Psychopathic Geniuses.

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Psychopathic Geniuses.
Only 1 in 31,560 people have a 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,156,000 of the population satisfy both criteria, meaning there are only around 2,535 of us in the world. Are you one?

Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other forms of neuroticism set the bar for one's capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent, such a person can never win. Having no intelligence makes one impotent, but having no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, psychopathic geniuses are an ideal people and will always have a clear advantage over others.

So, why am I telling you this? It relates to this board and the site in general. Day in and day out, I labor to transform this place into an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric individuals a place free from the absurdity of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of the typical. We may seem friendly on the surface, but make no mistake, there are those of us who do have our own goals in mind. Anyway, it's something to think about.
hello r/im14andthisisdeep
"Salt cures Everything!"
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I highly doubt anybody on GameFAQs has an IQ above 129. If you think you do, you are delusional.

BTW, 129 is above average, so I am saying you are smart, just not self aware.
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Dikitain posted...
I highly doubt anybody on GameFAQs has an IQ above 129

I do, but on a technicality.
"Salt cures Everything!"
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I love the review lol
Don't ask.
Dikitain posted...
I highly doubt anybody on GameFAQs has an IQ above 129. If you think you do, you are delusional.

BTW, 129 is above average, so I am saying you are smart, just not self aware.

I think I tested at like 145ish when I was a kid and my parents/teachers were trying to figure me out, but I don't really care enough to retest as an adult.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
good shit go sHit thats some goodshit rightth ere
rightthere if i do a so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ) mMMMM O0OOOOOOooo Good shit
I'm not sure what just happened, but I have a sudden urge to chase people from my lawn.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
The idea of the IQ has been a joke for a while.
The_Judge posted...
Only 1 in 31,560 people have a 160+ IQ

" ...the current view of psychologists and other scholars of genius is that a minimum level of IQ (approximately 125) is necessary for genius but not sufficient, and must be combined with personality characteristics such as drive and persistence, plus the necessary opportunities for talent development. "

"Genius" is a very subjective term, and there really isn't an official cut-off number (if you even accept the validity of IQ tests at all). Mensa uses 130. A few others use 146.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
also the origin of the word genius is usually used wrong. A person isn't "a" genius, a person "has" a genius; as in someone or something else.

genius is meant to be used in the same way the word 'muse' is, only for intellectual activities rather than artistic ones.
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Uh... isn't higher intelligence usually associated with more mental and social disorders in general?
BlackScythe0 posted...
Uh... isn't higher intelligence usually associated with more mental and social disorders in general?

Poll of the Day » Psychopathic Geniuses.