You have died and are sent to hell.

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Current Events » You have died and are sent to hell.
What is your humorous and possibly ironic punishment to suffer from for all eternity?

For me, being a supermarket cashier and waiting on elderly people who pays all in coins. Then living in a content house with a bunch of zoomers who make TikTok and Instagram content.
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Watching videos with ads at the beginning.
On va les avoir.
having sex with all the hottest women i want
You think you've Got problems?
Getting constant text messages from my mom with pictures of her laptop screen, with her asking "should I click yes?" to every update and spam email she used to get.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
other people
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
Never having any friends.
Pikakaeru, use water gun!
My biggest sin is my horniness, I write a load of shit I ain't showing anyone here but whilst I love being alone with my fantasies, I can't even see sex scenes in movies/TV shows without cringing. So the ironic punishment would be me being able to only watch those and being unable to write my own lmao
The Switch board's resident Satanist and official Rune Factory simp.
Im trapped in a hallway with doors everywhere.

But all of them are locked, and I dont have a key.

Now admittedly theres nothing funny about that, so I would also try this one.

Im at a sports bar that serves nothing but pepsi zero and eggs and breakfast cereal, and the Dallas Cowboys win every single day on TV while listening to Never gonna give you up on an endless loop.

The commercials are nothing but those stupid Iphone commercials and movie trailers to the Star Wars Sequels or Zach Braff and Donald Faison singing about every little thing.
My resolution - the next time the Eagles are in the Superbowl, I'm going!
February 10th, 2023
Having an eternity to play any video game I want as long as it's Desert Bus.

waittt... this would be a really cruel punishment actually dang:(
Wait... this life isn't what that is?
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
Hell is an Irish bar where its St. Patricks Day everyday forever.
Doing everything I can for friendship but never being able to retain friends for any length of time. oh wait thats my life already
Pikakaeru, use water gun!
Being too cold
You get entertainment down in hell, but its only TikTok.
LouisCyphre6 posted...
My biggest sin is my horniness, I write a load of shit I ain't showing anyone here but whilst I love being alone with my fantasies, I can't even see sex scenes in movies/TV shows without cringing. So the ironic punishment would be me being able to only watch those and being unable to write my own lmao
Spin: you have to watch them with your parents
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
Current Events » You have died and are sent to hell.