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When did AVGN fall off so hard?

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Current Events » When did AVGN fall off so hard?
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
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I guess he's doing reviews on mobile games now?
mobilebloechel posted...
It was a long time ago

When you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many, and you're a conqueror. Kill them all, oh you're a god.
Controversial opinion: I genuinely think the Screenwave team needs to be around again. James having ZERO other personalities around him just comes off as lonely and empty.
...I think I'm done here...
losing Mike was a big loss
Commanders, Caps, Orioles
Hayame_Zero posted...
Controversial opinion: I genuinely think the Screenwave team needs to be around again. James having ZERO other personalities around him just comes off as lonely and empty.

Yeah, bring back the slobs. Their lack of chemistry with James was really funny.
Hornswoggled posted...
Yeah, bring back the slobs.

*the fat fucks
after years of waiting
nothing came
When it became obvious that AVGN's earlier success was a fluke due to YouTube being a new platform where not many people tried hard enough.

It's bizarre since he's stuck with the brand but for someone who's made filmmaking his life's passion he knows absolutely nothing about it other than liking practical effects and his tech literacy/video editing skills are stuck in the late 90s.
Thanks for reading!
because he's been making videos for over 20 years and that would be difficult for anyone to keep pushing out fresh interesting content.
After the movie
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
When his hair line started to recede.
Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
Id say the movie was the beginning of the end for him.
I still enjoy him but this one was prerty rough..
Don't Stress, Become #Phresh
this was not very pleasant.

also, is it just me or does his voice sound more strained than usual?
Do the cedar trees still standing
next to the ocean still grow?
The pattern in which he went bald is so damn weird.
See you next Wednesday.
Since when is a mid 40's man going bald such a surprise and big fucking deal. "Yeah, that's why his videos suck now, he's getting old at the same rate his viewers are!"

On the other hand, I get why people at the very least wish James would come out and make some changes to his AVGN character's persona. They actually make some really good, ultra-realistic hair pieces these days. Combine a high quality toupee with a good barber and no would ever know. The problem is, he's let his hair go for so long it would shock the viewers and he would get even more ridicule from the CinemassacreTruth brigade.
I think the receding hairline fits the character. I could see the nerd claiming that shitty games made his hair fall out.

This review had interesting segments when the actual game was shown but the reaction shots with nerd off the phone camera were a dud.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
Honestly I'd say he's done pretty well to last this long. The simple fact is that he's from a bygone Era. There's a reason avgn copycats have largely died off, it's hard to sell "Angry video game critic" in 2024.

Which isn't to say that the quality hasn't taken a dip over the years, but that's just compounded by the fact that he's getting up there and the internet is a very different world now.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
I'd say he is about the same. He's generally a decent watch, but sometimes an episode is a dud.

Not all videos are winners. He does more with the entirety of his site but unfortunately most people don't give it enough attention.

I think people are pointlessly harsh on YouTube content providers sometimes.
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pazzy posted...
I'd say he is about the same. He's generally a decent watch, but sometimes an episode is a dud.

Not all videos are winners. He does more with the entirety of his site but unfortunately most people don't give it enough attention.

I think people are pointlessly harsh on YouTube content providers sometimes.

The last couple episodes were really good, Goonies and FFVI. Other than that, I don't really have any good memories from 2023 videos except Kid Icarus which was another excellent one.
kelemvor posted...
The last couple episodes were really good, Goonies and FFVI. Other than that, I don't really have any good memories from 2023 videos except Kid Icarus which was another excellent one.
For me, they are usually something that I can put on and be entertained enough. I wouldn't call it highbrow, but certainly not off-putting.

It's like junk food watching. Not super thought-provoking, but alright. I still think the bugs Bunny episode was probably the worst. Or maybe even the one with the Texas chainsaw massacre... And that was when he was in his prime now that I think about it.

He was funny back in the early years of YouTube and then he fell off like the novelty act he was always.
Fammy fam
mobilebloechel posted...
It was a long time ago

The Bugs Bunny episodes and the Lloyd Kaufman episode are the ones I always skip when I rewatch his older stuff.
See you next Wednesday.
__aCEr__ posted...
The Bugs Bunny episodes and the Lloyd Kaufman episode are the ones I always skip when I rewatch his older stuff.

You don't like Bugs Bunny's Birthday Beating?
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
wanderingshade posted...
After the movie

New York Rangers [2004-2008]
His Sega CD and 32X vids were the first ones I watched. They'll always be my favorites lol
Fammy fam
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CRON posted...
When it became obvious that AVGN's earlier success was a fluke due to YouTube being a new platform where not many people tried hard enough.

It's bizarre since he's stuck with the brand but for someone who's made filmmaking his life's passion he knows absolutely nothing about it other than liking practical effects and his tech literacy/video editing skills are stuck in the late 90s.

His early success wasn't a fluke. He had a successful character that he aged out of. "This game is fucking horrible!" means something different coming from a twenty-something and a forty-something. He also thought that he would have moved on from this character and he wasn't allowed to. His big plans didn't pan out.

My Horse Prince isn't as good of an episode as Street Fighter 2010 or Ninja Gaiden, but it wasn't bad overall.
When he searched for the charger, I felt that.

i think a funnier way to end the episode would be that James actually becomes enamored with the horse and wishes for his very own horse prince, but what happens is it's some dude with one of those horse head masks
Do the cedar trees still standing
next to the ocean still grow?
That game sounds hilarious, terrible, but hilarious.
KanWan posted...
What a wild ride lmao

good episode tbh

I just got around to watching it.. It was pretty good and you could tell James was just trying something different by filming all his reactions with the suposed "new" phone he just got to play the game on. His laughs looked genuine like he was just having a good time throwing together a more simple episode that just reveled in the sheer rediculousness.
l liked it.
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Honestly, I hated him when he first started out. The whole rage gimmick was something for 12yos back then. The more chilled and laid back version of the character today is more of a vibe I can appreciate.
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CRON posted...
When it became obvious that AVGN's earlier success was a fluke due to YouTube being a new platform where not many people tried hard enough.

While he did get his start on YouTube, I believe his popularity actually skyrocketed back on GameTrailers when he was partnered with ScrewAttack.

The thing was, his shit was high production value for the time. Digital video equipment and software just wasn't accessible as it is now. So of course people watched it.

I think people forget how difficult it was to capture video game footage back in 2007. Capture cards, even the shitty ones cost an arm and a leg, and required splitters and all kinds of crap. It wasn't like what it is now, where you drop 100 bucks on a box that will do it all for you or even just use the console's built in capture software.

These days a kid can create something about as high quality with their phones and a green piece of tarp.
"Well, thanks to the Internet, I'm now bored with sex."
- Philip J. Fry
The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout episode is one of his best! It probably helps that I have an attachment to that game too and generally like it a lot though he was essentially correct with all his points. Anyhow I was in too bad of a mood to watch his new video when it came out after I saw the early premise. I watched it earlier today and eh that game was just whack, but I didn't hate myself watching it. I still am not going to watch that again. I would say he fell off during the screenwave days and then recovered after that though as he does seem to have more hits than misses. Eh maybe they are 50/50 60-40 good. I looked real fast at some his last two to three years of videos. Some I just don't remember well and there are some like Green Dog I remember just being there, and there was nothing funny about it.

The Screenwave days had a lot of episodes where I was just embarrassed to be watching them.

"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
When he started phoning in his reviews.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
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He never really "fell off". I don't get this topic and all the replies, I swear it was just a few months ago there were topics marveling about how he maintained quality and was still chugging along fine while most of his peers from 20 years ago fell off or failed by now.
What's w/ this whiplash on him?
He's been doing it for 20 years. His heart isn't into it but he won't stop because it's how he pays the bills.
When people talk about youtubers, or streamers, supposedly big name popular people I don't know who 99.99% of them are. I really don't watch much of that kind of stuff. But I know who James and I have enjoyed him for a long time.

I'm about 4 years older than him so a lot of the videos he did of the NES stuff really resonated with me because it hit on games that not only I played those exact games but he pointed out specific spots in those games that I also remember being cheap as hell. So it made me chuckle and really bring me back to my youth.

To be honest the skits and the the production value stuff isn't why I like his videos. I'm not even overly enamored with the "nerd" character. I actually think he is at his best when he's just being himself and giving background information about the game/developer or whatever and is just talking in a normal speaking voice.

To me that is when he is at his best. I still tune in for his videos even though the frequency of them is quite rare now and often it is pretty average. But I still find myself cracking a smile now and then and I'll probably always enjoy it to a degree.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
streamofthesky posted...
He never really "fell off". I don't get this topic and all the replies, I swear it was just a few months ago there were topics marveling about how he maintained quality and was still chugging along fine while most of his peers from 20 years ago fell off or failed by now.
What's w/ this whiplash on him?
A lot of the negative comments in this topic are straight up parroted from CinemassacreTruth, which is possibly the most pathetic subreddit in history. Just a bunch of neckcarpets who feel James betrayed them somehow. Safe to ignore that garbage.
Balenciaga hoodies and Gucci shoes
Well I am not going to act like there has never been a dip in quality. Though I do think overall his content has been improving.

CinemasscreTruth are losers, I wouldn't trust anything they say or at the very least I never went there once so they have not influenced me.
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
The Bugs Bunny episodes were awesome. No idea what some of you are smoking.
Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
BoomerKuwanger posted...
The Bugs Bunny one was like the original worst episode for me and I don't think I could even get through the Lloyd Kaufman one.

I never cared for any of the shlockier aspects of AVGN, but it seems like James thinks all that stuff made him popular. I can't really explain what I did like about AVGN but I think for a time there was just something inherently funny about the idea of a guy caring so much about old NES games. The old episodes also had a degree of relatability with games that someone as a kid would plausibly buy hoping they were good , which is why episodes like Big Rigs, Desert Bus, HK97, etc. don't exactly land with me

His anger was exaggerated, but he was channeling his actual childhood frustrations with games like Dick Tracy or Castlevania 2. With videos like Drake and the 99 Dragons, he's an older gamer looking for games to find fault with.

It was funny to see a twenty-something become outraged over an old game, but it was also relatable because we had experiences like that. I don't know what I expected, but I thought Three Stooges on NES would be fun. I thought Super WrestleMania on SNES would be fun. That game is the definition of the word unfinished . And we all asked "Who's that?" when fighting enemies in games based off of our favorite movies or cartoon shows.

I like the show at face value. But I understand there's more substance when it has that shared experience quality to it. And, I know I've mentioned this already, but there's a shelf life for that character. A forty-something getting upset rings differently. The anger doesn't feel genuine and, if it did, it would be more sad and pathetic than funny.

Current Events » When did AVGN fall off so hard?
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