Why doesn't the fact that I know I won't care about being dead when I'm dead bri

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MorbidFaithless posted...
This is pretty bad right now. I think I need anti-anxiety medication. Like anytime I'm not interacting with people or fully invested in an activity, the thoughts creep up. It's not fun at all.

I am so sorry to hear that. And on the other hand, lol oh well, we're all gonna die and are already dead and nothing matters at all in any way. WOOOO!!!!

I had severe fear of death, including major panic attacks about it. I had the same issue with the constant thoughts creeping in. I started Zoloft and it got better almost immediately. Im still terrified intellectually and the panic creeps up on occasion, but things have been much better. I would recommend talking to a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist if possible.
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks, that let us bet, when we know we should have folded.