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Tales of Berseria... Good game or nah?

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Current Events » Tales of Berseria... Good game or nah?
Velvet is a perfect SoulCaliber candidate btw
oui c'est bon
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
It's one of my favorite games of all time.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
You of course mean Tales of Bearseria, yes it's alright. Not incredible but worth a play.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
Yeh. Angry cristina vee is fun.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
See profile pic
It supports and endorses straight shota. Do with that as you will.
"Look, if I was good at math, I wouldn't be on CE at 2:00 the morning clicking on topics about porn stars ****ing horses." - May 2017, Dash_Harber
borderline queerbaiting i kept thinking Velvet was going to hook up with a chick
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Has one of the best plots and casts in the Tales of Series, far better then Arise...but the combat is not as fleshed out as some of the others.
I really hate the battle system but I guess the rest of it is okay.
Currently Playing: The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
Robot2600 posted...
borderline queerbaiting i kept thinking Velvet was going to hook up with a chick
let's not forget Eizen and Rokurou

It's a very fun game
whats cat up to
SuperShake666 posted...
It supports and endorses straight shota. Do with that as you will.
No it doesn't.

Robot2600 posted...
borderline queerbaiting i kept thinking Velvet was going to hook up with a chick
Does it count as queerbaiting when Velvet doesn't hook up with anyone in the end?
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
it's borderline but it gets a pass. although if we're being honest Velvet + Magilou is obviously what was intended.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Top 5 Tales for sure.
"I play with myself" - Darklit_Minuet, 2018
Great cast, good story, solid combat system. I generally prefer Tales of Vesperia/Xillia era combat, but Berseria's is still really solid.

Really good game all around.
I make Fire Emblem videos. Sometimes.
Robot2600 posted...
it's borderline but it gets a pass. although if we're being honest Velvet + Magilou is obviously what was intended.
Nuh-uh, Veleanor forever.

But yeah, the combat system is entertaining but not very deep (I imagine it's more interesting if you don't main Velvet, to be fair) but the writing is seriously excellent.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
The characters are really interesting (for a JRPG). Plot is generic and ending is dumb. Battle system is entertaining in a mind-numbing way, but you literally cant die if youre playing as Velvet.
[____]===0 . . . . Ye olde beating stick.
not really but Velvet is my chosen name because of it so
waiter! waiter! more yuri please!!
she/her. trans rights
radical_rhino posted...
Plot is generic and ending is dumb.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.
Great game
If it wasn't for Yuri the Chad, Velvet would be my favorite Tales of protagonist. I love that she stays a heel throughout the whole story, she just starts fighting other heels.
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
Great Tales game. The plot itself was okay, but the voice performances turned in by the main cast were great. Christina Vee in particular brought Velvet to life in a way that shone above everyone else.
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
i think magilou was just was good, idk the VA.

the main guys were good support, but they dont steal the show from velvet and magilou who should have been the only characters.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Magilou was Erica Lindbeck
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
Good game, probably Top 5 Tales games
ChrisTaka's not-alt
9 dollars on psn right now I think
Italian, French, German.
couldn't stand it unfortunately

Arise is way better
it's the edgiest of Tales games . also there's weird incest vibes moments played off as a joke because Anime. :C
its one of there EASEST popular titles, but I liked it.

I bought extra outfits for the girls.

I might have played 12 times. The new game plus grade system
is cool, if you know how that works.

I liked it, but many don't.
Dr. Darrell of Michigan
Riden with Biden, Vote Democrat, everyday, every year, every election. Help repair the USA.
I did not like Berseria's combat. I never really understood how it was supposed to be implemented to be fun and engaging. I just button mashed every battle.
That's why you main other characters in Berseria
SuperShake666 posted...
It supports and endorses straight shota. Do with that as you will.

No it doesn't. She treats Laphicet like a tool at first then as her dead brother's replacement throughout the game.
Intel 486, Integrated videocard, 16MB RAM, 64MB HD, 3 1/4 inch floppy
Very good game. I really liked how you weren't a goody two shoes out to save the world this time, even if that is kinda what ended up happening.

Seriously, within the first couple of hours you:

Get turned into a demon
Slaughter your kin (by mistake, but still)
Devour demons to feed
Incite a prison riot and escape by stealing a boat
Maim a man
Conspire with a demon to burn down a port, then burn down the port
Steal another boat
Kick a small child in the face, then kidnap said child to fight for you
Conspire with pirates to destroy an Abbey checkpoint

I really loved this game.
Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
Remember that time Lloyd was in Soul Calibur?
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Post #34 was unavailable or deleted.
*Very* good game! I'd probably rate it as my #3 Tales game, behind Symphonia and Abyss. Fantastic cast, I think the only party member I don't absolutely love is the sixth one, and probably the coolest final dungeon in any RPG I've ever played~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
Let's be friends~
Extremely good.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
The /ss/ is strong with this one.

It's the best modern tales of, which isn't saying a whole lot.
While I do love the cast, theres a huge glaring exception with Magilou. Shes everything thats wrong with anime. Awful, out of place comedic relief.
[____]===0 . . . . Ye olde beating stick.
It came out when Tales games were very very bad.

Its way better than they are. Its decent. Combat is shallow. Characters are likable. Its anime. Take that as you will.
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Current Events » Tales of Berseria... Good game or nah?