Is Final Fantasy 16 worth getting?

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Current Events » Is Final Fantasy 16 worth getting?
Thinking of picking it up but it seems theres a lot of opinions on it
I used to be a blackjack dealer on a riverboat named Black Sally's Apple. It was a very low point in my life
That would depend on you, really. I thought the game had a lot of missed opportunities and ended up being aggressively average because of that. Like the combat is an improvement over 15, but still ends up being pretty simplistic.

And some of the later boss fights drag on for far, far too long. Like I was, without exaggeration, fighting one boss for 30 minutes straight just because he had so many different phases to him before he finally stayed down. Get down his health bar? Cutscene, followed by another phase. Over and over.

So in my opinion, if you need a new game to play, it will last you a decent amount of time, but if you have a backlog, then I'd play one of those games instead.
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
on one hand, I liked it - good characters, interesting story.

but on the other, it was heavily flawed, IMO - quality of the story drops off later on, side-quests are uninspired Eikon battles could get repetitive.


edit: overall, I say yes, but wait for a sale.
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own."
- mr. MFN eXquire.
It's got the best story in an FF since X. It's a really good game overall with just a few blemishes. The 87 Metacritic score is well-deserved.
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I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
Yeah, it's really fun.

Starts slow, gameplay wise, but once you get some stuff unlocked it becomes really fun to try out different attacks and combos.

Story's good (though, I hate the ending), good characters and voice acting, some of the best boss fights in gaming, etc.
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NoxObscuras posted...
That would depend on you, really. I thought the game had a lot of missed opportunities and ended up being aggressively average because of that. Like the combat is an improvement over 15, but still ends up being pretty simplistic.

And some of the later boss fights drag on for far, far too long. Like I was, without exaggeration, fighting one boss for 30 minutes straight just because he had so many different phases to him before he finally stayed down. Get down his health bar? Cutscene, followed by another phase. Over and over.

Well some people like this. The game is a solid 8.5 with some very high highs and low lows. But your enjoyment will great depend on how much youre invested in the story. Gameplay is pretty light on rpg stuff and makes the game worse.

Also it has received some quality of life improvements with recent updates and some of the bad stuff is more tolerable now. Like going back to the sidequest giver after finishing a quest. Thatll save you some time and headaches during certain portions of the game.
I liked the promotional art but the initial excitement for the game was sus
updated 5/22/2023
Its a solid game that seems to get a bizarre amount of hate

Very high highs, but also some very low lows. I think it balances out in favor of the highs though, and I recommend it
Hee Ho
Yeah, it's got some minor problems, but it's worth playing. IMO, it has the best story of a single-player FF since 10. The combat is also fun. It's like a more open and nonlinear DMC5.

On the other hand, it has the least RPG elements of any FF game. The leveling and equipment feels superficial and unrewarding, and your party members are just NPCs with no health bar or anything.

The postives still outweigh for me though.
...I think I'm done here...
If youre a big fan of the series, its worth playing for the experience. It has its problems, but I enjoyed it for the most part.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
It's got a great Final Fantasy type story.

However it's missing some core "final fantasy" and maybe even some basic RPG stuff in my eyes. That said it's still fun and worth a play.
"No. I'm a man so theyll get me a full size McDouble." - DuncanWii
As a non FF fan I would skip, but if you like good graphics and flashy combat give it a try
I gave it a 8/10, and the ending boosted it a little.

If I didn't like the ending it would have been a 7.5.

Game is decent for the first 15 or so hours, but after that everything drags and the gameplay isn't strong enough to be a 40 hour game

I wouldn't spend more than $50. If you wait till June you can probably grab a copy for $40
GTag/PSN: MechaknightX [] Switch ID: SirMecha [][]
'Cloud, this isn't a normal reactor! It's the Chemical Plant Zone'
I love the characters. The story and music are terrific too imo. The gameplay could be better but still entertaining enough. And as some already have written, the highs are really high.
"BalanceLost has a steam-powered PS2 because Sweden don't have electric" - dimeanatrix
I honestly would say yes, but not at full price.

It's quite the spectacle but there's basically no reason to revisit. Like 40USD should be a sweet spot.
It's got some fantastic highs, but also some low lows.

Pretty much a 7/10 game all things said and done. I don't regret buying it day 1, but if you're asking I'd say wait for a sale. Especially for the DLC, which should be half the price for what you get.
Well some people like this. The game is a solid 8.5 with some very high highs and low lows. But your enjoyment will great depend on how much youre invested in the story. Gameplay is pretty light on rpg stuff and makes the game worse.

Also it has received some quality of life improvements with recent updates and some of the bad stuff is more tolerable now. Like going back to the sidequest giver after finishing a quest. Thatll save you some time and headaches during certain portions of the game.
And that's fair. I did preface my post with "that would depend on you, really" lol. So for me, the overly long boss fights was a negative. That's fine if others liked that though.

Hayame_Zero posted...
The combat is also fun. It's like a more open and nonlinear DMC5.
I feel like this really sets the wrong expectation for the combat. It's definitely the best action combat in the franchise so far, but it's nowhere near DMC levels.
Steam/Xbox/PSN = NoxObscuras
Z490 | i9-10900K | EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra | 32GB DDR4 3600 | 4TB SSD
Some boss battles are jaw dropping from a tech and scale level, IMO.

The game is great, but suffers from some bad pacing near the end.

Zero regrets myself.
I'm a long, long way from giving up
Call me old-fashioned, call me a fool
Wait til it comes to Steam and you can get it on a good sale.
Current Events » Is Final Fantasy 16 worth getting?