Just finished my first run of Celeste

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Just finished my first run of Celeste
105/175 strawberries
2030 deaths
9:31:11.582 time to beat

I LOVED THIS GAME. So glad I finally played it after buying it like four years ago. Excited to revisit everything and get the rest of the strawberries and other hidden items.

have you played this game? what did you think?

What should I play next? (NS & XBSX only)
Forever Momo; Always EPic
One of the few games that made me immediatelly feel like it was in my top 5.
girls like my fa
I remember really liking it when I first played through it on Switch in like 2017 or 2018. But I have had absolutely no desire to replay it ever since.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
Celeste is incredible. Legit one of the best 2D platformers.

Have you unlocked any of the B-sides?
No PC? :(

Can't recommend this.
I'm not lazy, I just don't care
https://steamcommunity.com/id/DeltaBladeX - https://rayshift.io/na/31902622
I think I have it on something, but havent had a chance to play it yet But also, have no idea what I have it on
Currently Playing - Astral Ascent (Switch Edition)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
Yes; I especially liked the movement mechanics and fantastic music~
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv4cNOBY2eCInbxg6B-KRks6vKMfmFvtp
Are you going to play Celeste 64?
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"Salt cures Everything!"
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faramir77 posted...
I remember really liking it when I first played through it on Switch in like 2017 or 2018. But I have had absolutely no desire to replay it ever since.
Yeah Im going to keep playing and try to find all the collectibles. And Ill probably try the B-Sides but I cant see myself actually beating everything and I will not be replaying anytime soon lol

ToastyPOP posted...
Celeste is incredible. Legit one of the best 2D platformers.

Have you unlocked any of the B-sides?
I got 4/8 B-Sides. Currently revisiting all the chapters to find missing strawberries and Bs

DeltaBladeX posted...
No PC? :(

Can't recommend this.
I dont have a PC that can run anything more advanced than a graphic novel :////

but this looks really neat! is it by the same developer?

LinkPizza posted...
I think I have it on something, but havent had a chance to play it yet But also, have no idea what I have it on
If you have Game Pass, its available there right now.
Forever Momo; Always EPic
MrMelodramatic posted...
but this looks really neat! is it by the same developer?

It is, they also have two PICO-8 games on Itch to play for free. Celeste Classic and Celeste Classic 2.
I'm not lazy, I just don't care
https://steamcommunity.com/id/DeltaBladeX - https://rayshift.io/na/31902622
MrMelodramatic posted...
If you have Game Pass, its available there right now.

No game pass for me That said, Im pretty sure I have it on PlayStation. And Im pretty sure it was a PS+ game
Currently Playing - Astral Ascent (Switch Edition)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
The art design is beautiful

I've heard it's pretty challenging too
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
saving this game for a rainy day

i know it's gonna be 10/10, but i'm not really in the mood for platforming/maneuvering specifically right now, and i'm happy to let games age before I try them
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
I played through it years ago. Went in with modest expectations, and ended up being surprised by how much I liked it.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
All strawberries, all cassettes, all hearts. (3729 deaths)


going to try some B-Sides but I dont think Ill finish lol
Forever Momo; Always EPic
Gonna try it tonight
Currently Playing - Astral Ascent (Switch Edition)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around

Did you decide on a new game yet? If not, I'll recommend A Robot Named Fight , a Switch (and PC) Metroidvania style game, with Roguelike elements. Randomly created worlds with different weapons and power ups available as you progress. You won't die as much as Celeste, but do expect more than a few failures as you improve at the game.
I'm not lazy, I just don't care
https://steamcommunity.com/id/DeltaBladeX - https://rayshift.io/na/31902622
I hated this game, it felt fraudulent cause it wasn't really good like I hoped it would be.
it felt fraudulent is a phrase i've not considered using before
see my gundams here
updated 1/15/24
acesxhigh posted...
I hated this game, it felt fraudulent cause it wasn't really good like I hoped it would be.

What about it did you not like?
Currently Playing - Astral Ascent (Switch Edition)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
One of the best games ever. Peak 2D platforming level design.

LinkPizza posted...
What about it did you not like?
Getting his ass handed to himself.
Bells, bells, bells!
I played the first area today. I got 12/20 strawberries. I think I just missed some of the branching paths, as that is apparently super easy to do
Currently Playing - Astral Ascent (Switch Edition)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
I really liked the game for a while and it reminded me why 2D platformers can be fun.

But kind of like Shovel Knight, shit got too hard to for me. Dying a hundred times or more level isn't fun.
twylite sprinkle
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LinkPizza posted...
What about it did you not like?
bad controls, janky, cringe story, bad art, bad music
Poll of the Day » Just finished my first run of Celeste