How much longer till we get moderated for having negative opinions of Fandom

Current Events

It's already against the ToU for trolling in some circumstances, since D_Toast and Timmy are fandom employees, and there are posters who might like Fandom (e.g. it's like insulting a movie, celebrity, game, etc.) Whether or not Fandom and the mods are applying it fairly, I have no idea (though I don't have much faith that they do, esp. if D_Toast is modding them directly)

Keep in mind of course that on Gamefaqs, you have always been far more likely to get modded for trolling if your post doesn't contain anything (or very little) that is constructive other than "X sucks/blows/inhales/is stupid"

I would give examples, but the last time I did that regarding something, I got a 10KL-- you're not allowed to do that anymore because you might be coyly trying to "test the boundaries" or weasel around the ToU is my guess.