Stock Market General 51: To the motherfucking moon

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Current Events » Stock Market General 51: To the motherfucking moon
1337toothbrush posted...
Nvidia will drop to 60.

Aged like raw fish
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Econ pundits: AI bubble has burst.
AI stocks: new ATHs again lol
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Yawn_Master2 posted...
Aged like raw fish
Yeah, because I was seriously claiming one of highest market cap companies in the world was going to have its share price cut down to a tenth of the price overnight. Even when the AI bubble bursts, the movement isn't going to be that dramatic. - -
It's not a moon, it's a Death Star.
"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
1337toothbrush posted...
Yeah, because I was seriously claiming one of highest market cap companies in the world was going to have its share price cut down to a tenth of the price overnight. Even when the AI bubble bursts, the movement isn't going to be that dramatic.

This isn't a bubble. A bubble is when you've got tons of different competing business and a whole lot of them fail all at once. The AI landscape has only a small number of players and some aren't even public. There's only a small amount of relevant investments for AI. Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, AMD, and those are split between hardware and software.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Tyranthraxus posted...
This isn't a bubble. A bubble is when you've got tons of different competing business and a whole lot of them fail all at once. The AI landscape has only a small number of players and some aren't even public. There's only a small amount of relevant investments for AI. Nvidia, Microsoft, Alphabet, Meta, AMD, and those are split between hardware and software.
They're all being pumped just on the supposed possibilities of AI. Not to mention all the companies slapping the term AI onto their offerings to try to catch some of that pump. - -
1337toothbrush posted...
They're all being pumped just on the supposed possibilities of AI. Not to mention all the companies slapping the term AI onto their offerings to try to catch some of that pump.

You highly misunderestimate the power of NVIDIA's chips. It will crash eventually when a competitor can catch-up but that wont be for at least a year if not 5 years.

I'm a data scientist, I work with large amounts of data and machine learning all the time. NVIDIA is so far ahead of the competition, and has demonstrated what is capable with their chips. Neural nets have learned to play mine craft and drive cars with their tech.
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Yawn_Master2 posted...
You highly misunderestimate the power of NVIDIA's chips. It will crash eventually when a competitor can catch-up but that wont be for at least a year if not 5 years.

I'm a data scientist, I work with large amounts of data and machine learning all the time. NVIDIA is so far ahead of the competition, and has demonstrated what is capable with their chips. Neural nets have learned to play mine craft and drive cars with their tech.
No, no, I know all about nvidia's lead in the space, stemming all the way back from their lead with CUDA. That doesn't mean this hasn't been irrationally pumped. - -
1337toothbrush posted...
No, no, I know all about nvidia's lead in the space, stemming all the way back from their lead with CUDA. That doesn't mean this hasn't been irrationally pumped.

The Forward P/E is only 32. You don't know what you're talking about.
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Yawn_Master2 posted...

The Forward P/E is only 32. You don't know what you're talking about.
Look at trailing P/E lol - -
Why would I? Trailing P/E is irrelevant if a company is experiencing massive EPS growth.

Do you trade stocks based off their performance in the past? I trade stocks based where they are now and going into the future.

Your portfolio must be filled with Walmart, Yahoo, and GE lol.
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Blue_Thunder posted...
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Blue thunder quoting himself
"Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth."
Im never selling stock again, having to wait until mid February for my brokerage tax forms is annoying as fuck

I want my tax return now damn it :(
littlebro07 posted...
Im never selling stock again, having to wait until mid February for my brokerage tax forms is annoying as fuck

I want my tax return now damn it :(
Yeah, it feels like it's taking forever. I get dividends though, so it doesn't have to do with selling for me Rams: 7-9
littlebro07 posted...
Im never selling stock again, having to wait until mid February for my brokerage tax forms is annoying as fuck

I want my tax return now damn it :(
If you made a significant amount of money and didn't submit a tax payment estimation, then you'd owe money. Not sure why you'd want that "return" ASAP. - -
Yo anybody have BMR stock lol
See you next Wednesday.
__aCEr__ posted...
Yo anybody have BMR stock lol
The latest pump and dump? I hope nobody is in it, especially not now that it's in its dumping phase. These pump and dumps happen on random-ass tickers all the damn time. - -
Slowly but surely bois.
Never forget where you came from.
Imagine if enzc namedrops Nvidia, we will be eating good.
Lancool II | Z690 Tomahawk |12700K | Fuma 2 | RTX 3070Ti | 16GB
3600MHz | FireCuda 530 1TB | Inland NVMe 1TB | RM750x
Any chance GameStop is gonna have a drive-up again, if for nothing else the memes?
PotD's resident Film Expert.
Get ready for a bloodbath
Buffalo Bills
theAteam posted...
Get ready for a bloodbath
Of course. The narrative about iNfLAtiOn iS cOoLiNG and sOfT lAnDiNg is bullshit. Inflation is still too damn high and it's way too early to say it has resolved. The market is addicted to cheap/free money and they're champing at the bit for rate cuts to keep this bubble going. - -
DOW is still above 38k. Im confident this will be a solid year.

Never forget where you came from.
fan357 posted...
DOW is still above 38k. Im confident this will be a solid year.
Solidly fucked. - -
someone told me ENZC was a good stock to jump on
I refuse to let my freedom of speech be held hostage by political insurgents and rabblerousers.
Billyionaire posted...
someone told me ENZC was a good stock to jump on
Tell that someone to pump that garbage elsewhere. - -
ENZC gonna pay off my house one day*

* when my last payment is due and I leave $0.33 so ENZC can wipe it out
littlebro07 posted...
ENZC gonna pay off my house one day*

* when my last payment is due and I leave $0.33 so ENZC can wipe it out
bold of you to think it won't be delisted by then
Feeling really good.
Faceless goofus in a sea of alts
Bought couple thousand shares of RollsRoyce when it was just about $1. It's hanging around $4 now, nice.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
1337toothbrush posted...
Tell that someone to pump that garbage elsewhere.
It made me a 5.7% return in less than a hour this morning.
CyborgSage00x0 posted...
Bought couple thousand shares of RollsRoyce when it was just about $1. It's hanging around $4 now, nice.

Nice I had shares at like 1.25 forever but it never went anywhere. I sold long ago for a slight profit.
Buffalo Bills
ah, i thought the nvda topic was the new stock market general. pissed i been paying down loans last year due to wedding and honeymoon instead of investing. missed a good run there
krazychao5 posted...
ah, i thought the nvda topic was the new stock market general. pissed i been paying down loans last year due to wedding and honeymoon instead of investing. missed a good run there
You can never really go wrong with paying off debt. Market returns are unknown, debt payoff is permanent.
Tenlaar posted...
It made me a 5.7% return in less than a hour this morning.
You can make money on garbage, doesn't mean it's not garbage. - -
Tenlaar posted...
It made me a 5.7% return in less than a hour this morning.
On a day like today, nearly everything is gonna get you a return
"Creed made better Pearl Jam music than Pearl Jam did" - shockthemonkey
misterbum posted...
You can never really go wrong with paying off debt. Market returns are unknown, debt payoff is permanent.
i didn't want the debt in the first place lol

at least they were all 0% loans
anyone get lucky and get SCMI in the last few weeks? Yes I still follow WSB.
Switch FC: SW-3917-4425-6106
PSN: PiKappaPhi769
Sadly no. I've been trying to just focus on Spy lately, for options at least.
haters gonna hate
What length of investment do you all tend to go for? I'm playing around with some small dollar day traderish stuff (not strictly always buy and sell in one day, sometimes looking to get in and out within a few days) and so far I've been doing alright at catching a quick 3-6% on trades, but one stock that I set up an order to sell at 3% sold as the stock shot up to what would have been 20% later in the day. Now I'm looking at a current 11% gain on TELL in the last couple days and trying to decide between sticking with quick turnovers for a guaranteed amount or rolling the dice longer term on some stocks.
Tenlaar posted...
What length of investment do you all tend to go for? I'm playing around with some small dollar day traderish stuff (not strictly always buy and sell in one day, sometimes looking to get in and out within a few days) and so far I've been doing alright at catching a quick 3-6% on trades, but one stock that I set up an order to sell at 3% sold as the stock shot up to what would have been 20% later in the day. Now I'm looking at a current 11% gain on TELL in the last couple days and trying to decide between sticking with quick turnovers for a guaranteed amount or rolling the dice longer term on some stocks.
Buy and hold forever, almost exclusively
"Creed made better Pearl Jam music than Pearl Jam did" - shockthemonkey
Tenlaar posted...
What length of investment do you all tend to go for? I'm playing around with some small dollar day traderish stuff (not strictly always buy and sell in one day, sometimes looking to get in and out within a few days) and so far I've been doing alright at catching a quick 3-6% on trades, but one stock that I set up an order to sell at 3% sold as the stock shot up to what would have been 20% later in the day. Now I'm looking at a current 11% gain on TELL in the last couple days and trying to decide between sticking with quick turnovers for a guaranteed amount or rolling the dice longer term on some stocks.

Take a look at VTSAX
Does anyone who posts here trade for active income rather than long term investment?
Cable used to have a good amount of dividends but I think he cashed all that out.
Never forget where you came from.
fan357 posted...
Cable used to have a good amount of dividends but I think he cashed all that out.

Stock in silver I believe
SLVO was always a poor investment that only seemed like it was good because of the high monthly dividends. A case of seeing the short-term gains without realizing that you were losing money the longer you stayed invested in a covered call on a precious metal that has never been a big mover.

Throw in the fact that Credit Suisse collapsed and it really is not an example anyone should try to emulate.
See you next Wednesday.
My dream is to get to the point where I can live off my dividends invested in a safe index like VTI. But that's a long way away, only made like $4700 or so in 2023.
Feeling really good.
Faceless goofus in a sea of alts
How does my stock portfolio look?

70 shares of google
70 shares of amazon
70 shares of apple
10 shares of nvda
5 shares of microsoft
5 shares of meta
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Current Events » Stock Market General 51: To the motherfucking moon
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