FF7 remake rebirth part two has yellow paint

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Current Events » FF7 remake rebirth part two has yellow paint
CrimsonGear80 posted...
i don't see what SS has to do with FFVII, but yeah it was also playtested, obviously. I was actually part of the public playtest.

like what, placing a random ladder in the environment like that other guy suggested? magic ladder going up the cliff to exactly where you need to go, hw is that any better or worse than some yellow paint?

any solution you can come up with will just be another way to guide the player that is no different from yellow paint.
So you were party to a public beta, doesn't mean you contribute anything of worth. Or if you did, thanks for the turd of a game that came out (I'm being sarcastic I know you really didn't have any say in the game dev.)

Also, it's about user experience. You could put a giant arrow pointing the cliff with text saying "CLIMB HERE DUMBASS" but players likely wouldn't respond well to it. This is only slightly less insulting to the player as it is painfully inorganic AND insulting.

As said before, climbing rope, avalanche meshing(typically brightly colored mesh to catch falling rocks), ivy, debris that is walkable... Far more ideas that would make the experience more cohesive and enjoyable to everyone.
Oh no, not yellow paint!!!

The game is ruined, 3/10 too much yellow paint reviews incoming.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
That's at least one thing FF16 does better.

You are now breathing manually.
IceCreamOnStero posted...
I doubt they hide load times given they often take much longer than any of the actual loading screens
It's actually a very common loading trick that is used to maintain continuity instead of cutting to a loading screen
Sack to crack, going to town
*party sees faintly glowing ledges*

Cloud: "Aerith, do you know what that is?"

Aerith: "That's Mako."

Cloud: "Why is it here?"

Aerith: "Maybe it's guiding us?"

Problem solved. In game life accurate and sense making reason why the edges could be highlighted.
KogaSteelfang posted...
*party sees faintly glowing ledges*

Cloud: "Aerith, do you know what that is?"

Aerith: "That's Mako."

Cloud: "Why is it here?"

Aerith: "Maybe it's guiding us?"

Problem solved. In game life accurate and sense making reason why the edges could be highlighted.
That seems more of a stupid line of reasons given the nature of Mako
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
DKJ posted...
That's at least one thing FF16 does better.

Yeah, I would take a UI marker over that eyesore honestly.
R_Jackal posted...
Yeah, I would take a UI marker over that eyesore honestly.
How dare the color yellow exist?
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Baha05 posted...
How dare the color yellow exist?
I like yellow.

The idea that there are painted cliff ledges that clash with everything else is just fucking idiotic though.
R_Jackal posted...
I like yellow.

The idea that there are painted cliff ledges that clash with everything else is just fucking idiotic though.
Really not
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Baha05 posted...
That seems more of a stupid line of reasons given the nature of Mako
You mean the knowledge of all the people who have previously lived, who are trying to stop Sephiroth, guiding someone who can actively commune with them? What's dumb about that? Besides, mako springs from the ground all the time.

Can't be dumber than some mysterious force spraypainting seemingly random ledges around the world. Ones that just happen to be exactly where the party needs to go.
I had a thought. I dunno if there are other painted ledges in Rebirth, but perhaps they actually are painted that way in-lore because it's supposed to be a directed path through Mt. Nibel up to the reactor.

If painted ledges remain in other places then that shoots down that idea.
Game collection: http://www.backloggery.com/bakonbitz
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BakonBitz posted...
I had a thought. I dunno if there are other painted ledges in Rebirth, but perhaps they actually are painted that way in-lore because it's supposed to be a directed path through Mt. Nibel up to the reactor.

If painted ledges remain in other places then that shoots down that idea.
Doubtful since they get washed off the main path halfway up the mountain and have to find a new way up. Otherwise that would work.
KogaSteelfang posted...
You mean the knowledge of all the people who have previously lived, who are trying to stop Sephiroth, guiding someone who can actively commune with them? What's dumb about that? Besides, mako springs from the ground all the time.

Can't be dumber than some mysterious force spraypainting seemingly random ledges around the world. Ones that just happen to be exactly where the party needs to go.

They could have also used something like moss, or plant life, or small creatures scrambling up the rock face. Yellow paint works in industrial settings where you can show a bucket that's tipped over, but as you said you can absolutely have a visual indicator in the environment that works within the context of the environment without having to rely on yellow paint.
"History Is Much Like An Endless Waltz. The Three Beats Of War, Peace And Revolution Continue On Forever." - Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
KogaSteelfang posted...
You mean the knowledge of all the people who have previously lived, who are trying to stop Sephiroth, guiding someone who can actively commune with them? What's dumb about that? Besides, mako springs from the ground all the time.

Can't be dumber than some mysterious force spraypainting seemingly random ledges around the world. Ones that just happen to be exactly where the party needs to go.
I mean having the life blood of the planet just randomly seeping out to guide them is really stupid yes. Also rock formations arent all browns and greys you know?
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
s0nicfan posted...
They could have also used something like moss, or plant life, or small creatures scrambling up the rock face. Yellow paint works in industrial settings where you can show a bucket that's tipped over, but as you said you can absolutely have a visual indicator in the environment that works within the context of the environment without having to rely on yellow paint.
Exactly, the Mako idea was just in case they felt like needed some sort of highlight on them. Instead of ugly yellow paint they could just faintly glow and still fit in with the lore and environment of the game, and could easily be explained away with a simple comment like I posted above.

The paint is just ugly and lazy. But also, not exactly a big deal. Just a minor annoyance.
Baha05 posted...
Really not
Alright, give me an explanation to any time you've seen a painted cliff in the world in a non decorative or non warning fashion.

Or give me a plausible reason for it to exist in the game world.

If it's NOT stupid, should be easy to do.
You know how people say some people will complain anything? Yeah this is one of those moments.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
R_Jackal posted...
Alright, give me an explanation to any time you've seen a painted cliff in the world in a non decorative or non warning fashion.

Or give me a plausible reason for it to exist in the game world.

If it's NOT stupid, should be easy to do.
Apparently, there's a species of lichen that often grows on rocks that looks remarkably like the "yellow paint" in the game, so maybe it's supposed to be that?

Baha05 posted...
I mean having the life blood of the planet just randomly seeping out to guide them is really stupid yes. Also rock formations arent all browns and greys you know?
I didn't mention the color of the rocks, but I did mention having various different natural indicators based on the environment. Like vines in a forest, moss of cliffs, rust and pipes for industrial settings.

Also, considering the party passes a massive spring of naturally flowing Mako energy literally right there... I don't think a faintly glowing highlight is dumber than paint splashed on random walls.

Especially since Aerith can commune with the life stream and Cloud is sensitive to it.
SpawnShadow posted...
Apparently, there's a species of lichen that often grows on rocks that looks remarkably like the "yellow paint" in the game, so maybe it's supposed to be that?

I have seen that, it has a pretty distinct texture even from a ways off. Also climbing on to a rather wet looking lichen covered cliff ledge is a good way to end up with your brains on the outside of your head, so that would be a poorly thought reason, but I'll give on that one. Solid possibility.
R_Jackal posted...
Alright, give me an explanation to any time you've seen a painted cliff in the world in a non decorative or non warning fashion.

Or give me a plausible reason for it to exist in the game world.

If it's NOT stupid, should be easy to do.
Cant provide it, doesnt mean its not stupid to have some sort of indication. You never know in that world how many people have traversed the land and left markers for trails. Complaining about a non issue is the silliest thing gamers do.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
SpawnShadow posted...
Apparently, there's a species of lichen that often grows on rocks that looks remarkably like the "yellow paint" in the game, so maybe it's supposed to be that?

Cloud: "Aeris, why is maritime Lichen growing in the middle of a city surrounded by barren wastes?"
Aeris: "Uh, the Lifestream, uh, finds a way."
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Baha05 posted...
Cant provide it, doesnt mean its not stupid to have some sort of indication. You never know in that world how many people have traversed the land and left markers for trails. Complaining about a non issue is the silliest thing gamers do.
I've explored quite a bit and never seen a painted cliff ledge. I can't think of many people that would be hiking or climbing and carrying paint either unless for an art piece.

Didn't say they couldn't have an indicator, just saying the way they did it was exceptionally bad.
R_Jackal posted...
I've explored quite a bit and never seen a painted cliff ledge. I can't think of many people that would be hiking or climbing and carrying paint either unless for an art piece.

Didn't say they couldn't have an indicator, just saying the way they did it was exceptionally bad.
Probably because in the real world its likely frowned upon to deface natural formations regardless of existing for rock climbing or not.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
DKJ posted...
That's at least one thing FF16 does better.


an arrow, yellow paint...what exactly is the difference? They are both doing the same thing.
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Like a Dragon Gaiden (PS5), Silent Hill: The Short Message (PS5)
I love yellow paint
Steam Deck Board
R_Jackal posted...
Alright, give me an explanation to any time you've seen a painted cliff in the world in a non decorative or non warning fashion.

Or give me a plausible reason for it to exist in the game world.

If it's NOT stupid, should be easy to do.

this game has your main character swinging a sword larger than him like nothing against giant insects

but yellow paint is the most unrealistic thing?
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Like a Dragon Gaiden (PS5), Silent Hill: The Short Message (PS5)
I can understand not thinking the paint is a big deal, but I dont get simping for the paint. Its just so ugly.
Nemu posted...
I can understand not thinking the paint is a big deal, but I dont get simping for the paint. Its just so ugly.
No one is simping for paint its just that no one gives two shits about it to cause that much outrage over what is basically a design choice to help players.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
DipDipDiver posted...
It's actually a very common loading trick that is used to maintain continuity instead of cutting to a loading screen
Again, they often take longer than a loading screen anyway. I'd rather the screen.
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
God damn gamers lmao
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys

Are we expected to believe that the Whomps took time out of their day to paint yellow arrows for Mario? Ridiculous.
A Fallen Mascot
IceCreamOnStero posted...
Its a shame that this discourse is focusing on the paint and not the fact that games should just get rid of these useless climbing sections in general.
That's what I was thinking.

Does FF7 really need to be Uncharted?
KogaSteelfang posted...
*party sees faintly glowing ledges*

Cloud: "Aerith, do you know what that is?"

Aerith: "That's Mako."

Cloud: "Why is it here?"

Aerith: "Maybe it's guiding us?"

Problem solved. In game life accurate and sense making reason why the edges could be highlighted.

I think there is a 'Follow the mako' button mechanic for the open world section
I kinda wish Capcom would reveal how many bird nests were shot on people's initial playthrough of RE4Remake

If it didn't have a treasure marker or paint on it, it was practically invisible
PowerOats posted...
I think there is a 'Follow the mako' button mechanic for the open world section
Oh, I didn't know that. So it's not even as much if a stretch as I thought. There's really no reason they couldn't have just don't that then.
KogaSteelfang posted...
Oh, I didn't know that. So it's not even as much if a stretch as I thought. There's really no reason they couldn't have just don't that then.
Yeah let's Nano Machine up this game.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Isn't the game quasi open world in certain sections? A random assortment of glowing ledges probably wouldn't look great.
A Fallen Mascot
Punished_Blinx posted...
Isn't the game quasi open world in certain sections? A random assortment of glowing ledges probably wouldn't look great.
They could only start once you get close. Unlike the glaring ugly splashes of yellow flung around on everything as it is.
KogaSteelfang posted...
They could only start once you get close. Unlike the glaring ugly splashes of yellow flung around on everything as it is.

But the point of this stuff is to draw your eye from a distance as well. No matter how far away you are you can immediately tell which cliffs you can climb.

If it was distance related you could potentially be wasting time walking towards cliffs to see if they start glowing.
A Fallen Mascot
do the bodies disappear
Go eat a pancake
DKJ posted...
That's at least one thing FF16 does better.


how is a GPS monitor style arrow better than a ledge painted a different color?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Come to think of it, walls that Chocobos can climb have orange painted arrows and a smooth surface

VampireCoyote posted...
do the bodies disappear

Current Events » FF7 remake rebirth part two has yellow paint
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