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DeSantis says Florida will not comply with Title IX changes.

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Current Events » DeSantis says Florida will not comply with Title IX changes.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Thursday his state will not comply with recently unveiled changes to Title IX by the Biden administration.

Florida rejects [President Bidens] attempt to rewrite Title IX, DeSantis said in a video posted to the social platform X. We will not comply, and we will fight back.

We are not gonna let Joe Biden try to inject men into womens activities, DeSantis continued. We are not gonna let Joe Biden undermine the rights of parents, and we are not gonna let Joe Biden abuse his constitutional authority to try to impose these policies on us here in Florida.

The Biden administration unveiled a final set of changes to Title IX last week that add protections for transgender students to the federal civil rights law on sex-based discrimination. The changes will take effect in early August.

First Abbott tells the federal government to pound sand. Now DaSantis is doing likewise. At some point there has to be consequences for Republican governors for openly defying federal law, right?
darkace77450 posted...
At some point there has to be consequences for Republican governors for openly defying federal law, right?

Trump tried to overthrow the government 4 years and isn't even yet on trial for it. Currently it is being argued to the Supreme Court if he can actually be prosecuted for it.
darkace77450 posted...

First Abbott tells the federal government to pound sand. Now DaSantis is doing likewise. At some point there has to be consequences for Republican governors for openly defying federal law, right?
Only Democrats are held accountable, didn't you know?
When do we know how long we can break it? Where do we go to have some?
darkace77450 posted...

First Abbott tells the federal government to pound sand. Now DaSantis is doing likewise. At some point there has to be consequences for Republican governors for openly defying federal law, right?
Lol no.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Joe should send the armed forces to every public school in Florida that doesn't comply.
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
darkace77450 posted...
First Abbott tells the federal government to pound sand. Now DaSantis is doing likewise. At some point there has to be consequences for Republican governors for openly defying federal law, right?
You'd think so, wouldn't you?
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
fuck DeFascist
It don't matter. None of this matters.
ZMythos posted...
Joe should send the armed forces to every public school in Florida that doesn't comply.

Cut their highway funding the way we did to Louisiana when they refused to get on board with a legal drinking age of 21. Watch the highways they rely on for agriculture and tourism crumble and they'll be singing a different tune in short order.
darkace77450 posted...
At some point there has to be consequences for [states] for openly defying federal law, right?

Probably. But some things, like pot legalization, are also kinda flying under the radar.

"Denial of federal funding for defense/infrastructure projects" is probably the most effective thing the federal government can do about this, although it will negatively affect the most vulnerable populations (which the GOP loathes) the most and take a few years before the effects are felt.

It worked for Louisiana roads and their drinking age, eventually.
Remember that I won't rest, 'til we share the same tense
Just know, to me, you're better late than never again.
This is why Republicans keep saying things about small government and states rights.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
I hope the federal gov't has some way to punish him for this stance.
1312 //
Trash government with a bigoted leader
[click here] pronouns incoming
wanderingshade posted...
This is why Republicans keep saying things about small government and states rights.

While pushing for a federal abortion ban. Their principles are quite malleable.
What's the excuse for Biden not taking action against Abbott and DeSantis?
I hope blue state leaders follow this example the next time a Republican takes office
A hunter is a hunter...even in a dream
Doe posted...
What's the excuse for Biden not taking action against Abbott and DeSantis?

I lost track of the Abbott case after it got tied up in court.

DeSantis' defiance hasn't technically happened yet since the new regulations don't go into effect until August. Given his track record, there's a chance this is bluster for his supporters.
Cut off all federal funding except for education, healthcare, and other social services until he complies.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
FaultyCircuitry posted...
I hope the federal gov't has some way to punish him for this stance.
iirc the mechanism is to cut federal education funding for schools not in compliance?

which would when thinking about it play to desantis, as he wants to cut higher education funding, and it would make the universities in florida even more dependent on him
........the ghost in the machine...
IGN: Fox, FC: 5344-2646-0982
Cool, not another red cent of Federal money for anything in Florida.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Build a wall around Florida and have the GOP pay for it.
Asocial, not introverted. Know the difference.
Maybe those JRPGs villains were on to something about humanity being trash.
Trump admin sued California over emissions regulations they put on car manufacturers.

These are things you just let happen. If a trans student is hurt or harmed, then you send in the FBI or someone to investigate, but until then, let Florida do their thing, because once a Republican is in office, things could be much much worse and you'd rather have states have a little rights to tell the government to fuck off in far more important matters than the < 100 trans athletes in the United States.
darkace77450 posted...
We are not gonna let Joe Biden try to inject men into womens activities
Oh, look, bigotry.

darkace77450 posted...
undermine the rights of parents
But only the rights of parents that are also bigots. The ones that want to get their kids transitional care don't get rights.

DoesntMatter posted...
fuck DeFascist
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
Cool, not another red cent of Federal money for anything in Florida.

Actually, after further consideration, this would only fuck over the people who are already most negatively affected by DeFacist's bullshit policies.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
Republican get to do what they want to again.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
Yet he was fine when Trump/Betsy DeVos completely rewrote Title IX four years ago, right?

Because at the university level, it is now EXTREMELY difficult to hold any students/professors accountable for sex-related accusations (sexual assault, inappropriate sexual conduct, gender-based favoritism, etc.), and the rules are set up to basically make 99% of the accusers quit the process before anyone is held accountable
darkace77450 posted...
At some point there has to be consequences for Republican governors for openly defying federal law, right?
Nope. It's the Magic R, somehow it's totally fine and dandy if a Republican does something. And with the joke of a Supreme Court we have these days it's going to stay that way for potentially the next 40 years.
"I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." -Cao Cao
Greg Abbott is not one to be outdone in the race to the bottom.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Monday his state will not abide by the Biden administrations sweeping new changes to Title IX, the federal civil rights law prohibiting sex-based discrimination at government-funded schools.

In a letter to President Biden, Abbott railed against the revised rules which provide new protections for transgender students saying theyre illegal and the result of a ham-handed effort to impose a leftist belief onto Title IX, which Abbott said exceeds your authority as President.

I'll ask again: if these two can ignore federal regulations, why can't Democratic governors do likewise and start banning guns? Other than the lack of a spine, I mean.
darkace77450 posted...
Greg Abbott is not one to be outdone in the race to the bottom.

I'll ask again: if these two can ignore federal regulations, why can't Democratic governors do likewise and start banning guns? Other than the lack of a spine, I mean.
Think of the optics!
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
States have been ignoring federal laws since the pot legalization votes and probably longer in less visible areas. There is always going to be some tension between the States and the Federal government. That said, the longer stuff like this happens though the worse it is going to get Blue and Red. The societal contract and faith in institutions is breaking down in real time where Red states don't believe Democrats have their best interests at heart and likewise Blue states feel the same about Republicans.
The only people that can say what matters to gaming are those that buy and play them.-Ollie Barder, Forbes Contributor
Then no federal money for their schools? That's how it's supposed to work.
I are Serious Cat
This is serious thread
Send in the black helicopters.
Moustache twirling villain Kerbey
How come ix is used, why cant they just say 9?
Ok kupo
I'm beyond tired of these GOP shitstains. Can we please just send them off to a faraway island with minimal resources so the actual adults can run the country?
I have nothing else to say
Serious_Cat posted...
Then no federal money for their schools? That's how it's supposed to work.
Destroying education in their states is one of their goals.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
SaikyoStyle posted...
Destroying education in their states is one of their goals.
What about college football and basketball?
Moustache twirling villain Kerbey
divot1338 posted...
What about college football and basketball?
Theyll keep those
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
leonkr41138 posted...
How come ix is used, why cant they just say 9?

Because it's a subdivision of a larger act and so gets classified with a Roman numeral.
I are Serious Cat
This is serious thread
I mean if this is just a end to women's sports then I can see why it's a free winning issue for Republicans. I don't think they'd get away with not enforcing it, they'd have to (and should) take it to court.
7D ChessMaster of Dark Aether
Post #40 was unavailable or deleted.
He should be forcibly removed from his post.
Go Go Gadget Unhinge Jaw and Laugh
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
cjsdowg posted...
Republican get to do what they want to again.
Well for the last fifty years they went and voted every time whereas Democrats have to be begged to vote even once to save democracy.
Moustache twirling villain Kerbey
I feel bad for all the girls and women this screws over. - We Press Forward. . . By Pressing Back.
divot1338 posted...
Well for the last fifty years they went and voted every time whereas Democrats have to be begged to vote even once to save democracy.

Pretty much. Hell, look at the people talking about voting NOW, where it's like "Ok I vote against Trump and everything is fine right, I no longer ever have to do anything again?"
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
When Abbott didnt listen to Biden or Scotus this was bound to happen Biden really should have sent in troops
The law is clear that the federal government supersedes states. But you have to enforce it.
Please don't be weird in my topics
thats the rub Biden isnt gonna enforce it
Red states could do a whole lot worse than this and Biden/Democrats/the feds still wouldn't do shit. They're cowards and enablers. They're almost allies at this point.
Fix your hearts or die.
When I sin I sin real good.
Let one blue state not listen to Trump and watch feds and troops and everything else sent in
Current Events » DeSantis says Florida will not comply with Title IX changes.
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