US Supreme Court rules that racial gerrymandering is perfectly fine

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Current Events » US Supreme Court rules that racial gerrymandering is perfectly fine
Kradek posted...
This country is fucked thanks to the Federalist Society and they'll never get what they truly deserve.

They aren't immortal or impervious to retribution.

Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
ScazarMeltex posted...
They aren't immortal or impervious to retribution.

I've literally never heard about them being held accountable for anything. Technically they don't do anything illegal, as far as I'm aware, they're just actively working towards some far-right fascist utopia through legal avenues.

The only ones who can hold them to any sort of account are vigilante's and other than the guy who shot Scalise during the Congressional baseball game and the one who stood outside Kavanaugh's house with a rifle before calling the police on himself, the only ones I hear willing to get violent towards a political force/entity are right-wingers.

Hell, Dems don't even call in architects of their plan like Leonard Leo to explain themselves and their fascistic goals, they just act like nothing concerning is happening while we get stories about Project 2025 or because they don't want to seem like Republicans for overly investigating things, but damn, it's not the same if there's actually something worth investigating.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
ScazarMeltex posted...
They aren't immortal or impervious to retribution.

They pretty much are, actually
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There is currently one way of holding a Supreme Court Justice accountsble and it requires 66 people.

On the flip side of that it seems to be relatively easy to just buy their votes. Perhaps were overlooking several obvious solutions?
Moustache twirling villain Kerbey
Zero_Destroyer posted...
They pretty much are, actually
They are only immune to people working within the confines the legal system.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Kradek posted...
And it'll be come 5/9ths if he gets back in, as Alito and Thomas I expect to step down.

Yeah, Alito's opinion was "Black people tend to vote democratic, so this isn't racial gerrymandering, it's political gerrymandering"

Even though I believe SC in their plans literally said they were intentionally trying to racially gerrymander in order to hurt the black vote.

This country is fucked thanks to the Federalist Society and they'll never get what they truly deserve.
It's honestly the media's fault for not making a bigger deal of Republicans blocking a Supreme Court pick.

That should have been the starting story every day of how Republicans are politicizing the courts. It should have had countdowns like they do with the budget and government shut downs. Instead they just shrugged and moved on.

That's the moment democracy truly died.

At every turn over the last decade the media has completely failed to live up to the moment.
ClayGuida posted...
It's honestly the media's fault for not making a bigger deal of Republicans blocking a Supreme Court pick.

That should have been the starting story every day of how Republicans are politicizing the courts. It should have had countdowns like they do with the budget and government shut downs. Instead they just shrugged and moved on.

That's the moment democracy truly died.

At every turn over the last decade the media has completely failed to live up to the moment.

Oh, the media is absolutely a large part of why we're in such a precarious place and this is a good example of why, yes.

As for the moment democracy died, I think it has an earlier origin. Them cheerleading us into Iraq for ratings is when I believe they gave up on responsible journalism and behavior in favor of fearmongering and theatrics. From then on it was all about ratings and trying to control the narrative of the national discussion as opposed to informing us on the facts and the consequences of things with the severity/informative level it deserves.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Kradek posted...
Oh, the media is absolutely a large part of why we're in such a precarious place and this is a good example of why, yes.

As for the moment democracy died, I think it has an earlier origin. Them cheerleading us into Iraq for ratings is when I believe they gave up on responsible journalism and behavior. From then on it was all about ratings and trying to control the narrative of the national discussion as opposed to informing us on the facts and the consequences of things with the severity/informative level it deserves.
9/11 or the Clinton trials probably gave them such a ratings boost, they were required to find a replacement at all times.
ClayGuida posted...
9/11 or the Clinton trials probably gave them such a ratings boost, they were required to find a replacement at all times.

Oops, upon rethinking about it, democracy did in the 2000 election when the SC stole the election for Bush by stopping the counting in FL when Jeb was ahead. From there we had Citizen's United and the stripping of the voters right's act, however I think we started to really feel it in 2000. 700k black voters were disenfranchised in that election (Greg Palast is the one who discovered and reported on this, you should check out his stuff on the issue). Palast is also raising the alarm about what's happening in GA with black people being thrown off voter rolls just because someone says like "I don't recognize this person" and without any sort of investigation.

But corporate mainstream media legitimacy died, I think, when they cheerled us into Iraq for ratings and domination of public narrative.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Heineken14 posted...
And if reelected Donnie will probably get to replace 2 of the republican justices with younger s*** heads. But, you know.... Biden just doesn't inspire me enough to care about long term consequences.

You know whose actions have more consequences than random people on CE towards whether Biden wins re-election? Biden.

Biden is unwilling to pack the court, he doesn't want people to get rid of the filibuster, he'd probably replace Alito or Thomas with Garland or another "sensible" conservative even though Garland completely dragged his feet on prosecuting Trump which partially led us to this in the first place.

What lessons did Democrats learn from 2016? Because it mostly seems to be "weakly persist until the next Republican gets into office and tears everything apart".
It honestly sounds like it's nearly time to just tear this country up at the roots and start over again. We're getting to the point where we can't change things for the better if things continue like this.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Solar_Crimson posted...
It honestly sounds like it's nearly time to just tear this country up at the roots and start over again. We're getting to the point where we can't change things for the better if things continue like this.

On point:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government , laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -- 1984
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
The Supreme Court is an illegitimate institution that should be completely ignored

'Just sitting around the house tonight w my dog. Felt like I should be doing something important, but couldn't put my finger on it.' - Phil Kessel on USA snub
Pack the court.
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
Even if someone decided to vigilante some of the members of the Supreme Court, Biden would probably actively not install any new judges as a show of stupid ass "Good Faith" to right-wingers, because that's exactly what they need.

"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Bat178 posted...
So are we screwed in November due to this?
We were screwed before this. Trump is sadly going to win, this just makes his road even easier.
Balenciaga hoodies and Gucci shoes
Kradek posted...
Oops, upon rethinking about it, democracy started it's decline towards death in the 2000 election when the SC stole the election for Bush by stopping the counting in FL when Jeb was ahead. From there we had Citizen's United and the stripping of the voters right's act, however I think we started to really feel it in 2000. 700k black voters were disenfranchised in that election (Greg Palast is the one who discovered and reported on this, you should check out his stuff on the issue). Palast is also raising the alarm about what's happening in GA with black people being thrown off voter rolls just because someone says like "I don't recognize this person" and without any sort of investigation.

But corporate mainstream media legitimacy died, I think, when they cheerled us into Iraq for ratings and domination of public narrative.
I think the bullshit with Valerie Plame was another nail in that coffin in that same era.
For those too young to remember a career diplomat name Joe Wilson wrote a series of Op-Ed pieces in the NY Times about how the Bush admin's narrative they were using to get us into the Iraq war was bullshit. He based this on a mission he undertook for the State Dept to Niger to investigate the possibility of the Iraqis attempting to get ahold of yellow cake uranium.

As punishment for that Op-Ed VP Dick Cheney's office leaked the name of Joe Wilson's wife, a CIA employee working as NOC (non-official cover) operative to a conservative columnist for the Washington Post named Robert Novak. He wrote Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an agency operative on weapons of mass destruction. Two senior administration officials told me that Wilson's wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate the Italian report.

There was an investigation into the leak and a grand jury. The grand jury investigation did not result in the indictment or conviction of anyone for any crime in connection with the leak itself. However, Scooter Libby, who lied during the investigation to cover for Karl Rove and Richard Armitage, was indicted on one count of obstruction of justice, one count of perjury, and three counts of making false statements to the grand jury and federal investigators.

So the Office of the Vice President, butthurt that the admin was called out for their lies, punished the person who called them out by doing leaking and publishing the name of a CIA operative and got away with it.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Kradek posted...
And it'll be come 5/9ths if he gets back in, as Alito and Thomas I expect to step down.

Yep, those are the 2 I was referring to. I think Sotomayor would last 4 years but I believe she's also 70, so fucking hell if she didn't. 7-2 conservative split all from a dude who tried to over throw the government and didn't get the most votes 3 times in a row.....

....but Biden just doesn't inspire me enough, you know?
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Heineken14 posted...
Yep, those are the 2 I was referring to. I think Sotomayor would last 4 years but I believe she's also 70, so fucking hell if she didn't. 7-2 conservative split all from a dude who tried to over throw the government and didn't get the most votes 3 times in a row.....

....but Biden just doesn't inspire me enough, you know?

I think it's more than fair to call out Biden and try to push him to be better, while still acknowledging that Trump and the GOP are an existential threat to American Democracy, and even if it's just harm mitigation, it's better to vote pretty much straight blue up and down the ticket.

It also doesn't help how the meds handles things when it's Democrats vs. Republicans. Dems are held to way higher standards, when the same thing would barely be a blip from a Republican.

Shit like what Abbott did with pardoning that supremacist murderer, to this SCOTUS ruling, to project 20 fucking 25 should be wall to wall coverage. Among others.

Facts should be painted so obviously that any normal moderate or fence sitter should be dead set on tossing the current GOP out on their collective asses.
Anteaterking posted...
You know whose actions have more consequences than random people on CE towards whether Biden wins re-election? Biden.

Biden is unwilling to pack the court, he doesn't want people to get rid of the filibuster, he'd probably replace Alito or Thomas with Garland or another "sensible" conservative even though Garland completely dragged his feet on prosecuting Trump which partially led us to this in the first place.

What lessons did Democrats learn from 2016? Because it mostly seems to be "weakly persist until the next Republican gets into office and tears everything apart".
Current Events » US Supreme Court rules that racial gerrymandering is perfectly fine
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