What kind of sex ed did your schooling teach you?

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Current Events » What kind of sex ed did your schooling teach you?

My experience with sex Ed in the 2000s Georgia public education system in the heart of GOP territory was surprisingly scattershot.

I remember the time they talked about 'inappropriate touching' and what to do. Then in 5th grade, they showed us some videos but I don't remember much about them other than they were very kid friendly and basically worthless. I later learned the girls, per their own reports, got more in depth education in the same class, like how to put on a condom (demonstrated on a banana, ofc)

Then in 6th(?) grade we got a class about STDs and they showed actual pictures of what they looked like, which was kind of strange.

Then in high school we got the classic abstinence sex ed class that was about as useful as throwing gasoline on a fire
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
They definitely went over STDs and Pregnancy. And they were like "we know you're all fucking but wear a condom bro or your life will be over" afaik no one ever got pregnant in our middle or high school
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I was also in Georgia for grade school and they taught the most basic shit

Learned way more online
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Very detailed pictures of various STDs
This is where my sigs suppose to be.
It's funny because the sex Ed class I hated the most is the only one I really remember now. It was from the 1 year I was in Catholic school. They hyper focused on abstinence and how masturbation is a sin and God will know if we do it and we'll also grow hair on our hands so we can't hide our shame. Just all kinds of fear mongering lol.

They did go into the anatomy a little bit, but they separated the boys and girls for that part. Boys only got to learn about penises and vice versa.
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Public school. Some basic anatomy and, STDs.
Getting high and playing video games is the best! I swear to ducking God!
I made a topic not too long ago, but they they gave us chocolate that had a supposed 1 in 5 chance of having laxatives to teach us about STDs.
...I think I'm done here...
"and this is what happens if you have unprotected sex, kids!"

"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
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mustachedmystic posted...
Public school. Some basic anatomy and, STDs.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
I don't even remember.
Constant isolation and distress.
It was an in depth part of health class in the 80s for me and I live in bumfuck farmland in the Midwest. It covered honestly everything and I remember it even culminated with pregnancy and watching an educational video that showed childbirth and I mean the camera was front and center on that baby coming out. I remember the woman being completely naked and wondering why they didnt at least cover her top.

I honestly think it was so openly discussed here because so many kids grow up raising animals, having them breed and give birth. The whole life cycle is exposed to us from such an early age that it only made sense to discuss it so openly about humans too.

They really went in depth on anatomy, function, birth control options and how to use them, get access to them, STDs, especially with AIDS being a big thing in the 80s. They covered pregnancy in depth. Even abortion, adoption, safe ways to handle your pregnancy and birth. Access to a psychologist, all kinds of shit.

They went into depth on feelings and the peer pressure aspect of sex and yes even back then the mental health aspect of it and how if you werent comfortable with your parents how you could utilize a school guidance counselor who could help you to resources or your doctor themselves if you didnt want to discuss it with your parents.

It was a long specific section of health class that lasted like a month or so. This was in 7th grade.
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60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
we surprisingly learned a lot. we even learned about gay sex
Mechu posted...
I don't even remember.

When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
I went to a catholic school and we actually had two sex education classes. In 5th grade we had a class that taught us hygiene and emphasized abstinence. Then in 8th grade we had a more indepeth class that actually went into diseases and safe sex.

Amusingly the 8th grade class was actually better than the one I got in high school which was mostly focused on hygiene.
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I don't actually recall. I know they did a pregnancy thing, and had a guy come in to talk about it, but I wasn't paying attention. I had read all about it in 4th grade, cause I found a book on AIDS, and at the time I thought I could, and should, read every book ever made.
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Vengeful and angry God
Why be stupid? Does it make you happy to be stupid?
I voted abstinence, but they did include a basic physiology. They may have said the word condom, but no further than that.
Basic level education on both genders and what sexual intercourse is, and basically "don't do it".
Ahegao faces
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They taught me where to put it, but not how to find someone who wants me to put it in them
I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's dong
Trying to scare us into not having sex at all by showing us extreme examples of various STDs, didn't even cover safe sex practices, just "don't do it or your dick'll rot off".
ScazarMeltex posted...
Yeah, but that's what anti biotics are for, and in the end you learn something.
........the ghost in the machine...
IGN: Fox, FC: 5344-2646-0982
We had a semester health class in 10th grade, and one day of that semester was spent on sex ed, if you could call it that. All the teacher did was tell us how the reproductive system worked. It was because of the teacher, because we had two in charge of health and sex ed. My class had the old guy who was all serious. Other people had a cool younger guy teaching the class and said he was fun as hell. During the sex ed part he would talk about sexual attraction and showed slides of hot guys and girls while discussing how sex worked.
Every day I wake up and promise I will be nice to everyone, then I deal with people at work and remember why that will never happen.
Had to get parent's permission for sex ed. They basically showed us hardcore xxx pornographic educational material, and said this is what to do, and this is what not to do.

One thing I remember specifically is that one of the teachers spoke against anal, because, "You don't want to get poop on your penis, right?"
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beans" - Optimus Pintobean
We were supposed to have it in the health portion of gym class but our teacher thought it was too awkward so we watched Super Size Me and did a report on fad diets.
Auto_Chrisbot posted...
Had to get parent's permission for sex ed. They basically showed us hardcore xxx pornographic educational material, and said this is what to do, and this is what not to do.

One thing I remember specifically is that one of the teachers spoke against anal, because, "You don't want to get poop on your penis, right?"
lmao that sounds amazing. I hope they showed that famous clip where the dude is in the chick and pivots his whole body 180 before continuing
https://imgur.com/aMaI3hj https://imgur.com/7PsdJNc
https://imgur.com/eK8vZVn https://imgur.com/u2HR4nG https://imgur.com/nQGM5cZ
I don't remember much, but I do remember having "giggle time" in 6th grade for words like penis and vagina and w/e. 8th grade I think? it had sex protection, but I definitely remember watching a woman giving birth
Getting C's and D's, saying thanks and please.
You broke the golden rule, you're staying after school.
Nothing special. They gave a basic rundown one day. The next day they played a video about a boy talking to his older self in the mirror about body hair, I think.

Then the person teaching let us ask questions if we wanted, and one kid asked some really inappropriate questions of our regular teacher. He at first refused to answer because they were very personal and private questions, but the sex ed teacher told him to lead by example and show that there's no shame in answering. So he did, and it was super uncomfortable.
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Fairly in-depth explanation of the biology of sex and what happens during puberty for both genders.

Also a lot on pregnancy and a fair amount of time given to STDs.

Birth control was touched on but not covered in depth. And because it was a Catholic school, they had to make it a point to stress that only abstinence was 100% and that the Catholic Church said it was a sin to use. But there was a lot of wink wink, nudge nudge because our teachers made it pretty obvious that, like most Catholics, they regularly used birth control and saw nothing wrong with it.

I remember having it twice. The first was in 4th or 5th grade and pretty much only talked about puberty and stuff. The second was in 8th grade and that was when we got into sex and birth control more.

This was late 80s / early 90s BTW.
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Erin Brockovich, Erin Brockovich
@NeonOPPAl posted...

lmao that sounds amazing. I hope they showed that famous clip where the dude is in the chick and pivots his whole body 180 before continuing

Don't remember that. But I do remember a clip of an inserted internal camera showing a thrusting penis coom inside of a vagina.

Like, we were supposed to learning about sex, but all I could think of is how in the fuck did they get a camera in there.
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beans" - Optimus Pintobean
I dont remember the details but Im pretty sure we covered all the important stuff with minimal propaganda, even though it was Catholic high school.

They did however manage to dedicate time to having someone come in from outside the school to hit us with anti-abortion propaganda.
"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne
Mine went pretty in depth. Actually learned something. They had to talk about abstinence to but it wasn't just that. They even had us do the whole fake baby thing. Had those baby dolls that had the sensor and stuff.
Kee Oth Rama Pancake
The only thing I remember from sex ed is a big diagram of a dick and balls on an overhead projector. I literally can't recall a single thing else about the class including who taught it.
This is where cool people write stuff.
Taught honestly about STD risks, transmission, symptoms and dangers. Taught about all the different types of birth control options out there, did the infamous condom on a banana demonstration. I'm sure there was more but that's what I remember, was a pretty candid discussion, at least at the high school level.

All I remember from elementary school (and *maybe* middle school but I don't even remember having it there) was moreso about reproductive health in general, like the different organs that exist.
RS3: UltimaSuende
Auto_Chrisbot posted...
Don't remember that. But I do remember a clip of an inserted internal camera showing a thrusting penis coom inside of a vagina.

Like, we were supposed to learning about sex, but all I could think of is how in the fuck did they get a camera in there.
lol geez
https://imgur.com/aMaI3hj https://imgur.com/7PsdJNc
https://imgur.com/eK8vZVn https://imgur.com/u2HR4nG https://imgur.com/nQGM5cZ
TheoryzC posted...
Very detailed pictures of various STDs

This. IMO, a shock based abstinence-only program. Absolutely nothing about sex, or sexuality.
Putin delenda est
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Oh yeah, we did watch the miracle of life in health class.

Mostly forgot about that, but I didn't mark that in my memory as a sex ed moment.

And in the Agriculture class I took, which was just a thinly veiled front to recruit for the Future Farmers of America, they showed us a video of a sheep giving birth and the farmer had to go elbow deep to help <_<
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
biology covered the relevant anatomy and the reproductive process
religious studies covered moral issues, contraception and VD
"Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did She die in vain?"
It wasn't so bad. We went over both reproductive systems/body parts, STIs, and different forms of safe sex/contraceptive methods.

It was a pretty good crash course for a conservative area.
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Current Events » What kind of sex ed did your schooling teach you?