Have you ever been blocked on GameFAQs?

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Current Events » Have you ever been blocked on GameFAQs?
Wonder what Tenlaar is up to


Your mom
Yeah clonethehero blocked me.

No idea what exactly I said that warranted it or if he just got tired of my topics or what. Don't remember any direct(ly negative) engagements with him.

Also the usual suspects like YWS who have blocked, but they block everyone and everyone blocks them
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Post #203 was unavailable or deleted.

No one blocks me
Buried alive in the coffin of who I used to be
Valjackal is dead.
Trickfinger and Skiggie, on my alt of course since they cant block this account

How do I sleep at night
DrizztLink posted...
I just got blocked by Zithers.

Fuckin' finally.
Lmao he blocked me when I kept making jokes about his shitty taste in movies
Euripides posted...
Wonder what Tenlaar is up to



Wait was he finally banned?
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cemith posted...
Wait was he finally banned?
No, he was just put in timeout...
What in Sam Hill is a puma?
Bishop9800 posted...
Tenlaar blocks everyone. All you have to do is disagree with him.

In my experience it would take a lot for Tenlaar to block someone. Maybe he's changed since the loss of 261, however him and I used to heavily argue back in the day in pretty much any thread involving a police killing of a civilian and he'll often spend days arguing with people. He seems to really enjoy it, so I think it would take a lot, to him, to do that.

And I even insulted him quite heavily back then, so I wouldn't even say it's just cause he was insulted once or whatever.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - allmylinks.com/ivorykingtx (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
I can see about half of this topic. @Umbreon give me cliff notes, eh?
Post #213 was unavailable or deleted.
of course
Pikakaeru, use water gun!
First off, I do not know what ragtag is talking about. The sexuality board is absolutely not how he describes it. The board itself is (mostly) relaxed so if you got kicked, you would have had to been mad trolling or something.

STEROLIZER posted...
I can see about half of this topic. @Umbreon give me cliff notes, eh?

Not much to say. A lot of people get blocked by weak trolls who can't stand to be called out on their bullshit. Said trolls get suspended anyway because they're bad.

And some people have called you out for blocking.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Yes, at least once
i7-12700F - 3080 - 64GB 3200 - 1440p Ultrawide
Yep, LordRattergun has me blocked. He's an infamous troll that I quarreled with on the DS pokemon boards when he still had his old account named Groundrattler.
Switch Friend Code: SW-5881-7864-9002
is that the same lord rattergun that invented galaga?
you went away and my heart went with you
i say your name with my every breath
I think a few people blocked me, which I find funny >_> I just don't pay any mind to crazy posters if I don't like them. I like seeing all of CE, both the good and the bad.
Neon >_>
How does one even know if you've been blocked aside of a user telling you?
I'm just a girl who loves games
Yeah by a number of far right users who I've debunked misinformation from. Likely to circumvent moderation so they continue to post whatever false nonsense the usually post
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
Spartan_Jedi117 posted...
No, he was just put in timeout...
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
My latest one was getting blocked by butt males. Another badge of honor if I do say so myself.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
KajeI posted...
Vyce blocked me too as part of his mass blocking spree from getting caught out lying (again) when I hadn't even said anything about it, lmao.
Oh yeah. Pinocchio!
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
GFAQs just gave me a temp IP block and IDK why.
Umbreon posted...
First off, I do not know what ragtag is talking about. The sexuality board is absolutely not how he describes it. The board itself is (mostly) relaxed so if you got kicked, you would have had to been mad trolling or something.

Not much to say. A lot of people get blocked by weak trolls who can't stand to be called out on their bullshit. Said trolls get suspended anyway because they're bad.

And some people have called you out for blocking.
LOL, Stero has to ask people to read him posts.
Dumpy Trumpy: Inmate No. P01135809
Venixon posted...
How does one even know if you've been blocked aside of a user telling you?

Missing posts is one sign.
Putin delenda est
Why is there 226 missing posts in this topic?
How quaint.
Current Events » Have you ever been blocked on GameFAQs?
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