I'm on the fence this time. Endwalker was amazing, but I don't really see much hype for this one this time.
As an FF9 fan, I'm super hyped for Dawntrail as it looks like it's going to be FF9 reference heavy.
Wait really? I love FF9, too. That Zidane minion pre-order looks cool as well...hmmmm
The new Viper job is basically just Zidane and one of the new areas is called Solution 9 which is one Zidane's Trance abilities. They're making it pretty clear that this expansion will have a lot of FF9 love.
Some people think this all is a hint to a FF9 remake
but I don't really see much hype for this one this time.
is it worth enduring the queues? the game has been gettings DDoS'd hard recently and I can only imagine it getting worse with returning players and the DDoSers wanting to hit them when it hurtsIt was just one day. There's no queues currently.
I would way rather have gone to Meracydia or theThirteenth/World of Darknessfor an expansion because this seems just TOO low stakes and fillery on the surface. Sure it'll still be good, just a giant change in pace and tone from what we've seen
If they'll fix their fucking payment processing issues so I can use my debit card, then I plan to play it, yes.I removed my card just in case. I heard you might get banned if your card doesn't work
I removed my card just in case. I heard you might get banned if your card doesn't workI removed mine too, and it wouldn't have been accepted when it tried to renew anyway so it's not like I would've gotten anything by putting it back on. But until they fix the problem I can't even re-add it.
I bought a time card instead
I removed mine too, and it wouldn't have been accepted when it tried to renew anyway so it's not like I would've gotten anything by putting it back on. But until they fix the problem I can't even re-add it.I think I read that if you get that message after removing and trying to re-add, it means it wouldn't have renewed if you had left it alone. So you did the right thing
I just keep getting this anytime I try: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/a/forum/a/a105cd02.png
I never even finished ARR. I loved the setting, I loved the characters and the visuals and exploring, but damn the story was just so dry, I really couldn't keep up with it even because there'd be some major climactic moment and then the next two quests would be doing menial odd jobs at a tavern.Supposedly the story is incredible in Shadowbringers and Endwalker
I have heard that, but I've also heard it takes 100 hours to complete ARR and I don't have that kind of commitment :(That's only if you do more than the MSQ. Each expansion can be done in like 40ish hours like a regular RPG otherwise.
The story isn't really that slow outside of ARR. Just don't do the absolute garbage sidequests. They're not worth it for entertainment purposes or for in game reward purposes.The only one that stands out besides the Manderville questline is the guy in Heavensward who's chocobo was missing, and it's unforgettable because of how depressing it is.