people upset that a majority of protagonists in new revealed games are female

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Current Events » people upset that a majority of protagonists in new revealed games are female
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
Literally do not give 2 flying fucks.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
the Future is Female
The Official Sons of Sparda of all GameFAQS boards.
June 10, 2018. The day Dante returned to us. Do what you want, just don't expect to get paid.
Please link me to upset people (not on twitter) so I can be amused.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Is it really most or is it people just seeing more than like 5% that it used to be is most.
Citation needed.

I prefer playing as a woman though.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
I prefer female protagonists. Hopefully they are well written though
I'm indifferent on the games themselves but I'm glad bad people repeatedly expose themselves as vile and make themselves unapproachable to most of polite society. They are in an online bubble and are going to feel a lot of shock when/if they exit it and find out most people find their weird infantile ideas on women to be repulsive.
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Post #12 was unavailable or deleted.
I could not give less of a fuck.
How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
I recommend closing the stream chat window and never looking at it for any reason ever again. There's nothing of value there.
What people are you talking about and for what games? Doom? Gears of war? The sonic generations and shadow? Black Wukang?
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
The future is female
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?
Galatians 4:16
0 fucks given.
Dont really care but those people are by default stupid.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
I prefer playing women in video games so this is a boon for me.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
I have no preference whatsoever.
It's a little bit tiresome at this point, but it doesn't really hurt anybody.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
We need more manly men game protagonists like the doom guy
From my time lurking the more weebier boards on this site and on reddit, the thing about gamers that usually complain about something like this is that its not that protagonists are female that mainly has them hot and bothered (well you do actually get that woman hater every now and then)........its that they aren't "traditionally attractive" like female MCs normally were until the change for dialing down on eye-candy priority happened. (From western developers. Asian devs kind of just do their own thing regardless still).

Like they are pissed that western devs aren't designing them like this anymore...

(Not saying I agree with whatever it is they complain about. I just lurk in enough dork places to kind of know what that side of gamers is complaining about. Kind of like the whole sony censors *insert niche game here* thing).
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Thank fucking god.

I mean at the end of the day I don't care either way, I'm just glad the industry is finally mostly over "generic muscly white dude with a buzz cut". Crew cut sometimes, for variety.

If it takes more female protags to make that change I'm all for it.

Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Worst part is they're wasting nice ass assets on bad games.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Said this is in the showcase general, but I literally didn't notice any overabundance of women MCs. There may have been, but I was just looking at the games.
...I think I'm done here...
i prefer a male protagonist but i wouldnt complain about a chick at all
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
Doesn't bother me. But if the game gives a choice I pick a male character.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Unless its a game that features only straight romance ill always pick a female character given the choice anyways so it doesnt bother me.
Currently playing - OldSchool RuneScape
Something something staring at butts
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
It's a little bit tiresome at this point, but it doesn't really hurt anybody.
Why is it tiresome?
I want you to grab your nuts. Grab your balls. I want you to take a handful, and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel 'em around in a circular motion.
Post #34 was unavailable or deleted.
It doesn't matter as long as the game is good and the protagonist is cool.
PrideOfLion posted...
Anything is better than the dark-haired (or bald) white guy with stubble in his 30s
Weird thing is characters generally had hair until the PS3.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
I'd say there still aren't enough women protagonists.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Weird thing is characters generally had hair until the PS3.
Its because when the shift for more realistic games really started taking off during the 360 and PS3 generation so has the need to really, really care about hair clipping through clothes.

Hair clothes clipping and dedicating more resources to hair physics are the exact 2 reasons a dev will tell you why they don't create a whole lot of long hair styles for characters like that these days.

Japanese, chinese, and korean devs tend to prioritize style more than realism so the reason we tend to see their dev's games get long hair is because if it clips through clothes and is barely animated worth a damn it is worthy sacrifices for looking cool.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Dakimakura posted...
Oh, you know the ones.
--I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it. ~Jedah--
Mad-Dogg posted...
From my time lurking the more weebier boards on this site and on reddit, the thing about gamers that usually complain about something like this is that its not that protagonists are female that mainly has them hot and bothered (well you do actually get that woman hater every now and then)........its that they aren't "traditionally attractive" like female MCs normally were until the change for dialing down on eye-candy priority happened. (From western developers. Asian devs kind of just do their own thing regardless still).

Like they are pissed that western devs aren't designing them like this anymore...

(Not saying I agree with whatever it is they complain about. I just lurk in enough dork places to kind of know what that side of gamers is complaining about. Kind of like the whole sony censors *insert niche game here* thing).

The female stuff is clearly baseless but Sony does have a documented pattern of having it out against smaller studios.
Post #41 was unavailable or deleted.
Mad-Dogg posted...
Like they are pissed that western devs aren't designing them like this anymore...
If I learned anything from the Perfect Dark topic they would be pissed at her chin.
"A shouted order to do something of dubious morality with an unpredictable outcome? Thweeet! "
My FC is in my profile.
A lot of those people have to be in the closet. Who really cares if they are staring at a woman's ass whilst playing?
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
GiftedACIII posted...
The female stuff is clearly baseless but Sony does have a documented pattern of having it out against smaller studios.
Oh nah, not denying that is does happen because it definitely does. Its just one of those "is it really worth caring that much?" kind of things which is why I brought it up.

Like yeah, it is true that western devs (at least the bigger publishers. Indie devs like eastern devs kind of just do their own thing) has decided to opt down on the cheesecake factor that used to be common, but to be upset enough to whine about it time, and time, and time, and time, and time etc. etc. again, it gets old. There is other options if one must have their attractive female characters (just buying japanese/chinese/korean and indie games if the issue truly is that bad to complain about it in every stream chat, like what was going on in both the state of play and xbox reveal's chat).

Reason I brought up the sony thing because its pretty much the exact same type of situation. Yeah, we all know it happens, but at this point sony might not ever change their policies to how it was in the past so instead of complaining that it happens just move on and buy these censored games on steam or nintendo's platform. It just gets old hearing about it all the time like dudes intentionally need to work others up into a frenzy of anger to do......what exactly?
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
ellis123 posted...
If I learned anything from the Perfect Dark topic they would be pissed at her chin.
Yeah thats usually how it is, lol. Any kind of in their eyes "flaw" is going to be picked apart, even if its one of those bad camera angle/shot type of deals.

Still can't believe the GTA6 lady protagonist went through it and she really is for all intents and purposes pretty as hell.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Who is "people" that the TC is referring to?

Also, couldn't care less. Just make the games better.
Not changing this sig until the Knicks win the NBA Championship! Started 4/23/2010!
Mad-Dogg posted...
Oh nah, not denying that is does happen because it definitely does. Its just one of those "is it really worth caring that much?" kind of things which is why I brought it up.

Like yeah, it is true that western devs (at least the bigger publishers. Indie devs like eastern devs kind of just do their own thing) has decided to opt down on the cheesecake factor that used to be common, but to be upset enough to whine about it time, and time, and time, and time, and time etc. etc. again, it gets old. There is other options if one must have their attractive female characters (just buying japanese/chinese/korean and indie games if the issue truly is that bad to complain about it in every stream chat, like what was going on in both the state of play and xbox reveal's chat).

Reason I brought up the sony thing because its pretty much the exact same type of situation. Yeah, we all know it happens, but at this point sony might not ever change their policies to how it was in the past so instead of complaining that it happens just move on and buy these censored games on steam or nintendo's platform. It just gets old hearing about it all the time like dudes intentionally need to work others up into a frenzy of anger to do......what exactly?

It's not even about cheesecake or attractive characters.

With things like LISA getting pixelated alcohol and substance usage by minors censored (despite TLOU having the underage PCs drinking alcohol onscreen) and DDLC getting blood censored too there's some clear targeted bias going on there.
I know about all that already. It doesn't change anything I said:
Reason I brought up the sony thing because its pretty much the exact same type of situation. Yeah, we all know it happens, but at this point sony might not ever change their policies to how it was in the past so instead of complaining that it happens just move on and buy these censored games on steam or nintendo's platform . It just gets old hearing about it all the time like dudes intentionally need to work others up into a frenzy of anger to do......what exactly?
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Mad-Dogg posted...
Its because when the shift for more realistic games really started taking off during the 360 and PS3 generation so has the need to really, really care about hair clipping through clothes.

Hair clothes clipping and dedicating more resources to hair physics are the exact 2 reasons a dev will tell you why they don't create a whole lot of long hair styles for characters like that these days.

Japanese, chinese, and korean devs tend to prioritize style more than realism so the reason we tend to see their dev's games get long hair is because if it clips through clothes and is barely animated worth a damn it is worthy sacrifices for looking cool.
That actually makes total sense.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Personally I think there's a big difference between losers complaining about delusional culture war nonsense and criticizing slimy corporate moves.
Current Events » people upset that a majority of protagonists in new revealed games are female
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