An army of average Saiyans vs an army of average Viltrumites

Current Events

DrizztLink posted...
Shamelessly stolen from a feat topic:
I think people overlook this but man this eclipses so much of what any Saiyans have been portrayed to do imo. Though again, it's not a discussion of the averages. I think comparing the strongest btwn them is too hard (Invincible already having run through and even having a flash forward arc). Saiyans couldn't individually outmatch somebody like Jiren, and Jiren reminds me a lot of Thragg (lol just saw the wiki reference the similarity btwn these two). Thragg being the strongest Viltrumite before the 1v1 with Mark.

Mark could individually outmatch Thragg eventually, and future Mark is like several times stronger. Goku would straight up need a series or two runtime in its entirety before we can even flirt with the idea that the highest form Goku can match up against Prime Mark.
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