Israel/Palestina War XIV - The Big Attack on Rafah?

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Current Events » Israel/Palestina War XIV - The Big Attack on Rafah?
Foppe posted...
Israel leaves Al-Shifa in ruins after a two weeks raid.
A view of destroyed houses and buildings at the area around Al-Shifa Hospital on April 1. Dawoud Abu Alkas/Reuters
Palestinians inspect the damage at Al-Shifa hospital after Israeli military withdrew from the complex. AFP/Getty Images
Palestinians gather around the destroyed Al-Shifa hospital. Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu/Getty Images

My mistake, Israel did ban al-Jazeera.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
? Telling Israelis that they cannot access Al Jazeera will incense them even if they have never wanted to watch it.

Sunday Israel used water hoses on 1,000's of Israeli protestors in Jerusalem. Now Israel's parliament is getting ready to incite its citizens more.

Tyrannizing Gaza and (allegedly) flattening an Iranian Embassy in Damascus makes it seem that water hoses, banning news and forceful admonishments to stop criticizing is kid gloves.

* * *
WASHINGTON, D.C. January 23, 2024 The Doomsday Clock was reset at 90 seconds to midnight.
My concern is that Iran has Uranium and technology.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known

On this Easter, lets ponder [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahus indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, which has killed more than 20,000 women and children, and his restriction of humanitarian aid, which has pushed Palestinians to the brink of famine, Merkley said in a three-post thread on X, formerly Twitter. Israel disputes the numbers of women and children killed, saying it is lower, and says it is doing everything possible to let aid into Gaza.

But we must also recognize that America is complicit in this tragedy by resupplying Israel with bombs and failing to use Americas leverage to increase aid delivered into Gaza, Merkley added. Reflecting on the admonition to feed the hungry and assist the stranger, and blessed are the peacemakers, lets push Team Biden to do better. More aid. No bombs.

Michal Cotler-Wunsh, a former centrist lawmaker who serves as Israels antisemitism envoy, wrote in a post on X that invoking the holiday to slam Israels military action was a blood libel.

A US senator. Peddling blood libel. On Easter. Weve been here before, she wrote.

There are images coming out of Al Shifa showing bodies of Palestinians with arms and legs tied behind their backs having been bulldozed by Israel.
CommonStar posted...
There are images coming out of Al Shifa showing bodies of Palestinians with arms and legs tied behind their backs having been bulldozed by Israel.

And many corpses that are charred, and were clearly executed/set on fire.

This entire genocide is the worst thing that has happened in our time, but I think what they've done in Al Shifa hospital may well be the worst war crime of the past 50 years or so.
If they hit the Iran embassy then this isnt going end anytime soon.
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
Iran threatens to retaliate against Israel after blaming it for deadly airstrike on its consulate in Damascus
From CNN's Adam Pourahmadi in Abu Dhabi and Lauren Kent in London
Iran promised a "decisive" response after a deadly strike on its consulate in Damascus, Syria, that it blamed on Israel.
Remember: Iranian ambassador in Damascus, Hossein Akbari, accused Israel of the attacks, alleging that the building was targeted with six missiles from Israeli F-35 warplanes. Syrian state media Syrian Arab News Agency also reported that an Israeli act of aggression targeted on Monday afternoon a building in Mezzeh neighborhood in Damascus, causing massive destruction. CNN cannot independently verify the claims.
Akbari said Israel's attack was "against all international laws" and Iran "will be decisive in our response."
Seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp officials were killed in the attack, including senior Iranian commanders Mohammed Reza Zahedi and Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, according to an IRGC statement.
"This is perhaps the first time that the Zionist regime allows itself to attack an official building of the Islamic Republic of Iran embassy, which had the flag of the Islamic Republic raised on top of it," he claimed.
"Iran preserves the right to take reciprocal measures and will decide the type of response and punishment against the aggressor," Irans foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said, according to IRGC-affiliated Fars News.

A_A_Battery posted...
This entire genocide is the worst thing that has happened in our time, but I think what they've done in Al Shifa hospital may well be the worst war crime of the past 50 years or so.

It is really terrible. But we don't need to expose our ignorance of history to make the point.

tankboy posted...
It is really terrible. But we don't need to expose our ignorance of history to make the point.
You do realize they said "in the last 50 years" right?
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Trumble posted...
You do realize they said "in the last 50 years" right?

Then I suppose we're ignoring African conflicts, as is traditional?
Trumble posted...
You do realize they said "in the last 50 years" right?
Mai Lai was '68, so it's outside the parameters.
tankboy posted...
Then I suppose we're ignoring African conflicts, as is traditional?
You know what would actually be useful?

Listing your examples rather than self-righteous vague posting.
DrizztLink posted...
You know what would actually be useful?

Listing your examples rather than self-righteous vague posting.
Don't entertain them, it's just a shitty technique they've learned to distract others from the main issue.

The New York Times cited four unnamed Israeli officials as acknowledging Israel had carried out the attack.

Not official but definitive.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
So now that Israel banned Al Jazeera, only state-run or propaganda news will be allowed.
Just call me Discount Dan.
CobraGT posted...

Not official but definitive.

Iran knows retaliation only provokes the US. Israel pulls this shit knowing we're their shield.

The Biden administration is close to approving the sale of as many as 50 American-made F-15 fighter jets to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The transaction, which would amount to the largest US foreign military sale to Israel since the country went to war with Hamas on October 7, comes as the administration is also expected to notify Congress soon of a large new sale of precision-guided munitions kits to Israel, the people said.

The new sales of some of the US most sophisticated weaponry underscore the extent to which the US continues to support Israel militarily, even as Biden administration officials criticize Israels operations in Gaza, which have killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since October, according to the Gaza ministry of health.

Joe Biden: I understand and share your frustration with what's going on in Gaza.

Also Joe Biden: Get fucked, Gaza.
CommonStar posted...

Pariah state gonna pariah.

And the citizens of all these governments are using their tax dollars to fund the very thing that murdered them without a single care. Not that they haven't murdered tons of Americans as well.

[Delete carriage returns for link to work]
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
IMPENDING ban of Al Jazeera.

I want to correct my previous stance now that I have thought it over.

This impending ban directly effects our news. Al Jazeera now has journalists in Gaza. There are no foreign journalists allowed by Israel. When Al Jazeera is banned, the plan must be to ban the journalists.

Journalism is like any other profession. Amateurs can do it but lack the training, equipment and connections.

News blackout on the way.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
CobraGT posted...
IMPENDING ban of Al Jazeera.

I want to correct my previous stance now that I have thought it over.

This impending ban directly effects our news. Al Jazeera now has journalists in Gaza. There are no foreign journalists allowed by Israel. When Al Jazeera is banned, the plan must be to ban the journalists.

Journalism is like any other profession. Amateurs can do it but lack the training, equipment and connections.

News blackout on the way.
If Israel is going out of their way to ban media that doesn't toe their line, the only correct response is to assume every accusation made against Israel is true and every claim favorable to Israel is false, until such time as independent media is allowed access again.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Foppe posted...
Israel leaves Al-Shifa in ruins after a two weeks raid.

Two weeks is not a raid, it's a siege.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
CobraGT posted...
Not official but definitive.

Despite their op-ed page being the objective definition of a trash fire, NYT staff still knows how to do a journalism once in a while.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3

Killed chefs cooking for the needy.
Beautiful souls murdered, all because they wanted to feed starving people.
For the people that continue to doubt the Gaza Ministry of Health numbers for some reason, despite it having a pretty good track record even prior to Oct 7th.

Israeli intelligence services have studied civilian casualty figures released by the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza and concluded the figures were generally accurate, despite earlier public claims by U.S. and Israeli officials that the ministrys statistics are manipulated.

According to a story in Mekomit by Yuval Avraham, who last year broke news about the Israeli militarys use of AI for targeting purposes, the numbers were accepted for inclusion in briefings to senior Israeli officials after intelligence services conducted operations and analysis to monitor the health ministrys information collection methods and its internal communications and determined the statistics were credible. An Israeli intelligence official confirmed the Israeli government's use of the Gaza ministry numbers to VICE News, while two officials from European intelligence services said they were widely used in official briefings internationally.

CommonStar posted...
For the people that continue to doubt the Gaza Ministry of Health numbers for some reason, despite it having a pretty good track record even prior to Oct 7th.
No one has a genuine reason to doubt the numbers; it's just another case of "if it makes us look bad, pretend it doesn't exist".
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
ClayGuida posted...

Killed chefs cooking for the needy.
I saw their bodies. Really fucked up killing people trying to help those in Gaza.
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
Update on the WCKitchen envoy that was bombed. They were bombed three times in succession as when the first bomb dropped survivors went for cover in a second car and then a third car which the IDF bombed subsequently. The distance between each car was about 1km. Nothing about the bombing was unintentional.
Ngl I have to take breaks from reading these topics sometimes. It is frustrating that my country has been enabling this for so long.
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.

Aid ships are turning back after the strike. This is mission accomplished for Israel. Multiple deliberate strikes across several kilometers to murder these aid workers as a terror threat to anyone else who would try to come in and relieve the manmade famine
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
tankboy posted...
Then I suppose we're ignoring African conflicts, as is traditional?
Put up or shut up.
The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth, it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true. Ecclesiastes

The so called armed terrorist they were targeting never left the warehouse.
CommonStar posted...

The so called armed terrorist they were targeting never left the warehouse.
What kind of nonsense is this? They can snipe children just fine.
There was no armed man at the warehouse.
GT: rynobot
Where did the armed man go?
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Just like with the UN program that they claimsd supported Hamas, Israel considers access to food a threat.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
The WKC incident should be a wake up call to the world to not support Bibi at all. Can't wait to see US Government hand over more weapons under the table after seeing exactly how the IDF uses them.
Eh, whatever.
Reimu posted...
The WKC incident should be a wake up call to the world to not support Bibi at all.
Stop scapegoating. This atrocity is consistent with 50 years of Israeli policy, 70% of the Knesset's explicitly stated views, and the majority of Israeli voter's explicitly stated preferences.
How long till they blow up this bird's nest?
ZechtAurion posted...
How long till they blow up this bird's nest?
Lol @ all the removed comments (and the few they missed)
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Trumble posted...
Lol @ all the removed comments (and the few they missed)

Seeing how the surviving messages are pro-bird, I guess the comment got brigaded by Zionists.
Sign of God.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
CommonStar posted...
Honestly, we barely need investigations to confirm it at this point. There's zero reason to believe anything else.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Current Events » Israel/Palestina War XIV - The Big Attack on Rafah?
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