked up 100,000 followers and was inspired to make money off FANS who wanted to see MORE of her figure!

She has a 5 y/o daughter and 2 y/o son as men purchase up to 5-50 a month to see a sexy footage of her as the more you pledge, the more you get to see her big booty

Although she's making a killing on this, she admits that they don't really need this extra income..but she loves making men "horny" which her husband "allows"

Summers said she never really loved her body but her army husband said she was SMOKING BEAUTIFUL and following other positive body advocates who show off theirs has inspired her to do the same..even though she has FLABBY STRETCHED OUT LOOSE SKIN BELLY!!

But she said that flab is here to stay as it's a big part of her life now..

Her husband said he knows how men are and notices weird comments she gets but is happy she's doing what she loves..when asked if their children would ever do what Summers does, she said "the human body is a beautiful thing, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I want them to love their bodies and if they wanna profit from sharing images, then i would be fine with that"..

Summers says PORN IS NOT EVIL but says that her pics are not a SEXUAL THING and said that she would rather walk down 5th Avenue naked than to try to look "sexy".

Her dream is to set up a horse rescue and hopes she can make it a reality someday...

Is Summers Hot? let's see what people think

She isn't actually naked in the pics but because she might be "showing" something dirty, i edited the other pics

Summers -




Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
Isn't this like... a normal [internet] thing that thousands of people do? Why is this a news article?
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
The fact that there are people who will pay for things that they can have for free at half the effort has always baffled me.
Blitzball fan? Try Captain Tsubasa II (in English) for NES!
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Board 8 » This 30 y/o Unemployed MOM makes $5000 a MONTH by SELLING PICS of Herself!!!!