A sandwich without Mayo is a sandwich NOT

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Current Events » A sandwich without Mayo is a sandwich NOT
Worth making.

Facts and if you hate mayo. It's all good I'm not a Mustard fan myself.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Mayo is the worst condiment man created.
My head's not torn off, my sunglasses aren't broken. Amen, hallelujah, peanut butter.
Weird Borat title
See profile pic
Irony posted...
Weird Borat title

Weird hater post.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Mayo lettuce and provolone is literally all you need. Anything more and youre just fucking around
More to do with the humidity than heat
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
It's the only kind that IS worth making.

Mayo is the nastiest thing on the planet that's actually made for consumption. Except maybe grapefruit.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
A sandwich should be lubricated, but that can also be accoplished with mustard or dressing.
Dedicated to D - 4/15/05
mustard is the only condiment worth putting on a sandwich
just another freak in the freak kingdom

Im not putting mayo on a chicken parm hero
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
Mayo is absolutely disgusting.
mayo ruins everything it touches
It don't matter. None of this matters.
Don't get me wrong, I like mayo... but get that s*** away from my grilled cheese sandwich.
Mayo Is fantastic!
Gimme that peanut butter and mayo any day
Warning: Sometimes biased
http://i.imgur.com/V0x5fw8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IOovUge.gif http://i.imgur.com/zw7bqPH.jpg
Getting C's and D's, saying thanks and please.
You broke the golden rule, you're staying after school.
Mayo is only good when it can't be tasted, which should tell you something.

Mayo is the Devils condiment.

Mayo can go burn in hell.

It is vile disgusting stuff.
Current Events » A sandwich without Mayo is a sandwich NOT