Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

Nok_Su_Kow posted...
Yeah that's implied blame, like it's something he could have prevented, similar to how people said the pandemic escalated under Trump's watch- which you can find actions he took/did not take to support that statement.

The UNWRA as I read up on it is a voluntary program, says that the US didn't resume funding it two days ago but in the past 12 hours the US ambassador to the UN claims it is funding it by $73 million, so that's good right?

Where do you see that US started to Fund them again ?

To your first point, I remember that conversation. I pointed out all the stuff that has been lost and taken away while Biden as been president . That isn't saying he is doing but that is literally pointing out something that happened.
Biden is the greatest President ever.