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Man cutting weight is tough

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Current Events » Man cutting weight is tough
My diet today

Peanut Butter Jelly * 3 ~600 calories

Ginger ale ~250 calories

Bacon egg and cheese ~500 calories

Packer of crackers ~200 calories

5 oranges -200 calories

Close to 1800 calories and I still feel starving.

I know it's a struggle. I should go back on keto diet for a while.
twylite sprinkle
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Yeah, that ginger ale should have been water.
This is where cool people write stuff.
kenio8187 posted...
Can't you get zero calorie ginger ale?

I have decent muscle. Can't go full starvation mode or I lose too much.
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Dont drink your calories. Get spindrift or some flavored seltzer water
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Yawn_Master2 posted...
Dont drink your calories. Get spindrift or some flavored seltzer water

relic from being underweight/skinny. Drank a lot of liquid calories to get me in the habbit of eating more.

Its great that youre tracking your calorie intake; thats a crucial step in managing your weight. However, to address the persistent hunger youre experiencing, it might be beneficial to adjust the make up of your meals. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are quite calorie-dense but may not be the most satiating option. Consider incorporating more protein-rich foods like lean meats, legumes, or Greek yogurt, which can help you feel fuller for longer periods. And I hate yogurt but some people love it and it works.

Replacing ginger ale with a zero-calorie alternative like Ginger Zero is a smart choice, as it can reduce your calorie intake without sacrificing flavor. Diet sodas are not bad for you .

Adding more vegetables to your diet can also increase the volume of your meals without really increasing calories, which can help combat hunger. Vegetables are not only low in calories but also high in fiber, which is another key factor in feeling satiated.

Lastly, while oranges are a healthy fruit option, consuming them in moderation is key due to their natural sugars. Keep up the good work, and remember, its all about finding a balance that works for you!
Biden is the greatest President ever.
CHM_Punk posted...
Olive Oil is my best friend in helping me hit my daily macros for Fats. Below is the recommended Macros to stay/maintain my preferred weight.
What's that app
twylite sprinkle
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
Man cutting weight died at the room shot up to 97 degrees
How long you been cutting?
Dont see how you can list it out like that and not notice that the 250 calorie soda is the big problem tbqh
Games: \\ Music:
CHM_Punk posted...
For Traditional:

For Keto:
twylite sprinkle
TheGoldenEel posted...
Dont see how you can list it out like that and not notice that the 250 calorie soda is the big problem tbqh

i gym and and have an active job so 1800 calories is very low. I'm used to around 3000.
Post #17 was unavailable or deleted.
You need to cut the ginger ale. Either zero calorie or water. You need to up your protein to make what you eat more filling. You need to also eat things that are filling but not heavy on calories. For me, I like to eat cauliflower rice and zucchini pasta along with my proteins.
I believe in the Golden Rule and you should too!
I've done multiple 72+ hour dry fasts(no food, no water) and it just gets easier to eat less the more you do it. Most of the time you are not actually hungry, just bored. But it's still easier said than done.
No RIP man?
Frostmourne hungers.
lack of protein is disturbing.
I agree with the...
cjsdowg posted...
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are quite calorie-dense but may not be the most satiating option. Consider incorporating more protein-rich foods like lean meats, legumes, or Greek yogurt


Spongebob is not a contraceptive.
kenio8187 posted...
It sounds like he's specifically aiming for 1800 calories.

I'd probably just still drink the 0 calorie and eat something that's 250 calories, but to each their own.
Well yeah but all those empty calories are why they feel hungry. Compare to something like this (not endorsing this post or anything. Just giving an example of what 250 calories can be)
Games: \\ Music:
RIP man cutting died at the room shit up to 97 pounds
I've lost about 65 pounds since the start of 2023. Just cutting small amounts of calories at a time, losing weight until I stop, then doing it again. Doing it gradually has helped a lot, to the point that I don't feel all that hungry even when I cut down again.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
All I've been trying to do is cut. Elliptical multiple times a week for 20 to 30 minutes. And now I've been doing kettlebell swings to raise my heart rate.
twylite sprinkle
Damn 3 PBnJ? Water is the obvious choice, but Zero calorie ginger ale is actually decent.
Am I going too hard?
deathproof12 posted...
My diet today

Peanut Butter Jelly * 3 ~600 calories

Ginger ale ~250 calories

Bacon egg and cheese ~500 calories

Packer of crackers ~200 calories

5 oranges -200 calories

Close to 1800 calories and I still feel starving.
Are you a man? How much do you weigh? 1800 calories is pretty low.

Replace the ginger with a low to no calorie drink.
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
Arcanine2009 posted...
Are you a man? How much do you weigh? 1800 calories is pretty low.

Replace the ginger with a low to no calorie drink.



I work an active job and i'm fit and lean.
1800 calories is too much
deathproof12 posted...
I have decent muscle. Can't go full starvation mode or I lose too much.

You aren't going to lose muscle from not drinking pure sugar water. Replace it with a protein bar or something and drink sparkling water instead (Its the carbonation that makes you feel fuller after all).
Disobedience is the stamp of the hero. -Ragnar Redbeard
Also, this is Kagata..
CoyoteTheGreat posted...
You aren't going to lose muscle from not drinking pure sugar water. Replace it with a protein bar or something and drink sparkling water instead (Its the carbonation that makes you feel fuller after all).

Protein bars make me fart. Plus I like to treat myself to 1 item of junk food a day. I'm not a body builder. Eating 100% clean everyday is insane and pointless.
Remember It's okay to fail at times just keep trying. If you lose your record it's just a chacne to start a new one.
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
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Post #35 was unavailable or deleted.
BoomerKuwanger posted...
Anyway if that's representative of your diet then you have a lot of simple carbs and bad fats in there. Peanut butter is good fat but it's also one of the most calorie dense foods out there; bacon and cheese not so great fats.

Beach body with cut abs is goal for summer. I don't need to cut much. Like 10-15 lbs.
Think about a stir fry for dinner with tons of veggies. Lots of volume and hopefully low calories depending on how you make it
haters gonna hate
I'll be <1400 Cals today and I'll be fine. I just look forward to some sliders tomorrow
Current Events » Man cutting weight is tough