This 18 y/o FEMINIST asked people if her SHOULDERS are OFFENSIVE!! Is She Hot???

Board 8

Board 8 » This 18 y/o FEMINIST asked people if her SHOULDERS are OFFENSIVE!! Is She Hot???
Is Victoria Hot?

18 y/o Victoria DiPaolo from New Jersey has long fought against her school's dress code as she ended her high school year with a sassy quote in her yearbook picture!!

She graduated West Milford High School and posed with a classic black top revealing her shoulders, a supposed violation of the school's rules and instead of posting an inspirational message, she decided to hit back at the sexist administration and wrote "I'm sorry, did m shoulders distract you from reading this quote?"

She's acquired a reputation for fighting against dress codes that targets females and said "Over the past 4 years, myself and many of my friends have received dress code violations for clothes that were nowhere near inappropriate. I became a bit infamous around school for fighting the administration about dress code, so i figured i'd use my senior quote as one final jab before i leave this place. I just found it funny that the outfits for senior portraits technically violated the dress code by exposing our shoulders, so i saw my opportunity and ran with it"

Victoria got in trouble several times for having a bra strap that showed a quarter inch of her midriff

She said "I'm an AP student, in academics clubs, and on the tennis team, i'm not exactly a delinquent, but i've spent hours sitting in principal offices because 40 y/o men were offended by my back showing. They would tell me to change or go home, so my classic response was How much of my skin exposed when it's 90 degrees out is more important than me receiving an education at a school? Okay"

One of her teachers also found her quote "hilarious" as the dress code states "Halters, half-shirts, shorts or sweaters and blouses that expose breasts or stomachs may not be worn. Shorts and skirts should not be a distraction. The should not be above the extended fingertips. Muscle shirts, mesh shirts and loose fitting tank tops are not permitted"

Is Victoria Hot? let's see what people think....

Victoria -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
I respect you. Keep up your good work.
"You put too much effort into this to be funny anymore. It's just kinda pathetic." -SEP
I am a proud female furry Ivy League student.
mrduckbear posted...
fought against her school's dress code

Ah it's that time of the week again.
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
User ID: 4002777
Board 8 » This 18 y/o FEMINIST asked people if her SHOULDERS are OFFENSIVE!! Is She Hot???