This TA calls on black women first and white men last. Critics want her fired

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Current Events » This TA calls on black women first and white men last. Critics want her fired
Should she be fired?

An online post by a University of Pennsylvania teaching assistant noting that she calls on black women and people of color in class ahead of white people has sparked calls for her removal.

Stephanie McKellop, a Ph.D. student and teaching assistant for a history class titled Sinners, Sex and Slaves: Race and Sex in Early America, posted Oct. 16 on her personal Twitter account that I will always call on my Black women students first. Other POC get second tier priority. WW come next. And, if I have to, white men.

McKellops Twitter account has since been set to private, but numerous news outlets, including The Daily Pennsylvanian, have posted screenshots of her tweet. In later posts, according to the screenshots, McKellop said she had learned the strategy, intended to redress a lack of opportunities for non-whites to speak up in normal life, as an undergraduate student from a professor.

The posts sparked an almost immediate backlash, with some accusing McKellop of racial discrimination, while others particularly in academia rallied to support her position.


Like, isn't what she's doing the definition of racism? Fire this disgusting liberal, there's no room in class for this shit.
Oda break tracker 2017- 8 (3) | THE Ohio State: 6-1 | Oakland Raiders: 3-4
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This is why Trump won
clearaflagrantj posted...
This is why Trump won

The fragile white male ego is partly why Trump won, you are correct.
Jake Peralta: World's Grossest Pervert
I like how she uses a slur in her name.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Other POC get second tier priority.

I'm not sure I like this.
Millennials posted...
Other POC get second tier priority.

I'm not sure I like this.

You shouldn't. It shows a stunning lack of self-awareness for her to even say such a thing.
What a stupid whore.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
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Race-based preferential treatment is a perfectly justifiable excuse for firing this moron.
- The Admiral
"We will achieve diversity by segregating. There is nothing wrong with my plan."
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
clearaflagrantj posted...
This is why Trump won

The fragile white male ego is partly why Trump won, you are correct.

Insulting an entire demographic is surely the best course of action to promote tolerance of all demographics.
Posted with GameRaven 3.2.2
And she says it with such pride. Fucking idiot.
How's my posting?
Call for any comments or concerns.
I'm offended by this. :v She should be calling on gay white men before straight white men.
What a racist.
I am the Catata Fish
Posted using GameFlux
I always find the reaction to stuff like this funny. The same people who defend when black people and other POC are harassed by the police , killed , face racism. Are the first people to decry this shit. And no I don't think she should avoid calling on white males. Just pointing out the double standard.
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
while others particularly in academia rallied to support her position.

This is the scariest part imo. College kids, the supposed future of our country, are literally defending this.
Oda break tracker 2017- 8 (3) | THE Ohio State: 6-1 | Oakland Raiders: 3-4
Super Mario Maker Profile: 1237-0000-0073-02FE
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
clearaflagrantj posted...
This is why Trump won

The fragile white male ego is partly why Trump won, you are correct.

The alternative was a party who said dumb shit like you just did. Of course Trump won. Look forward to even larger and more humiliating election defeats until folks like you are educated enough to see how ignorant you sound. Especially in the context of this topic.
- The Admiral
What an idiot.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
She needs Random Sticks.
There is no "would of", "should of" or "could of".
There is "would've", "should've" and "could've".
Howl posted...
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
clearaflagrantj posted...
This is why Trump won

The fragile white male ego is partly why Trump won, you are correct.

Insulting an entire demographic is surely the best course of action to promote tolerance of all demographics.

Funny part is, they(leftists) often excuse Islamic extremism as an obvious reaction to prejudice and generalizations but see how quick he was to generalize about white men? And do you think for a second he would "excuse" simply exercising your democratic rights? Lol no.

I'm no Trump supporter but the left is making right wing radicalization fucking easy. Fucking appealing.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Howl posted...
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
clearaflagrantj posted...
This is why Trump won

The fragile white male ego is partly why Trump won, you are correct.

Insulting an entire demographic is surely the best course of action to promote tolerance of all demographics.

This is clearly an isolated incident but the right takes things like this as proof white people are under attack.

But when other races are proven to be victims of systemic racism its brushed off.
Jake Peralta: World's Grossest Pervert
My concern is that this treatment carries over into how she grades assignments. Who she calls on in class first is pretty inconsequential.
Apparently to the left white males (who are also paying to be there) thinking they should have the same opportunities participate in the discussion as everyone else without regard to their race/gender is unreasonable.
"If the day does not require an AK, it is good." The Great Warrior Poet, Ice Cube
That_Happened posted...
My concern is that this treatment carries over into how she grades assignments. Who she calls on in class first is pretty inconsequential.

I didn't even think about that, holy shit.
Oda break tracker 2017- 8 (3) | THE Ohio State: 6-1 | Oakland Raiders: 3-4
Super Mario Maker Profile: 1237-0000-0073-02FE
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
This is clearly an isolated incident #93852895

herpderp you literally said isolated incident unironically.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
She means well, but this is not an appropriate way to run a class and I don't think it's justifiable at all.
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
This is clearly an isolated incident #93852895

herpderp you literally said isolated incident unironically.

Thats Ad Hominem and not an argument.
Jake Peralta: World's Grossest Pervert
"The posts sparked an almost immediate backlash, with some accusing McKellop of racial discrimination, while others particularly in academia rallied to support her position."

You don't say. Who would've thought that academia would support this? I didn't.
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Imagine someone did the opposite?
Xbox GT: l0rdg0ld666 | 3DS FC: 1848-2391-0198
[LXGC] - Lethal Xtreme Gaming crew
Not everything has to be centered around white people. The class itself and the title? That should readily make it clear that black students would have much more relevant discussion points to make.
Pokemon Moon FC: 1994-2190-5020
IGN: Vanessa
A white person calling on white people first would obviously lack the same reasoning behind it, but I wonder how she would feel about some other POC professor prioritizing students of their own race over black students. Like what about an Asian professor making a point of calling on Asian students first? Maybe that professor would consider black people third tier. Would that be okay?
Literally racist and sexist
When it's kids, it's "bullying" but if it were adults, it's stalking, harassment, assault, criminal threats and just general abuse. -Tmk
eston posted...
She means well, but this is not an appropriate way to run a class and I don't think it's justifiable at all.

Not sure why you assume she means well.
- The Admiral
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
Thats Ad Hominem and not an argument.

"It's just an isolated incident" isn't a fucking argument, nor is it true.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
She shouldn't continue to do this, but she shouldn't get fired over it.
Gonna go out on a limb and guess that you are a trump supporter
The Admiral posted...
eston posted...
She means well, but this is not an appropriate way to run a class and I don't think it's justifiable at all.

Not sure why you assume she means well.

Because I read the article and understand her reasoning. I just think it's misguided
What a time to be alive. She lacks all self awareness.
Sigless user
Not sure why anyone would defend her. She should get fired.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
Waluigi7 posted...
She shouldn't continue to do this, but she shouldn't get fired over it.

If a white male TA did this they would be fired on the spot. Why should it be any different here?
PSN: scorpion_4160
Currently Playing: NCAA 14, Darksiders series(PS3)
Fuck it, ignoring GPG I need a break, they're too good a troll. Or rather, they can troll wantonly because gamefaqs doesn't mod trolls and instead mods irony because "offensive"
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
eston posted...
She means well, but this is not an appropriate way to run a class and I don't think it's justifiable at all.
Pretty damn stupid but not the worst thing I've seen from crazy white SJW-Liberals.
thats some naaaaaaaaasty racism
(Modern) feminism is nothing but a misandrist hate cult

The hell

DippinSauce posted...
eston posted...
She means well, but this is not an appropriate way to run a class and I don't think it's justifiable at all.

White separatists mean well too, they're just misguided pieces of shit.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
That's really one of the problems with liberals. Conservatives in power do racist shit all the time but they obscure it or try to pretend it's about something other than race, but liberals will be honest and tell you to your face "I'm giving preferential treatment to a group that was denied preference for years." If they're going to do this, they have to be smarter about it.
gunplagirl posted...
Not everything has to be centered around white people. The class itself and the title? That should readily make it clear that black students would have much more relevant discussion points to make.

That's not how things work in America. We live in a multicultural and multiracial country. We are diverse. You don't get to discriminate againt people due to their race. Period.

If you don't like it, move to a different country.
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
DevsBro posted...

The hell


Oda break tracker 2017- 8 (3) | THE Ohio State: 6-1 | Oakland Raiders: 3-4
Super Mario Maker Profile: 1237-0000-0073-02FE
This is the same sort of kneejerk reaction as asking for a straight pride parade.

Black females would have the most amount of insight through both familial history and personal experience as a result of the topic's cascading effect into present day on the topic of "Sinners, Sex and Slaves: Race and Sex in Early America", and white dudes would have the least.

Making a point to call on them because they're not called on elsewhere seems like an auxiliary benefit.
Remember that I won't rest, 'til we share the same tense
Just know, to me, you're better late than never again.
philsov posted...
This is the same sort of kneejerk reaction as asking for a straight pride parade.

Black females would have the most amount of insight through both familial history and personal experience as a result of the topic's cascading effect into present day on the topic of "Sinners, Sex and Slaves: Race and Sex in Early America", and white dudes would have the least.

Making a point to call on them because they're not called on elsewhere seems like an auxiliary benefit.

There is going to be associated literature, written assignments, etc. Anyone can do the reading and work for the course and have valid opinions on it.
"If the day does not require an AK, it is good." The Great Warrior Poet, Ice Cube
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Current Events » This TA calls on black women first and white men last. Critics want her fired
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