Of the four major NA sports leagues, which is your favorite?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Of the four major NA sports leagues, which is your favorite?
NHL though I've really stopped watching it. I used to watch like a hundred games a season but I've maybe watched one full game the last two years.
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Depends. NHL and NBA are my fav to watch live at the arena. NFL is my fav to watch televised. Baseball I usually only watch during the playoffs although it's much more tolerable now that they're got the pitchers and batters on a timer
MLB although college football is my favorite.
im gay
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
Watching: NFL > MLB > NHL > NBA
Attending: NHL > MLB > NFL > NBA

Admittedly I am biased because I live in a town that only has NFL and MLB.

NFL is king for watching and offseason and fantasy and whatnot. That will never change.
MLB is a ton of fun to go to the park and watch in person, especially with the pace increases.
NHL is very hard to watch on TV, but I went to a game once and it was absolutely incredible. When you can see the puck, it becomes so much easier to watch.
NBA is really unwatchable to me, in person or on TV.
Poll is missing a "none of the above" option.

If this was 25 years ago I would have said NHL, because I actually cared about it at that point, but I stopped giving a shit after the 2004 lockout. Haven't watched a single game since.

I pretty much loathe baseball and basketball in general, and always have.

I voted NFL by default because I do generally watch the Super Bowl. And one game a year is still more than any other major sport. It's pretty much the only sports event I watch, period (unless you want to count professional wrestling as a sport).

But I wouldn't really call myself a "fan" of the NFL either, considering I don't pay any attention to the regular season or playoffs, and didn't even know the Raiders relocated for like 4 years. And I stopped caring about "my team" years ago (and as far as I'm concerned, "my team" ceased to exist a few months after the Raiders moved).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Not really a sports fan but if I was forced to watch one I'd pick baseball.
Like PO, I voted NFL for the Super Bowl. Its the only sports I really watch (I usually enjoy it too).

I catch snippets of the World Series if something big is happening. Like in 2016, I watched maybe 5 innings.

"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
I don't really like how any league is run at the top mainly rule changes so I don't like any in that way but baseball and football are my favorite sports so I we t with MLB
I dont really watch any of them but i somewhat follow the NFL. More to do with youtubers i like that are mostly NFL themed but its more than i do for the other 3. Very casually root for the Ravens.

For playing i preferred baseball of the 3 on the list i played, i havent heard of anything hockey around here. Soccer would overall be my pick for play though.
Currently playing - Scarlet Nexus
The NBA.
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Poll of the Day » Of the four major NA sports leagues, which is your favorite?