What do you listen to your drive to work?

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Current Events » What do you listen to your drive to work?
I have some audiobooks, normally it fantasy and sci-fi stuff. The same songs over and over that gets boring. Back when the New Day had pod cast for a little bit I would listen to them. A part of my job have been driving all over the place so I am just so bored of everything.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
Radio morning show. They don't play music, but just talk and joke around.
i7-12700F - 3080 - 64GB 3200 - 1440p Ultrawide
Morning show on The Point(St. Louis alt. rock)
Getting high and playing video games is the best! I swear to ducking God!
Wherever I'm going, I always get there faster when I play this:

'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
I ride my motorbike to work, so nothing
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.
NPR or full random mix of my music.

usually 1 artist on shuffle
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Driving to work playlist.
"I will die of cancer before I let another dude finger my a******." - ZeroX91
Either Howard Stern or a 90s/early 00s rap station.
https://imgur.com/ZFt3WwT http://error1355.com/ce/gatorsPENSbucs.html
I might throw on a song. My commute is rarely more than 5 minutes.
I are Serious Cat
This is serious thread
Serious_Cat posted...
I might throw on a song. My commute is rarely more than 5 minutes.

Lucky You... that isn't sarcasm.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
My commute is a 15 min walk (or a 5 min bike ride) and I usually don't bother with music but I do listen to music once I get to work.
Save for your doomed future
Whatever I feel like on my USB device. Mostly a bunch of melo and tech-death bands.

mustachedmystic posted...
Morning show on The Point(St. Louis alt. rock)

That reminds me of the days working at a part-time job. The manager would listen to The Point in the back, which did have some funny morning segments. These days, KSHE is my go-to for the radio.
CNN, MSNBC, classical music and jazz.
Just call me Discount Dan.
The Dan Patrick Show.
XBOX Live Gamertag: DevilAnse33v2
PSN: DevilAnse33
Usually old school rap
Pinoy Pride , 1988 - the day I die!
Usually a podcast, either car talk, prosecuting Donald Trump, or North 100.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
work is the next room over from my bedroom so nothing for a good 30 seconds
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Kavinsky/Jungle/Broken Bells radio on Pandora, or an episode of the How Did This Get Made or This Is Important podcast.
Playlist or radio
Podcasts that are either actual play (but not That Dragon Game), or one of the more interesting NPR ones that catches my attention.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Commute too short to matter.
There are four lights.
Shit I can sing along to, or an audiobook to focus on, to ease the driving anxiety.
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
Current Events » What do you listen to your drive to work?