Israel intentionally targeted WCK workers

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Current Events » Israel intentionally targeted WCK workers
chaos_knight posted...
I'm sure Genocide Joe will write a strongly worded letter over this.

He should ask Susan Collins for tips on how to pretend to be concerned about something he gives no shits about.
bfslick50 posted...
Israel official response is they're sorry and this "happens in war." War crimes are also a thing that happen in war, kind of in the name.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
shockthemonkey posted...
This is a message to anyone who dares attempt to prevent Palestinians from starving to death.
I'd say it's pretty effective

bfslick50 posted...
Hopefully this will be a shift in policy.
It won't. It's not Biden's fault at all - I'm fairly left, but I'm also a depressing realist.
Pulling funds runs the risk of a weaker Israel and opens up the possibility of foreign adversaries swooping in and becoming Israel's new best friend. This is part of the deal with the devil the US government made to ensure a strong presence in the region and there's no backing out of it. Nobody is going to jeopardize decades of coveted strategic influence on account of bleeding hearts. Those in charge are in the incredibly fucked up position where their best hope is for Israel to hurry up and finish the job so people stop talking about it earlier.
Validate your purchases and discredit the purchases of others whenever possible. Numbers objectively define quality and enjoyment.
Board_hunter567 posted...
I'd say it's pretty effective

It won't. It's not Biden's fault at all - I'm fairly left, but I'm also a depressing realist.
Pulling funds runs the risk of a weaker Israel and opens up the possibility of foreign adversaries swooping in and becoming Israel's new best friend. This is part of the deal with the devil the US government made to ensure a strong presence in the region and there's no backing out of it. Nobody is going to jeopardize decades of coveted strategic influence on account of bleeding hearts. Those in charge are in the incredibly fucked up position where their best hope is for Israel to hurry up and finish the job so people stop talking about it earlier.

The thing though is that Israel already plays multiple sides. It's one of the leading trade partners of China which also controls parts of the Haifa port. And Bibi continually bragged about his friendship with Putin and one of Likud's largest support bases are Russian immigrants.
Fenriswolf posted...
The thing though is that Israel already plays multiple sides. It's one of the leading trade partners of China which also controls parts of the Haifa port. And Bibi continually bragged about his friendship with Putin and one of Likud's largest support bases are Russian immigrants.
Not really trading partners when the US imports like 70% of Israel's exports.
Zikten posted...
The US should have cut all ties with Israel back in 1967 when they murdered the crew of the USS Liberty.
Dont forget, they tried to steal nuclear secrets from us as well even while being our allies. Look up Jonathan Pollard.
Israel must be demilitarized. No ifs, ands or buts. It's the country scale equivalent to how you don't let a mentally unstable person with a history of violence own a gun, even if force is necessary to remove guns from their possession, even if they claim (validly or otherwise) to have a self-defense need for it.

I'm not denying that Israel has gone far to off the rails, but with stuff like this pepole look like hypocrites when they want Israel to be invaded and are out right supporting controlling it like a colony and are out right admitting we have to control the middle east because they can't control themselves.
Israel passed "gone to far" before any of us were born.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Post #59 was unavailable or deleted.
Trumble posted...
Israel must be demilitarized. No ifs, ands or buts. It's the country scale equivalent to how you don't let a mentally unstable person with a history of violence own a gun, even if force is necessary to remove guns from their possession, even if they claim (validly or otherwise) to have a self-defense need for it.

This sounds psychotic. Did you even spend the time to imagine what would happen if you completely disarmed Israel?

Because thinking of what would happen and than going "Yeah, that sounds great" is psychotic.
Is there any other time in a modern democracy where large numbers of citizens complained that their government wasn't enough like a tyrannical dictatorship?
Notice how doom_art and friends are silent?

Aloc will now post in PG or try
I want to tag FlyingEagles but turns out he had me blocked :/
Fenriswolf posted...
I want to tag FlyingEagles but turns out he had me blocked :/
He's purged I think.

Too much genocide denial

Aloc will now post in PG or try
videospirit posted...
This sounds psychotic. Did you even spend the time to imagine what would happen if you completely disarmed Israel?

Because thinking of what would happen and than going "Yeah, that sounds great" is psychotic.
Maybe Israel should have thought about that before abusing their military then.

At any rate, I'm far more concerned about the ongoing real world genocide than I am about the fantasy one Israel supporters claim (mostly using Israeli propaganda as their "evidence") will happen if Israel are forced to stop their one. We need to deal with what's actually happening now before we worry what might happen in the future.

And on that note, I never said a neutral peacekeeping force cannot be present. Just that Israel themself cannot remain militarized. Heck, I'm very close to convinced Israel as a nation cannot even be allowed to continue existing at this point (and that does NOT mean harming the civilians; it means booting out the government and military and replacing it with a neutral or non-Hamas Palestinian one such as the PA).
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Israel knew exactly what they were doing. Now the two major ngo aid providers have both halted all aid indefinitely.

Its absolutely disgusting
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade

Is it moddable to say that some members of this administration need to spend the rest of their lives in a gulag
Doe posted...

Is it moddable to say that some members of this administration need to spend the rest of their lives in a gulag should be the default video
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
> Kirby adds that to date, the US has found no instances where Israel has violated international humanitarian law in their war with Hamas.

Who the hell does he think he's fooling?
In dentibus anticis frustum magnum spinaciae habes.
Doe posted...

Fuck this guy, and fuck his boss, too.

Im too pragmatic to vote third party or not vote because Trump is worse than Biden in every way imaginable, but I will no longer chide those who do.
BBC News - Gaza aid convoy strike: What we know

These people. Trying to do something to stop Palestinians dying from a famine engineered by the Israeli government:

Murdered by war criminals.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
They just want to kill everyone that isn't them

They won't stop either, it's such a fucked up situation
So much A R T
videospirit posted...
This sounds psychotic. Did you even spend the time to imagine what would happen if you completely disarmed Israel?

Because thinking of what would happen and than going "Yeah, that sounds great" is psychotic.

No more genocide being streamed live as an entire population cheers it on is what would happen.

No one is going to outdo this, and these are the people in power in israel today and gaining support. Ben gvirs teacher:

ben gvirs popularity in israel is rising.
videospirit posted...
Did you even spend the time to imagine what would happen if you completely disarmed Israel?

Disarmed is different and distinct from demilitarized.

I mean, I'd hope Trumble realizes that and knows what he's saying. I'd hope anyone suggesting that knows.

Demilitarized isn't helpless.

What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Necronmon posted...
I'm not denying that Israel has gone far to off the rails, but with stuff like this pepole look like hypocrites when they want Israel to be invaded and are out right supporting controlling it like a colony and are out right admitting we have to control the middle east because they can't control themselves.

Who said any of the stuff .
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.

President Joe Biden said Tuesday he was "outraged and heartbroken" by the killing of seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian workers, delivering some of his strongest criticism of Israel since the start of its war with Hamas.

"This conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed," Biden said in a statement. "This is a major reason why distributing humanitarian aid in Gaza has been so difficult because Israel has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians.

"Incidents like yesterdays simply should not happen. Israel has also not done enough to protect civilians," he added.

He's outraged, guys. Who knows, another dozen or so dead humanitarian workers and he may have to consider putting effort into concealing the transfer of weapons to Israel.
Trumble posted...
At any rate, I'm far more concerned about the ongoing real world genocide than I am about the fantasy one Israel supporters claim (mostly using Israeli propaganda as their "evidence") will happen if Israel are forced to stop their one. We need to deal with what's actually happening now before we worry what might happen in the future.

"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
darkace77450 posted...

He's outraged, guys. Who knows, another dozen or so dead humanitarian workers and he may have to consider putting effort into concealing the transfer of weapons to Israel.
I'm sure he'll wait another day or two before publicly giving them weapons again. He is outraged after all.
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"Our B but Hamas made us so it. And will make is do it again next time"

Western countries: "what civilians?"
Let's make biscuits!
Wish people were more outraged about having no choice in supporting this bullshit with their tax money
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
Hey goes if you are not okay with this you support Trump.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
You cant even criticize Biden on this board without someone saying But Trump!

They're both bad candidates and we need better.
He's all alone through the day and night.
LonelyStoner posted...
You cant even criticize Biden on this board without someone saying But Trump!

They're both bad candidates and we need better.
You already have other options. What you (collectively, not you personally necessarily) need is to realize these options exist and the only thing preventing them winning is you all refusing to vote for anything besides either the guy the Republicans tell you to vote for or the guy the Democrats tell you to vote for.

A vote for either of these two is, more than anything, a vote to keep that status quo of pretending other options don't exist.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
We the people.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
LonelyStoner posted...
You cant even criticize Biden on this board without someone saying But Trump!

They're both bad candidates and we need better.

Biden absolutely deserves criticism on this. This topic is full of that as it should be.

Trumble posted...
You already have other options. What you (collectively, not you personally necessarily) need is to realize these options exist and the only thing preventing them winning is you all refusing to vote for anything besides either the guy the Republicans tell you to vote for or the guy the Democrats tell you to vote for.

A vote for either of these two is, more than anything, a vote to keep that status quo of pretending other options don't exist.

1824 election. More than 2 serious contenders means split vote and House picks. We need rank choice voting and ditch the electoral college for this to become a reality.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama

It's a shame Biden doesn't share his values.
Foppe posted...
Israel passed "gone to far" before any of us were born.

A fiasco decades in the making. To unravel the background leading up to all of this, takes a grasp of Zionism, the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire...
Swimming over the barrier to protect my egg.
bfslick50 posted...
Biden absolutely deserves criticism on this. This topic is full of that as it should be.

1824 election. More than 2 serious contenders means split vote and House picks. We need rank choice voting and ditch the electoral college for this to become a reality.
Yeah, someone actually made the effort to explain that in another topic. What an utterly shit system.

Nonetheless, it just means that (assuming, almost certianly correctly, that Trump will not change his stance) the only hope of a better outcome is enough pressure being put on Biden to change his stance. If he sees he's going to lose votes, and knows that cutting Israel off is the way to win them back, and that he can't just coast along on "orange man bad" despite that the orange man really is very very fucking bad, that's pretty much the only real power any average person has to make him change.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
mistymermaid posted...
A fiasco decades in the making. To unravel the background leading up to all of this, takes a grasp of Zionism, the Ottoman Empire, the British Empire...
go on
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
Soulless heartless murderous regime
My tax dollars are still going to be taken from my checks to support this crap. How pitiful.
This administration is making it a hard sell to vote for Biden when it's okay'ing this bullshit.

Like, I understand that it doesn't matter which party is in charge. The military industrial complex maintaining its agenda is its top priority and will rope any political party into its tendrils.

But choices are made. Choices. They are choosing for this to go on. And right now I am not seeing any push back other than "Biden is sternly concerned about these recent accusations" shit.
Trumble posted...
You already have other options. What you (collectively, not you personally necessarily) need is to realize these options exist and the only thing preventing them winning is you all refusing to vote for anything besides either the guy the Republicans tell you to vote for or the guy the Democrats tell you to vote for.

A vote for either of these two is, more than anything, a vote to keep that status quo of pretending other options don't exist.
I only voted for Biden last election because fuck Trump. Now we have people on this board saying a vote for third party candidates is a vote for Trump. Idk how brain dead some of these people have to be to continue being two party shills, but apparently its severe.
He's all alone through the day and night.
LonelyStoner posted...
I only voted for Biden last election because fuck Trump. Now we have people on this board saying a vote for third party candidates is a vote for Trump. Idk how brain dead some of these people have to be to continue being two party shills, but apparently its severe.
As I mentioned (maybe in the other topic) after seeing exactly how many obstacles there are to a third party running in the US, I can sympathize a bit more with where these people are coming from, but still... I would not be able to bring myself to vote for Biden given his track record here, and I can't say I'd criticize anyone else for not doing so either (as long as they aren't instead voting for Trump).

The best hope I can see is that the threat of losing votes causes him to correct course, and thus win back those votes, and that he hopefully doesn't then pull a 180 after the election. Shit really is fucked up over there.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Trumble posted...
As I mentioned (maybe in the other topic) after seeing exactly how many obstacles there are to a third party running in the US, I can sympathize a bit more with where these people are coming from, but still... I would not be able to bring myself to vote for Biden given his track record here, and I can't say I'd criticize anyone else for not doing so either (as long as they aren't instead voting for Trump).

The best hope I can see is that the threat of losing votes causes him to correct course, and thus win back those votes, and that he hopefully doesn't then pull a 180 after the election. Shit really is fucked up over there.

If Trump wins, what do you think will be his stance on Israel-Palestine? Do you think on that issue hell be the same as Biden? I think hell green light the complete annexation of Gaza at a minimum. I think hell make things even worse.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
Israel is a apartheid state.

There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

But it's wrong to commit genocide. Period.
People saying its making me not want to vote for biden

like really, there is no viable third party. The other guy is Trump, who you know will do the same thing.
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
This should honestly be the moment the world turns their back on Israel. Netanyahu's bullshit response of this being war shows how little he values life.
bfslick50 posted...
If Trump wins, what do you think will be his stance on Israel-Palestine? Do you think on that issue hell be the same as Biden? I think hell green light the complete annexation of Gaza at a minimum. I think hell make things even worse.
He will, which is why supporting him is even worse. That doesn't mean it isn't completely understandable why a lot of people no longer want to support Biden either.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
ClayGuida posted...
This should honestly be the moment the world turns their back on Israel. Netanyahu's bullshit response of this being war shows how little he values life.
This is like the 410757864530th such moment.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
ClayGuida posted...
This should honestly be the moment the world turns their back on Israel. Netanyahu's bullshit response of this being war shows how little he values life.

You know what, I agree 100% with ClayGuida.

This is just absolutely fucking enough and disgusting. Fuck Israel. I dunno if I would say "I support Palestine" but Israel ain't. FUCKING. IT!
Current Events » Israel intentionally targeted WCK workers
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