Is high school football really that big in Texas?

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Current Events » Is high school football really that big in Texas?
I just started watching Friday Night Lights and I know its TV but you would think these players were The Beatles. Good show so far though.

Also, every main girl on this show in a total babe.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
there are school districts with hundred million dollar stadiums, maybe more?
whats cat up to
It's almost like a religion there, yeah
I believe the term "it's all they got" applies here.
CyricZ He/him
It's a show based on a real football team so yeah.
See you next Wednesday.
I remember an article posted here back when I was in college. It was about some Texas high school getting a new or renovated stadium. The fucking stadium was MASSIVE and looked like a professional football stadium.
not just texas but a lot of the south
aure entuluva
Yes, there are a lot of districts with 40+ mil dollar stadiums. I was surprised to find out that a local HS stadium near me cost 41 mil to build back in 2010, it's really nice I'll give them that. Places like Allen, Tomball and McKinney ISD are the top dogs.
"We tried to tell y'all."
- African-American proverb
Apparently the entire south is like that. In the north , most people only follow college and NFL

In small southern towns I think High School football is a huge deal. At least how it seems grom every small town movie I have ever seen that mentions the local football team
Jesus tapdancing Christ, those are huge.
Party leader, passive-aggressive doormat, pasta eater extraordinaire!
Midwest HS football is pretty big too. Arrowhead HS in Wisconsin is a prime example.

Obviously the lower GDP means we're not building double digit million dollar stadiums like in TX.
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
Yes because most people in texas peaked in HS.
You know you made it when the HS football field doesnt have a track around it
Slow and steady wins the race
Given how old Friday Night Lights is, it seems reasonably likely that HS football is actually BIGGER in Texas now than it was portrayed in the show.
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Current Events » Is high school football really that big in Texas?