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Community » SpiritSephiroth
Topics: 120
Current Events No matter how much water or icecream I have in this heat... 14 2024-07-20 11:20:56
Posts: 1,299
BlueTigerLion posted...
Yea solution is to just go to other forums that allow you to talk about female celebs or porn such as Reddit. This is technically a gaming site to look for guides and help on games.

This excuse would make sense if every other subject wasn't discussed here either.
https://imgur.com/a/LYNS7ow https://imgur.com/a/knf9AoW https://imgur.com/a/TIIdBJT
https://imgur.com/a/RYkMp5I https://imgur.com/a/48AD2yM
Community » SpiritSephiroth