How much longer till we get moderated for having negative opinions of Fandom

Current Events

STEROLIZER posted...
Well I mean, DToast is just an employee.

That's one of the main issues. We used to have people in charge who are genuinely passionate about this site and it's success.

DToast is just some dude who works for a company that barely knows who we are. The other admin doesn't even have 100 logged days on his account.

You can't grow a site this old by doing the same old corporate bullshit that's ruined sites fresher than this. Is this DToast's fault? No, he's just a worker.

But unfortunately his job is to basically take the heat, as all community managers tend to do when their company does something stupid and unpopular.

As for constructive criticism, I guess your memory isn't the best because both our admins made two feedback topics.

Only to inform us that literally none of it matters because Fandom already decided months ago what they were going to do all this.

If Toast doesn't want to be frustrated, he can take it up with Fandom or quit. I don't feel especially sympathetic towards anyone waving that company's flag right now.

Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)