Porn sites need to let you filter out words

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Current Events » Porn sites need to let you filter out words
For example, being able to remove all results or videos with "step" any where in the title or description. Ignoring how weird the concept is, the vast majority of "step" porn is low quality, formulaic trash, that just gets by on having a popular keyword. Some of it doesn't even follow the concept, beyond the title. They literally just slap that keyword on any video.

...I mean, not that I know about things like this. >_>;
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
so, you want porn where the actors are actual siblings/parent & child as part of the fiction?

Don't you agree, Zach?
boxoto posted...
so, you want porn where the actors are actual siblings/parent & child as part of the fiction?


...? No? I want to ignore porn that pretends the people are related.
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
sorry, I must have misread that.

when you said skip out on the "step" part, I thought you meant something else.

my apologies.
Don't you agree, Zach?
You can do that with Google.

(your search term here) site: -step
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.

Hejiru posted...
You can do that with Google.

(your search term here) site: -step

Yeah but like, why should I need to use Google to fix a website's shitty designs?

boxoto posted...
sorry, I must have misread that.

when you said skip out on the "step" part, I thought you meant something else.

my apologies.

No worries. You had me wonder for a second if I worded this super weird. <_<
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
boxoto posted...
so, you want porn where the actors are actual siblings/parent & child as part of the fiction?

lol that's a thought. Somebody should hop on that. Take the market by being the first to implement a boolean search query lmao
RIP Lex Megathread
But then you'll miss out on all the quality step ladder porn
I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's dong
MartavisBryant posted...
But then you'll miss out on all the quality step ladder porn

Well obviously I would not utilize the feature when I'm in the mood for a good step ladder vid.
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
Yeah dude you did word it weird lol even though I knew exactly what you meant because I have the same exact gripe and get really pissed that it's gotten to the point where uploaders literally add step to videos that have nothing to do with it. An already established normal video gets copied, re-uploaded and the uploader adds it to the "step" category to get more views. It has really gotten ridiculous.

The fact that the popularity of that stupid shit won't die is what really bothers me.
Aren't you just supposed to put a minus sign before the words you want filtered?
"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
I honestly have a theory that the only reason step porn is even popular is for it being the closest thing to sexual tension that people are missing for regular awful mainstream porn with its lack of sexual chemistry and zero erotic appeal. So people aren't really interested in the step part, they're interested in the tension, development, will they won't they, which makes when they do eventually get together all the more hotter. If more porn did that with normal stuff like boyfriend and girlfriend, or long time friends who have never been with each other, or heck even meet cute scenarios, they would be just as popular as the step craze.
i just want all the videos have the right genre/tags and multiple filters for them so i can find something easier
We suffer from the delusion that the entire universe is held in order by the categories of human thought.
I wish I could.opt out of videos with nipple piercings and or fake tits.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
All the sites I get my good stuff from don't even have accurate tags
See profile pic
Revisited posted...
I honestly have a theory that the only reason step porn is even popular is for it being the closest thing to sexual tension that people are missing for regular awful mainstream porn with its lack of sexual chemistry and zero erotic appeal. So people aren't really interested in the step part, they're interested in the tension, development, will they won't they, which makes when they do eventually get together all the more hotter. If more porn did that with normal stuff like boyfriend and girlfriend, or long time friends who have never been with each other, or heck even meet cute scenarios, they would be just as popular as the step craze.
You're onto something here
Jerry, it's Frank Costanza!!! Mr Steinbrenner's here George is dead - call me back!!!!
MisterPengy posted...
...? No? I want to ignore porn that pretends the people are related.
you know it's all bullshit, but it still pisses you off?

Revisited posted...
So people aren't really interested in the step part, they're interested in the tension, development, will they won't they, which makes when they do eventually get together all the more hotter.
It's porn, though. You know going in that they do , otherwise it wouldn't be porn.
Put a minus in front of the word you search. That works for some sites.

So, if you don't want step- shit type "-step" along with what you're looking for.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Thermador446 posted...
Aren't you just supposed to put a minus sign before the words you want filtered?

That doesn't work for most porn sites; that's why another user mentioned Google, since you can do it through there. Not sure if I can mention them by name but there are sites like [present tense of "found" + plural form of "tube"] which are basically porn site search tools where you can employ the minus sign trick as well.
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Questionmarktarius posted...
you know it's all bullshit, but it still pisses you off?

It's porn, though. You know going in that they do , otherwise it wouldn't be porn.
Well yeah but people like to be teased, like the buildup, the anticipation, the chase. If you have a significant other, you know you're going to get sex but that doesn't mean you don't like to be teased, the foreplay before the actual act.
MisterPengy posted...
For example, being able to remove all results or videos with "step" any where in the title or description. Ignoring how weird the concept is, the vast majority of "step" porn is low quality, formulaic trash, that just gets by on having a popular keyword. Some of it doesn't even follow the concept, beyond the title. They literally just slap that keyword on any video.

...I mean, not that I know about things like this. >_>;

Try putting a "-" to filter out.
Like this keywords: "Latina milf -step"
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
You'll learn to like it

Just think about how vanilla you were as a teen even
I feel well put
When I go to a certain site, and I put da l word into da search, only to still get a bunch of freakishly large cocks is in da results. WTF?
All day long on the chaise lounge, on the chaise lounge,
all day long, on the chaise lounge
I dont understand this step craze at all.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
Never understood it either. You gotta have absolutely zero relationship with your father to be into the idea of banging his wife assuming she isn't your mother.

Some of these even blur the lines of THAT aspect...
mustachedmystic posted...
When I go to a certain site, and I put da l word into da search, only to still get a bunch of freakishly large cocks is in da results. WTF?

ya i want some big busty chicks but instead i keep getting something else. i hope that my church doesn't find out about this.
I cant afford a good vacation, so i'm just going to drink until i dont know where i am.
blacklabelice posted...
ya i want some big busty chicks but instead i keep getting something else. i hope that my church doesn't find out about this.
Are you Baptist?
All day long on the chaise lounge, on the chaise lounge,
all day long, on the chaise lounge
cjsdowg posted...
I dont understand this step craze at all.
Everyone pays for pizza with a credit card when ordering now, so that plot is right out.
Questionmarktarius posted...
Everyone pays for pizza with a credit card when ordering now, so that plot is right out.

But it just so specific and odd. Like Flash and Iris dating on the TV show was odd too me lol. Just like why would people be drawn to that. But hey too each their own.
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
cjsdowg posted...
Like Flash and Iris dating on the TV show was odd too me lol.

What was weird about giving the main character a romantic interest? People generally like romance.
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Blue_Thunder posted...
What was weird about giving the main character a romantic interest? People generally like romance.

They grew up in the same house together .
If you say I am wrong, then prove that you are right.
cjsdowg posted...
They grew up in the same house together .

Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Mystereave posted...
Lol it actually bothers me that they implied heteronormative porn of 2 people having passionate sex with each other is not what people want over the stupid step stuff
I never knew about this adding a minus before things for searches so thank you for teaching me something new.

Mystereave posted...

That Steve Martin part is hilarious, and nice user name btw.
Current Events » Porn sites need to let you filter out words