It suddenly struck me that RE games are a great example of heteronormativity.

Current Events

I'mma be real, that might not be the right word. And this is entirely pointless meandering

I'm talking about how a lot of times people are criticized for believing two same-sex characters being attracted to one another, being accused of reading too much into things. Like Castiel and Dean from Supernatural or Bashir and Garak from Star Trek: DS9. Or the way people even try to argue away canon same-sex relationships like Ellie/Riley and Frank/Bill from the Last of Us or Korra/Asami from Legend of Korra.

But in RE, so many people just naturally pair Billy/Rebecca, Chris/Jill, and Leon/Claire when not a single one of those characters ever show any kind of attraction to one another. Leon has a romantic arc with an entirely different character and the only time we see him and Claire together after RE2 is in the Netflix show, but a lot of people still swear the two of them belong together solely because they're the male/female protagonist of a video game.

Compare it to Korra/Asami which people swear come out of nowhere, but it was at the end of a season where Korra had pushed away everyone else, spent months writing letters solely to her, and then paired up a ton. There's even a scene where Asami compliments Korra's haircut and Korra blushes. If Asami had been named Fred, that alone would have been ample evidence that they were the endgame couple.

I suppose my basic point is that Chris and Wesker were boyfriends and that's why they have so much personal animosity, thanks and good night.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur