San Francisco was a lot poopier than usual this New Year's

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I remember visiting LA and Orange County a decade ago. I did not want to rent a car and drive in the traffic, I wanted to use the mass transit.
I was struck by how completely absent public restrooms were from the train/rail stops. Literally nothing.
Apparently no public restrooms is a problem in a lot of cities.

So I wonder if that's part of the problem... I recall also that SF I think tried to build a public restroom and the one stall cost over a million dollars, just getting thru the regulatory process, before any work even started....

The Metrolink was great. LA Metro not so great. And I had to wait 1.5 hours for a bus between the LA Metro station in Norwalk and the Metrolink station that was 3 miles from it, b/c apparently putting the two together in the same station never crossed anyone's mind. God, if I didn't have luggage I would've walked and made it there faster.