
Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Guilty!
What's better than roses on your piano?
Tulips on your organ.
now playing: kaizo mario 64
There is still hope
b7 politics

absolutely insane that this topic will be deleted
Talking about current events is not political in and of itself.
What's better than roses on your piano?
Tulips on your organ.
I just wish it meant that he can no longer run.
I am the forum boy, I'm the one who posts.
Far-Queue posted...
Talking about current events is not political in and of itself.
Tell that to F*ndom

Hell the very act of banning all political speech is a political act in itself.
I love Lord Jesus, Family Matters (for Steve & Laura which I typed up a beautiful alt from Just One Date episode) and FFIX (for Zidane & Garnet).
This isn't politics, it's entertainment industry news.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
I can't wait to see the cope from his cult
R/conservative seem convinced this will help his polling numbers and buy him votes. I do not see how, but I also cannot say it won't because things are weird. Yelling wrong(Howard dean?) Used to get you canned from consideration 20 years ago.

The right are going to go hard on how this is a politically motivated sham trial. Maybe that will sway people? I don't really see how but I also don't know
argonautweakend posted...
R/conservative seem convinced this will help his polling numbers and buy him votes. I do not see how, but I also cannot say it won't because things are weird. Yelling wrong(Howard dean?) Used to get you canned from consideration 20 years ago.

The right are going to go hard on how this is a politically motivated sham trial. Maybe that will sway people? I don't really see how but I also don't know

A lot of them are saying like "oh I'm definitely voting for him now" or "this solidified my vote" like sir you post on /r/conservative??
Yeah its kind of silly. They were never Biden or undecided voters in the first place so this didn't sway their opinion.

I just can't see anybody undecided seeing guilty on all 34 counts making that the deciding factor. They'd either go Biden or stay home
Yeah, I'm glad ur jazzed up about voting bro but your vote still only counts once lol
OhhhJa posted...
I can't wait to see the cope from his cult
It's a shame ICOYAR isn't here to see this. Thanks, Nade Duck!
GanonsSpirit posted...
It's a shame ICOYAR isn't here to see this.

He probably has diarrhea rn
MagicalPrincess posted...

angry chuds already in denial
now playing: kaizo mario 64
argonautweakend posted...
R/conservative seem convinced this will help his polling numbers and buy him votes. I do not see how, but I also cannot say it won't because things are weird. Yelling wrong(Howard dean?) Used to get you canned from consideration 20 years ago.

The right are going to go hard on how this is a politically motivated sham trial. Maybe that will sway people? I don't really see how but I also don't know
Trump voters were always going to vote Trump. If a "centrist" says they are now voting for Trump because of this, they were always a conservative just hiding the fact.
Switch: SW-7617-7348-9391 ~ NNID: MarcsterS
PSN: MarcsterSK ~ Steam:
I kinda already knew that because it's so obvious and not fooling anybody.

The guy just got bored heavily at the libertarian conference, and they are "centrists" (yeah I know libertarians but they're "supposed" to be "centrist") a d he got booed heavily.
Now this is entertainment
"There are many children's books that teach morals, but I don't go around worshipping mother goose." - Dynalo
Too bad he won't face meaningful consequences.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
argonautweakend posted...
The right are going to go hard on how this is a politically motivated sham trial. Maybe that will sway people? I don't really see how but I also don't know
They'll try. But then people who don't follow politics will ask what he was convicted for. After we tell them its for falsifying business documents, and that he admitted to doing so, people will start to get annoyed that republicans keep saying that this was somehow orchestrated by the Democrats.

The smartest thing for Republicans is just to pretend this didn't happen. Unfortunately for them, this is Trump. He'll whine about this constantly and make himself look even worse in the process.
Friend Code: 2707-2146-0610
Ditto, Kecleon, Lillipup
GGuirao13 posted...
Too bad he won't face meaningful consequences.
This is a criminal trial, not a civil one. He was convicted for 34 felonies. It doesn't even matter if people wanted to let him off the hook, we have minimum mandatory sentence laws.
Friend Code: 2707-2146-0610
Ditto, Kecleon, Lillipup
Of course other Republicans are coming to his aide and are doing anything they can to discredit our justice system for this con.

Does anyone find it weird that the supposed law and order party hates law and order?
I am the forum boy, I'm the one who posts.
SeahorseCpt89 posted...
Does anyone find it weird that the supposed law and order party hates law and order?
Only when it applies to them, they are big on applying it to other people.
People on r/conservative are elated Trump raised 30 million a day after the verdict, but I am wondering:

How much of this money has come from people who have not voted for him or donated in the past? So, entirely new people not previously connected to him


how much of this is just going to go to legal fees?

This doesn't really seem like a win, but I also do not know.
Cupcake2006 posted...
b7 politics

absolutely insane that this topic will be deleted
How is this topic political? TC just said the word "guilty" - they could have been talking about anybody. Naturally, any inferences to the contrary are just people projecting their own assumptions.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
OhhhJa posted...
I can't wait to see the cope from his cult
My favorite so far is someone saying Jesus was found guilty too
Jen0125 posted...
A lot of them are saying like "oh I'm definitely voting for him now" or "this solidified my vote" like sir you post on /r/conservative??

the best part is the screenshots of obviously fantasy scenarios where suddenly hundreds of "democrats" are telling them that this is now going to make them vote for trump
see my gundams here
updated 4/07/24; hg dantalion
ConfusedTorchic posted...
the best part is the screenshots of obviously fantasy scenarios where suddenly hundreds of "democrats" are telling them that this is now going to make them vote for trump

Or donating $50k lmao get real
ConfusedTorchic posted...
the best part is the screenshots of obviously fantasy scenarios where suddenly hundreds of "democrats" are telling them that this is now going to make them vote for trump
I wouldnt be surprised if they are mostly Russian bots. Either that, or a people that were already voting for Trump.
Shame he still won't face actual consequences for this.
Miami Dolphins | Portland Trailblazers | San Francisco Giants
I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
Fucking wild that hes going to win the popular vote.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
darkknight109 posted...
How is this topic political? TC just said the word "guilty" - they could have been talking about anybody. Naturally, any inferences to the contrary are just people projecting their own assumptions.
Have TC save your post to write in the moderation dispute section and see how that pans out.
waterdeepchu posted...
This is a criminal trial, not a civil one. He was convicted for 34 felonies. It doesn't even matter if people wanted to let him off the hook, we have minimum mandatory sentence laws.
Regrettably, there is no mandatory minimum sentence for Class E felonies in New York and, even ignoring the fact that Trump is both a former president and a rich white guy, he's almost certainly not going to see the inside of a jail cell over this. Given that he has no prior felony convictions and is a senior citizen (which is one of the criteria taken into account during sentencing), the most likely sentence is going to be a fine and probation. I'd love to be wrong about that, but pretty much every legal analyst I've seen who has looked at this has been unanimous in saying he's very unlikely to face prison time.

GameLord113 posted...
My favorite so far is someone saying Jesus was found guilty too
Extra hilarious: Jesus *wasn't* found guilty. That's kind of the whole point of The Passion.

"And Pilate, when he had called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people, said unto them, 'Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people: and, behold, I, having examined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him. No, nor yet Herod: for I sent you to him; and, lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto him. I will therefore chastise him, and release him. (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast). And they cried out all at once, saying, 'Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas: (who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison). Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again to them. But they cried, saying, 'Crucify him, crucify him.' And he said unto them the third time, 'Why, what evil hath he done? I have found no cause of death in him: I will therefore chastise him, and let him go.'" - Luke 23:13-22

Like, this is the guy responsible for actually deciding if Jesus is a criminal or not saying, in not so many words, "Guys, he didn't do anything, what's your problem?" Part of the reason why Jesus getting crucified was painted as a travesty was because he was dragged in front of what passed for a court in ye olde Rome, was found to be innocent of wrongdoing, but they decided "fuck it", and executed him anyways.

Which, y'know, is kind of the polar opposite of what happened to Trump.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Hey @MagicalPrincess , doesn't supporting an adulterous, Bible-selling felon go against your Christian faith?
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Its a good thing new York spent their precious little resources prosecuting a guy who wrote down a payment to a lawyer as a legal expense instead of going after serial shop lifters and perpetrators of violent crime.
hungrymike posted...
Its a good thing new York spent their precious little resources prosecuting a guy who wrote down a payment to a lawyer as a legal expense instead of going after serial shop lifters and perpetrators of violent crime.
Surprisingly, New York has more than one judge.

Crazy, I know, but I've looked into it and it's true.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
hungrymike posted...
Its a good thing new York spent their precious little resources prosecuting a guy who wrote down a payment to a lawyer as a legal expense instead of going after serial shop lifters and perpetrators of violent crime.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
hungrymike posted...
Its a good thing new York spent their precious little resources prosecuting a guy who wrote down a payment to a lawyer as a legal expense instead of going after serial shop lifters and perpetrators of violent crime.
hungrymike posted...
Its a good thing new York spent their precious little resources prosecuting a guy who wrote down a payment to a lawyer as a legal expense instead of going after serial shop lifters and perpetrators of violent crime.
Keep taking those l's, buddy.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Sarcasthma posted...
Keep taking those l's, buddy.
Yeah!!! Out of control inflation and new foreign wars and billions in tax payer dollars flowing overseas with no oversight or accountability. Sounds like a cause for celebration!
now playing: kaizo mario 64
DevilSummoner posted...
hungrymike posted...
Its a good thing new York spent their precious little resources prosecuting a guy who wrote down a payment to a lawyer as a legal expense instead of going after serial shop lifters and perpetrators of violent crime.

they can do both at the same time lmfao
see my gundams here
updated 4/07/24; hg dantalion
Mike appears to be upset. Perhaps he should eat a Snickers candy bar.
ConfusedTorchic posted...
they can do both at the same time lmfao
Tell that to Bragg, who has down graded over half of felonies to misdemeanors and refuses to prosecute shoplifters.
Poll of the Day » Guilty!
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