Tales of Berseria... Good game or nah?

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Very good game. I really liked how you weren't a goody two shoes out to save the world this time, even if that is kinda what ended up happening.

Seriously, within the first couple of hours you:

Get turned into a demon
Slaughter your kin (by mistake, but still)
Devour demons to feed
Incite a prison riot and escape by stealing a boat
Maim a man
Conspire with a demon to burn down a port, then burn down the port
Steal another boat
Kick a small child in the face, then kidnap said child to fight for you
Conspire with pirates to destroy an Abbey checkpoint

I really loved this game.
Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.