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Why doesn't the fact that I know I won't care about being dead when I'm dead bri

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Current Events » Why doesn't the fact that I know I won't care about being dead when I'm dead bri
ng me comfort? Intellectually I know it it to be true. Because, duh. But it still sends me into deep anxiety when I confront the notion. Is it just the propensity most living things share, the want to exist?

It's got me fucked up lately, thinking about death. But two people in real life I've talked to about it don't seem phased by it. Kind of jealous of that.
walk like thunder
I'm at that point in my life where I'm just waiting to die.
Honestly, I envy you.
Because you don't know much about the process of getting from here to there?
And also it's inevitable and it could jump out from anywhere at any time?
Still waiting on that third threat
It's definitely something I try to keep my mind off of
SMU Mustangs / Jayhawks / Texans / Rockets/Astros
I get it. It's impossible to imagine what it's like after death especially if you believe that you simply stop existing. No thoughts no dreams nothing for the rest of eternity. You won't really be at peace because you simply won't exist anymore thus no sense of self. It can be frightening when you really think about it
ViewtifulJoe posted...
And also it's inevitable and it could jump out from anywhere at any time?
This is pretty bad right now. I think I need anti-anxiety medication. Like anytime I'm not interacting with people or fully invested in an activity, the thoughts creep up. It's not fun at all.
Questionmarktarius posted...
I'm at that point in my life where I'm just waiting to die.
Honestly, I envy you.
I am so sorry to hear that. And on the other hand, lol oh well, we're all gonna die and are already dead and nothing matters at all in any way. WOOOO!!!!
walk like thunder
Axiom posted...
I get it. It's impossible to imagine what it's like after death especially if you believe that you simply stop existing. No thoughts no dreams nothing for the rest of eternity. You won't really be at peace because you simply won't exist anymore thus no sense of self. It can be frightening when you really think about it
I've read a couple quotes recently that sort of helped/sucked. One is the idea that, you know, non-existence is our true form. This blip of consciousness is insignificant in the time we spend unalive. So really life is just an interruption of the way things are truly meant to be.

It's funny. I never realized how why religion can be so powerful until I've started struggling with this. My dad is comforted by the thought that when we die we go to heaven. And even just typing that out and thinking those words give me a sliver of relief. Just the mere idea that we get something after this, even though I fully believe we do not, is enough to lighten the burden for a brief second. So, I understand the comfort religion can bring, now, in a way I did not before.
walk like thunder
Does it embitter you a little to see religious people get such an easy ride, resolute in the idea that after they die they teleport to the bonus level instead of what you're worrying about?
Still waiting on that third threat
Could I ask how old you are? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, (it's not anything I would try to use as a negative or something).
You punched me in the boob! Prepare to die, obviously! - Roxy Richter
ViewtifulJoe posted...
Does it embitter you a little to see religious people get such an easy ride, resolute in the idea that after they die they teleport to the bonus level instead of what you're worrying about?
Not embitter. I am definitely envious. I wonder what the world would be like if no one thought there was Life Part 2?
walk like thunder
MorbidFaithless posted...
ng me comfort? Intellectually I know it it to be true. Because, duh. But it still sends me into deep anxiety when I confront the notion. Is it just the propensity most living things share, the want to exist?

It's got me fucked up lately, thinking about death. But two people in real life I've talked to about it don't seem phased by it. Kind of jealous of that.
Extremely fitting username to post correlation
It's weird to think about going to sleep and never waking up again.

Yeah, you won't care, but it's weird to confront an 'end' of awareness.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
YourBestFrenemy posted...
Could I ask how old you are? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, (it's not anything I would try to use as a negative or something).
I turned 31 20 days ago. I'm pretty sure that's what triggered this. For a few years in my teens I was gripped by a similar yet not as deep depression, but for YEARS I had no problem with it at all. Didn't really think about it much.
walk like thunder
MorbidFaithless posted...
I turned 31 20 days ago. I'm pretty sure that's what triggered this. For a few years in my teens I was gripped by a similar yet not as deep depression, but for YEARS I had no problem with it at all. Didn't really think about it much.

That's interesting. I've went through three very distinct phases in my life as regards my thoughts on my own mortality, and the second phase, (where I became almost obsessively aware of how tenuous life can be), happened right around my early 30's.
Personal experiences can very obviously affect how someone views their mortality, but I definitely think age plays a big part as well.

You punched me in the boob! Prepare to die, obviously! - Roxy Richter
The act of dying will still involve suffering?
EDF-5 posted...
The act of dying will still involve suffering?
Depends on how.

Cancer = oh hell yes suffering
Inert gas asphyxiation = not really.
YourBestFrenemy posted...
That's interesting. I've went through three very distinct phases in my life as regards my thoughts on my own mortality, and the second phase, (where I became almost obsessively aware of how tenuous life can be), happened right around my early 30's.
Personal experiences can very obviously affect how someone views their mortality, but I definitely think age plays a big part as well.
I see. I think I would be maybe a tad less frightened if it was something that was more talked about. But I also understand it's an unpleasant topic for most. So I get why no one talks about it... What a vicious circle.
walk like thunder
MorbidFaithless posted...
This is pretty bad right now. I think I need anti-anxiety medication. Like anytime I'm not interacting with people or fully invested in an activity, the thoughts creep up. It's not fun at all.

I am so sorry to hear that. And on the other hand, lol oh well, we're all gonna die and are already dead and nothing matters at all in any way. WOOOO!!!!

I had severe fear of death, including major panic attacks about it. I had the same issue with the constant thoughts creeping in. I started Zoloft and it got better almost immediately. Im still terrified intellectually and the panic creeps up on occasion, but things have been much better. I would recommend talking to a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist if possible.
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks, that let us bet, when we know we should have folded.
It's called Intrusive Thoughts.

Everyone has them, but for some it can become a problem, especially if you suffer from anxiety and/or depression.

The way to deal with them is to acknowledge the thought, but recognize that it is just a thought. It's not a deep truth or a prophecy, or an essential part of your personality. It's just an idea you had, that's all.
(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thang
MorbidFaithless posted...
I see. I think I would be maybe a tad less frightened if it was something that was more talked about. But I also understand it's an unpleasant topic for most. So I get why no one talks about it... What a vicious circle.

It's OK to talk about it, it's something every single person on this planet has in common. Talking about death, and dwelling on it, are different things entirely.
It's just as unhealthy to ignore uncomfortable things as it is to dwell on them.
You punched me in the boob! Prepare to die, obviously! - Roxy Richter
This topic helped a little bit. Thanks guys.
walk like thunder
I waffle. On the one hand the idea we just live for a few years and then we're just nothing for eternity, and that we'll be gone a lot longer than we'll be alive is pretty scary.

But on the other hand, we were also nothing for a looooong time before we were born so, it's kinda whatever.

Plus sometimes the idea of just not existing is kind of nice
Down with the Signess.
ai123 posted...
It's called Intrusive Thoughts.

Everyone has them, but for some it can become a problem, especially if you suffer from anxiety and/or depression.

The way to deal with them is to acknowledge the thought, but recognize that it is just a thought. It's not a deep truth or a prophecy, or an essential part of your personality. It's just an idea you had, that's all.

Fear of death isnt an intrusive thought. Its also not just an idea they had. It really is a deep truth, its just one we all have to cope with. This isnt really helpful advice.

It's a luscious mix of words and tricks, that let us bet, when we know we should have folded.
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Current Events » Why doesn't the fact that I know I won't care about being dead when I'm dead bri