i'm weird and don't usually put anything on hot dogs, but i also don't eat them much.Yeah this
cole slaw is gross though, hard pass.
cole slaw is gross though, hard pass.
Nope, but it sounds like something I want to try
I put coleslaw in the garbage where it belongs.It looks like vomit.
in what world does coleslaw look like vomitIt looks like vomit lol
i don't think you know what coleslaw isI know what it is and it's gross. Guacomole is good. We had to eat coleslaw in school at times which was really nasty. This is coming from someone who adores oinons and cooks.
there's no onions in coleslawNot a fan of cabbage. I like spinach as a leafy green. I use to use cabbage in cooking and pepping cold stuff.
it's cabbage and maybe carrots