How are the most recent Pokemon games?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » How are the most recent Pokemon games?
I fucking hated Sun and Moon and thought Sword and Shield were slightly better but overall mediocre. I just finished FireRed again and had fun. Scarlett and Violet worth getting or no?
im gay
I heard they are excellent, but i haven't played since Sun/Moon either
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They're worse than sword and shield
currently playing: shin megami tensei III nocturne (steam)
Didn't hear good things when they released, not sure if they fixed the problems
I haven't played any other them since Sun/Moon because I don't feel comfortable giving my money to a company that makes full priced games that graphically look like they belong on the GameCube at best despite being made by the most successful entertainment franchise in human history.
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DevilSummoner posted...
They're worse than sword and shield

Fuck nah. Scarlet/Violet have their problems, but damn was Sword/Shield a short and underwhelming experience.
have fire red and thinking about a run through, what teams did you have or what did you do that made it fun
we are who we are. who we meet in life, adds to the journey
I played it fast forwarded lol

it only took like 10 hours irl

this was the basic ass team i finished with
im gay
There's no excuse for how buggy and poor-performing they are, given GF's resources and what contemporary games on the Switch were able to do (namely, Xenoblade 3 and TotK both looked and ran better), but the experience of open-world Pokemon is really fun and there are quite few QoL improvements that are very welcome (particularly the option to change natures and IVs on a whim, and EV training being much more easily accessible). My assessment is mostly a second-hand one from my girlfriend's experience playing it (bought it for her last Christmas), and neither of us have played a Pokemon game since DP and therefore I can't comment on how it compares to Sw/Sh, but I'd say it's definitely worth playing.
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You can beat Pokemon Red without using the letters A or E,... ... as long as you start the game with Jynx
"Salt cures Everything!"
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I will start by saying I'd experienced bugs and rendering issues within the first hour in the most up-to-date version of Violet.

...but also, it wasn't game breaking. Worth a chuckle at most. Just moving my character forward a little bit has *fixed* whatever bug or issue I'd encounter.

That said, I'm already having fun in Violet. And I feel like I'm gonna enjoy it a lot more as I dig deeper in.
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TLR_ posted...
I will start by saying I'd experienced bugs and rendering issues within the first hour in the most up-to-date version of Violet.

...but also, it wasn't game breaking. Worth a chuckle at most. Just moving my character forward a little bit has *fixed* whatever bug or issue I'd encounter.

This is also true. That the performance is as bad as it is is 100% just GF not putting in the necessary effort to make a polished game, and that's worth complaining about to put pressure on them to coast less, but none of the problems are really that bad. The worst you'll get is an occasional crash, and the game autosaves frequently enough that that won't cost you much progress. Most of the time, it's just jank that's more entertaining than seriously harmful.
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I'm finding more Max Lair players now in Sword then the entirety of Scarlet. I think Scarlet was a fun experience though i miss the old 2d adventures personally.
I started falling off Pokemon with the 3DS ones, even though I've revisited X/Y and Sun/Moon. I think those are my least favourite.

Haven't played Sword/Shield. I got really into Violet and had a lot of fun with it, even though it was janky as hell. I'm worn out on it now; completed the Pokedex in the main game and the 1st DLC, haven't touched the 2nd DLC yet. 1st DLC was fun for more 'mons, but the characters were annoying as hell.

I'd say it's worth it, it's a cool direction for Pokemon. Still I wish the first 3 gens were available on Switch.
girls like my fa
TLR_ posted...
I will start by saying I'd experienced bugs and rendering issues within the first hour in the most up-to-date version of Violet.

...but also, it wasn't game breaking. Worth a chuckle at most. Just moving my character forward a little bit has *fixed* whatever bug or issue I'd encounter.

That said, I'm already having fun in Violet. And I feel like I'm gonna enjoy it a lot more as I dig deeper in.
It reminds me of playing a N64 or PS1 game, it can be pretty funny.
girls like my fa
ReturnOfFa posted...
It reminds me of playing a N64 or PS1 game, it can be pretty funny.

This seems pretty accurate to me. It's that same kind of jank that we just laugh off because it was a different time with lower standards for performance/quality control (heck, I recently watched a 4-hour video on all the different places invisible walls pop up in Mario 64 because of mistakes in object geometry), except for the part where it's a modern game in one of the world's biggest media franchises and the standards are therefore quite a bit higher. It doesn't stop it from being a fun game, it's just shameful.
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Poll of the Day » How are the most recent Pokemon games?