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What's the worst game you've ever played?

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Current Events » What's the worst game you've ever played?
Either because it was straight up broken or just bad.

Probably this Minecraft knockoff called Fortresscraft
High Seraph Ultima of the Lucavi
Atelier Resleriana
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While I absolutely love and adore the game, the original xbox version of Morrowind is probably the most broken game I ever played.
There's a ton of NES and SNES games that could make the list.
...I think I'm done here...
Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt for the N64.

An old friend of mine back in the day gave it to me along with some racing game called MRC as an "apology" for losing my copies of Kirby's Dream Land 1 & 2 and Kirby Star Stacker that I let him borrow. (He probably lied and just stole them.) It was a poor man's Mario Party and completely unfun as well.

Yu Yu Hakusho: Spirit Detective on the GBA is another bad one. Looks ugly, sounds awful, and plays bad.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Your favorite
See profile pic
Super Empire Strikes Back.

So hard to the point of being completely unfun
High Seraph Ultima of the Lucavi
Naughty Bear or Knights Contract for the PS3. I might've played worse shovelware games on Steam, but those two were the first to come to mind
My Personal Backlog (I might have a problem) -
I dunno.... maybe Eternal Ring? Though if we are talking personal preference, I'm not a huge fan of the Fallout games.
Grand Dad 7. Grand Dad trilogy 1-6 was better
Who needs sex when life screws me daily?
I'm expecting some wonky answers from people who only play 3 games a year and have no context or perspective.
All your favorite RPGs:
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Probably Action 52... 52 games in 1. I've tried 15 games so far, and all but 1 are awful/unplayable. I don't expect any kind of improvement.
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X-men on the NES. Younger gamers who grew up starting with the PS1/saturn/N64 generation of consoles is fortunate not having experienced LJN's garbage. As bad as superman 64 was it felt like a masterpiece compared to the x-men NES steaming turd.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Back To The Future and BTTF 2&3. Beat BTTF using an NES Advantage in the Cafe and Classroom parts. Never beat 2 (you basically have to do a map of the streets and how to reach each) so never got to play part 3.
Insert some witty line here
Raiders of the Lost Ark on Atari 2600. Very confusing "game".
i7-12700F - 3080 - 64GB 3200 - 1440p Ultrawide
bluezero posted...
Raiders of the Lost Ark on Atari 2600. Very confusing "game".
Ah, yes. We had that game back in the day. We never managed to beat it either.
Insert some witty line here
I really hated one of those PSX Digimon World games as a kid. That is the only game I can think of that I brought back early on the blockbuster rental. I remember just not being able to figure out what to do, and then my monster took a shit on the floor and that was about it for me.
Either Street Fighter I or Mega Man on DOS. Hard to choose since they both were awful, but I have to lean towards Mega Man.
Switch/PC 16 GB 6700k RTX 3080
Cards/Suns/'Yotes/Diamondbacks/ASU Fan
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly

Horrible, horrible memories of that game.
E.T on Atari 2600

Pac-Man on Atari 2600

Yes I have played the 2 games responsible for the North American video game crash of 1983.
SODA off road racing.

It was on PC in like... 1998 or so.

The physics were so bad that you couldn't avoid doing a 180 turn on ever corner.
But that didn't stop my cousin and I from enjoying the game. You could just free roam drive around and hit some huge jumps, so we would see who could get the best crash.
Doki Doki Literature Club
Killing Floor 2.

One of the only games I've ever actually returned. Hot garbage that tried way to hard to be l4d.
Stake: Fortune Fighters. It's not even close.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
KajeI posted...
Stake: Fortune Fighters. It's not even close.
God, this was so bad!
i7-12700F - 3080 - 64GB 3200 - 1440p Ultrawide
Grand Theft Auto 4

The character movement is weird in the newer GTA's. I just can't get with it after being spoiled by Bully and Saint's Row
I feel well put
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed.
Big Rigs and Superman 64
No lollygaggin'.
One of the last 2k NHL games. Took it back and traded it in that day, didnt even care about the money I lost I just wanted it gone.
The Great Dalmuti

Its not a video game, but a tabletop game. The gameplay was boring and decisions dont seem that complex. Ive never had less fun playing any game.

As for video games, Ephemeral Phantasia. Doing anything was clunky and it was boring. I never got far in the game because I got distracted when it told me to go somewhere and wouldnt clearly tell me where that was again.
Pipotchi posted...
Spyro: Enter the Dragon
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
Still life 2
Very glitchy and has too many timed segments towards the end.
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop. He/Him
For a game Ive beaten at least Cross Edge. Terrible story, graphics, world, and possibly the worst gameplay mechanics and combat systems Ive ever experienced or experienced to this day.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
Superman 64
Goldeneye Rogue Agent
Shut your BF28/9 sound hole and listen up.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? Strike three.
Well, I think there's like a 40-way tie between various 2600 games (seriously, the Missile Commands and Pitfalls of the system are freak anomalies; most of the games are like 2-player-only Tic-tac-toe but you have to recognize the victory conditions yourself; it makes no sense how bad 90%+ of this system's library is) but that's cheating so I'm gonna go with Mega Man III for DOS.

I see answers like:

ImAMarvel posted...
Metroid: Other M is my other answer. I wasn't a kid so I recognized how awful it was.

HighSeraph posted...
Super Empire Strikes Back.

So hard to the point of being completely unfun

Garabandal posted...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

And I'm like, you just don't get it. But look, ignorance is bliss amigos.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Post #40 was unavailable or deleted.
Superman 64.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
bluezero posted...
God, this was so bad!
I'm mildly surprised anyone else here has played it. It's such a mess.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
I actually got pretty far in Superman 64, but I clipped through the ground using super speed in a warehouse and couldnt die, so I had to restart from the last save and it was waaay far back and I gave up.
No lollygaggin'.
Death Stranding.

it's trash in every area outside of visuals and performance (I experienced no bugs or crashes).
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own." -
mr. MFN eXquire.
ImAMarvel posted...
Other M is a great example of a game that's technically well-made, is entirely functional, runs very well, etc., but just fails on just about every other level, including from a game design point of view, in terms of writing, and in terms of presentation.

Like it's so, so bad. It may not be a 1/10 game but it's definitely like a 4/10. lol Maybe even a bit worse.

But imagine a game that fails from a game design point of view, in terms of writing, in terms of presentation, AND is a disaster technically, not at all functional and runs like crap.

I mean, we're talking about a game where none of the buttons does anything except make your character jitter in his oscillation between two really awkward frames of animation. A game where, if you manage to hack your way into providing actual workable control, bombards you with an enemy that stands on top of you dealing contact damage, too close for you to shoot (remember, the projectiles spawn at the end of your arm cannon), and runs faster than you, so you can neither destroy it nor escape it and your only hope is to just ignore it and haul ass to the end of the level before you run out of HP.

And the one that got my pick was that game's even worse sequel. Whose title is Mega Man III even though there is no Mega Man II.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
the crystalis remake for gbc was offensive to me
I don't know if it's the worst, but Stuntman on the PS2 was a massive disappointment.
You address me by my proper title, you little bollocks.
Some people will disagree, but Bart's Nightmare was absolutely the worst game I've played
Sack to crack, going to town
Hayame_Zero posted...
There's a ton of NES and SNES games that could make the list.

I've mostly just played mediocre games in the last 20-something years, but even the worst modern games I've played haven't compared to how totally broken they used to be.

Yeah I got into this emulator site for a short period and played a lot of older games and yeah nes is 80% pure shit. The gems just stand head and shoulders above the rest.

But also thanks to that site I have played ET...
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
A 16 color rubix cube game for Windows 32 (the original version of windows)
Yes, I'm serious.
Current Events » What's the worst game you've ever played?
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