US Supreme Court rules that racial gerrymandering is perfectly fine

Current Events

Heineken14 posted...
Yep, those are the 2 I was referring to. I think Sotomayor would last 4 years but I believe she's also 70, so fucking hell if she didn't. 7-2 conservative split all from a dude who tried to over throw the government and didn't get the most votes 3 times in a row.....

....but Biden just doesn't inspire me enough, you know?

I think it's more than fair to call out Biden and try to push him to be better, while still acknowledging that Trump and the GOP are an existential threat to American Democracy, and even if it's just harm mitigation, it's better to vote pretty much straight blue up and down the ticket.

It also doesn't help how the meds handles things when it's Democrats vs. Republicans. Dems are held to way higher standards, when the same thing would barely be a blip from a Republican.

Shit like what Abbott did with pardoning that supremacist murderer, to this SCOTUS ruling, to project 20 fucking 25 should be wall to wall coverage. Among others.

Facts should be painted so obviously that any normal moderate or fence sitter should be dead set on tossing the current GOP out on their collective asses.