Why is a 94 billion dollar company using fucking Zoom?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Why is a 94 billion dollar company using fucking Zoom?
My baby ass company by comparison at least uses Teams (inb4EwTeams which I don't get, Teams has been great for me in my seven years using it)

But every time I have calls with these bigger companies and see a Zoom invite come across, I just get so baffled. Do people actually enjoy the massive audio delay? Every time I have a zoom call there's a slight audio delay making everything extra awkward with people talking over each other and all that shit.

Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable working for a company that specializes in baby ass.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
same reason trillion dollar 200 year old companies still use fax machines
"Salt cures Everything!"
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My company uses Webex since they have a deal with Cisco, but if we didn't, it would probably be Zoom.

Teams is shit though, HATE using Teams. So glad the company I was on at the time folded and I was getting laid off just as they started using Teams.
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Dikitain posted...
Teams is shit though, HATE using Teams.
Can I ask why? I try asking people all the time and none of them seem to be able to articulate specifics. Biggest actual tangible reason I got was that it was a memory hog, but I've never experienced that (and you can't make custom emojis)
Cupcake2006 posted...
Can I ask why? I try asking people all the time and none of them seem to be able to articulate specifics. Biggest actual tangible reason I got was that it was a memory hog, but I've never experienced that (and you can't make custom emojis)
This was like 6 years ago so this might have changed, but the main reason is that it organizes chats like Reddit. Makes it very hard to search things and respond in group chats. Webex is a little like that, but the search function more than makes up for it. Like I have no problem finding conversations I had with people back in 2019 using Webex. Just finding stuff I talked about with someone a week ago in Teams is such a pain in the ass.

That is on top of it being a Microsoft Office product, and therefore randomly crashing and requiring a computer restart every few days.
My bookshelf: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/152760030
Comics: https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/profile/dikitain
Teams no longer organizes chats like Reddit, more closely resembling chat programs like Discord or Messenger, but I can't search for older chats because they get deleted after 30 days. I believe that's an organizational setting, though, so your mileage may vary.
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Teams is great, until it breaks, and then it's
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
like most microsoft products, teams sucks
see my gundams here
updated 05/31/24; hg aegis knight
Teams is great. When people email me/call my desk phone to ask simple question I dont get it.
im gay
adjl posted...
Teams no longer organizes chats like Reddit, more closely resembling chat programs like Discord or Messenger, but I can't search for older chats because they get deleted after 30 days. I believe that's an organizational setting, though, so your mileage may vary.

definitely your org and not a teams default. I regularly reference messages that were sent to me in teams that are 1-2 years old
im gay
adjl posted...
Teams no longer organizes chats like Reddit, more closely resembling chat programs like Discord or Messenger, but I can't search for older chats because they get deleted after 30 days. I believe that's an organizational setting, though, so your mileage may vary.
The company I work for deletes chats after 2 days, which is really great because someone sends me a message late on Friday after I've gone home and it's deleted by Monday morning.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
captpackrat posted...
The company I work for deletes chats after 2 days, which is really great because someone sends me a message late on Friday after I've gone home and it's deleted by Monday morning.

why? what does that even accomplish?
im gay
Only thing I hate about teams is for some reason Windows has installed like 3 version on my computer and asks me every single time if I want to keep using a certain version.

I don't understand why they literally can't get their ecosystem together.
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
im gay
DirtBasedSoap posted...
why? what does that even accomplish?

That does just seem excessive. In my case (Canadian federal government), it's mostly a matter of making sure Teams doesn't end up being a repository for information that has to be searched if we get an Access to Information request, as well as cutting down on the number of different places employees try to store information, but 30 days is plenty for that without interfering with recent conversations. Anything under a week is ridiculous, and makes me suspect that somebody in the company likes saying things on Teams that they don't want there to be any lasting record of.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
captpackrat posted...
The company I work for deletes chats after 2 days, which is really great because someone sends me a message late on Friday after I've gone home and it's deleted by Monday morning.
Lmao, that's crazy.
Lynyrd_Skynyrd posted...
Lmao, that's crazy.
Yeah, that seems kind of sketchy like they want to have plausible deniability if someone comes asking for communication records.
DirtBasedSoap posted...
why? what does that even accomplish?
Probably to avoid people like me shoving "I never said that" in someone's face.

Every time someone tries to pull that on me, I will post chat logs, e-mails, etc. and go "YES YOU FUCKING DID!!!!"
My bookshelf: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/152760030
Comics: https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/profile/dikitain
rjsilverthorn posted...
Yeah, that seems kind of sketchy like they want to have plausible deniability if someone comes asking for communication records.
That and I think the other company answer is for security purposes. People might be sharing sensitive information over chat, so having it purge over 30 days or whatever is a decent security measure.

DirtBasedSoap posted...
Yeah fuck this

So sick of every app/product/website/etc. changing things to "shake it up" when things were functioning completely fine.

Only explanation is it gives devs a reason to keep their jobs.

Why fix what ain't broken man?

I can't even find what's actually "new" in this new teams. Everything just looks more compact and... off. Maybe I'll get used to it, but there appears to be no tangable gain to using this "new" teams.
captpackrat posted...

The company I work for deletes chats after 2 days, which is really great because someone sends me a message late on Friday after I've gone home and it's deleted by Monday morning.

Same here >_>

Cupcake2006 posted...
Biggest actual tangible reason I got was that it was a memory hog, but I've never experienced that

I had to get a new work laptop because my older one couldn't handle Teams lol I don't understand why it needs so many resources.
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Ok one thing I will rip Teams for

When someone sends me a file via chat, and I click "download," it doesn't just open the file explorer and ask where I want to save it to. It just prompts a "downloaded" notification in the bottom right corner, but when I click on it, it just disappears. So I click on "files" in teams and it has some older files I've downloaded, but not the one I just downloaded. I have to download it two or three times and eventually the notification works (and opens my "downloads" folder, so I still have to move the file manually).

Very annoying.
Poll of the Day » Why is a 94 billion dollar company using fucking Zoom?