Nintendo-34 posted...
Get this...later that day while waiting in the auto shop, some dude texted her she hasn't talked to in a long time. He was telling her his "baby mama" stepped out on him, so he hit her up out of the blue trying to "reconnect." >_>
Mentioned before here that i find loyalty the most important/attractive thing in a relationship, and this is why. I texted him on her phone saying it was her BF, and i'm game to hang out as she rejected him, and his girl is with "Tyrone" right now.
He must have been cyber stalking as he knew about me.
Left it alone after that. That trust just meant so much to me, so was hard to get angry at some loser i never seen. We had a bigger concern with the car, but it was a great laugh, so thought i'd share.
"Hurt people hurt people" i guess.
I won't lie, I've kinda been where that guy is. After I broke up with my ex, I tried reconnecting with old high school friends. But it was too awkward, we hadn't talked in so long we were basically strangers lol. I didn't go after women in relationships though. I always hated cheaters.
And I don't necessarily think he was trying to
you. He may just not care that she was in a relationship. I've seen guys justify flirting with women in relationships with "Why should I care about a guy I've never met before." It's a bizarre mindset, but those guys are out there.
Nah. I was always in the camp that found it annoying and not genuine. At least expecting the person to keep it going then and there is the stupid part.
Person already in line means they were already willing to pay and want a certain thing or multiply things.
Nah, that's just the social media trend version of it. It doesn't have to be a chain in a fast food line. The idea behind pay it forward is that you do a random act of kindness for a stranger and it brightens their day. And instead of them paying you back, you just ask them to do another random act of kindness for someone else. Doesn't have to be in that moment, or even in that year. Just do something nice for someone when you have the means, even something as simple as helping an elderly person carry their groceries. It's just spreading a little kindness around, one person at a time.