do you put coleslaw on a hotdog

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » do you put coleslaw on a hotdog
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updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
i'm weird and don't usually put anything on hot dogs, but i also don't eat them much.

cole slaw is gross though, hard pass.
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nade what the fuck
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updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
cole slaw is gross, and I also only put ketchup on hot dogs.

also, my pet bugs are eating a hot dog right now :3
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What? No. Coleslaw is a side dish.

You put sauerkraut on hot dogs. And horseradish mustard.
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dry coleslaw is fine on a hotdog/brat. soaked in mayonaisse is not.
Always ketchup and mustard which yes, ketchup does belong on hotdogs. Sometimes I'll put relish too.
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Usually ketchup and mustard, onions if they're available, sometimes barbecue sauce or sauerkraut if I'm in the mood for it. I've never tried coleslaw, nor do I think I'd ever want to (*maybe* vinegar, but definitely not a mayo-based one).
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only cheese

i dip my dogs in ketchup, and mustard sucks
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Nade_Duck posted...
i'm weird and don't usually put anything on hot dogs, but i also don't eat them much.

cole slaw is gross though, hard pass.
Yeah this
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I'll either have them plain or Chicago style
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What? What kind of psychopath does this? No. Hotdogs are for ketchup, mustard, onions and relish.
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Nade_Duck posted...
cole slaw is gross though, hard pass.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I put coleslaw in the garbage
Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
Yes, with chili too.
Nope, but it sounds like something I want to try
Blah, blah, blah, and blah.
No, but I don't like coleslaw either
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Azn_Psycho posted...
Nope, but it sounds like something I want to try

"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
how have people not heard of a slawdog
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updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
I don't put coleslaw on ANYTHING
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
No but I would.
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Just tried this myself and it wasn't bad at all. Granted, it was with a 7-11 hot dog and KFC coleslaw.

It was like a crunchier sweet relish, but the flavor/sweetness was more subtle.

Not something I would go out of my way for, but something I would do so that coleslaw wouldn't go to waste if someone brings it to a barbecue or something.
Blah, blah, blah, and blah.
oh kfc coleslaw is near tasteless
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updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
No but I like Cole slaw so i guess I would? Usually just prefer mustard or ketchup though
Don't ask.
No, I only eat cole slaw as a side or on corned beef or pastrami sandwiches.
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And hot dogs are ew.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2, Times I been misgendered: 42
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I put coleslaw in the garbage where it belongs.
The only time I eat coleslaw is at either KFC or Long John Silver's, so no.
kind9 posted...
I put coleslaw in the garbage where it belongs.
It looks like vomit.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2, Times I been misgendered: 42
Not a male in rl.
in what world does coleslaw look like vomit
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
ConfusedTorchic posted...
in what world does coleslaw look like vomit
It looks like vomit lol
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2, Times I been misgendered: 42
Not a male in rl.
i don't think you know what coleslaw is
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
ConfusedTorchic posted...
i don't think you know what coleslaw is
I know what it is and it's gross. Guacomole is good. We had to eat coleslaw in school at times which was really nasty. This is coming from someone who adores oinons and cooks.
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2, Times I been misgendered: 42
Not a male in rl.
there's no onions in coleslaw

it's cabbage and maybe carrots
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
ConfusedTorchic posted...
there's no onions in coleslaw

it's cabbage and maybe carrots
Not a fan of cabbage. I like spinach as a leafy green. I use to use cabbage in cooking and pepping cold stuff.

Opinon on Kraut?
They/Them not "he". Ace/Non-Binary. Ace the Space Ninja from Luminous Avenger iX2, Times I been misgendered: 42
Not a male in rl.
i only like sauerkraut in reubens, it has a flavor that overwhelms me in pretty much everything else and it's all i'm able to taste and i don't particularly like the taste
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
I don't eat coleslaw period. But yeah, relish, sauerkraut, mustard, onions are my go to hot dog ingredients
I prefer my hot dogs au naturel (ungarnished), as if they'd just been pulled from the earth.
Poll of the Day » do you put coleslaw on a hotdog