Does the average gamefaqs user prefer dogs or cats?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Does the average gamefaqs user prefer dogs or cats?
What is your personal judgment of this question
On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses?
I bet you say that to all the boys...
I would have to say dogs, because goats are more like dogs than cats.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
I'd say tge average would slightly be in favor of dogs. Though I am personally partial to cats.
Blah, blah, blah, and blah.
I like cats as well but i prefer dogs by far.
Currently playing - OldSchool RuneScape

I don't really need to rely on personal judgement. There's actual data to reference. Now, there's room to question how representative poll data is of the userbase as a whole, but I see no reason not to treat it as a reasonable approximation in this case.
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adjl posted...

I don't really need to rely on personal judgement. There's actual data to reference. Now, there's room to question how representative poll data is of the userbase as a whole, but I see no reason not to treat it as a reasonable approximation in this case.
Interesting that dogs were preferred for a long time, but the preference changed to cats as the number of users declined. Unfortunate that the most recent poll added a middle option to make it somewhat incomparable to the older ones. Thanks, Nade Duck!
Growing up I always preferred dogs because you could play outside with them. But now that I'm older I like cats. They're chill, low maintenance, and really affectionate if you treat them right.

I love my two cats a lot and they love us a lot. It's a perfect dynamic.
BADoglick to the Max!
There's no "Both" option? I don't prefer one over the other, while I also dislike neither.
GanonsSpirit posted...
Interesting that dogs were preferred for a long time, but the preference changed to cats as the number of users declined.

The preference changed to cats as the normal users all left and only the antisocial terminally online types remained.

That demographic has always disproportionately loved cats more.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ParanoidObsessive posted...
The preference changed to cats as the normal users all left and only the antisocial terminally online types remained.

That demographic has always disproportionately loved cats more.
Idk in today's busy world, dogs need more attention than cats. Seems more like a practical choice than anything else. People would prefer an animal that suits their lifestyle as opposed to feeling guilty about leaving a dog alone all day. Not everyone has money to hire someone.
Currently playing: F-Zero 99
Just yesterday my cat was on top of me for over an hour and I couldn't move. That's not so good if you are busy
Some guys have all the luck, Some guys have all the pain
Some guys get all the breaks, Some guys do nothing but complain
Melody_JR posted...
There's no "Both" option? I don't prefer one over the other, while I also dislike neither.

I like both, but for pets, I prefer dogs.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
We've only ever had a cat, so maybe I'm biased. But I also like how when you meet a cat, they don't jump all over you and start licking you. That has always grossed me out.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
I have a lot of things with wires and discs, so neither pet in real life.

For the sake of this poll though, I've had more positive encounters with a cat.
I call Cthulhu "daddy"
Always been a cat person, but dogs are cool. I find them a little intimidating though.
How quaint.
Honestly probably dogs cuz I feel like a lot a yall are lonely and need like that unconditional companionship >____>
A George divided itself cannot stand!!
Love my dogs. The two cats we ever had were mean as hell.
I'm just a girl who loves games
Poll of the Day » Does the average gamefaqs user prefer dogs or cats?