Look at this kitten

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Look at this kitten
Void kitties are the best kitties.
rjsilverthorn posted...
Void kitties are the best kitties.

I like them grey tigers, dem zebra kittehs
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Your cat looks like Dobby.
I want to rub its ears.
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
I thought you were gonna show your poontang. For shame.
4/1/2023 - Super Mario Sunshine>>>>Super Mario 64
Not changing my signature until 50 different people tag me and disagree. 5/50
rjsilverthorn posted...
Void kitties are the best kitties.

I agree. I have 3 of them.

Post #8 was unavailable or deleted.
My cat is in the sink the second I turn it on. I need him to chill out on trying to scavenge food. He's now known as Tubby Toby because he constantly wants food. I've even found my dog whining watching Toby eat his dog food.

This is my first cat. How do I get him to stop wanting to be so fat?
some cats, much like people, are unable to really self regulate, so you'll have to do it for him and schedule his feedings
see my gundams here
updated 11/27/23
I schedule his feedings and my dogs, but my dog doesn't always finish his food or the cat gets there first and starts eating the dog food. My dog is a hundred pound baby that just sits there, cries, and takes it.
aww it drink some wa wa
What would Bligh do?
Here's one of my kitties digging in the dirt

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
You have really nice countertops
BADoglick to the Max!
BADoglick posted...
You have really nice countertops

Thanks I love my kitchen
hockey7318 posted...
I schedule his feedings and my dogs, but my dog doesn't always finish his food or the cat gets there first and starts eating the dog food. My dog is a hundred pound baby that just sits there, cries, and takes it.
Shut the cat out of the room until the dog is finished.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
Jen0125 posted...

Cute kitty :3

ZayKayWill posted...
I thought you were gonna show your poontang. For shame.

Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv4cNOBY2eCInbxg6B-KRks6vKMfmFvtp
I would have a cat if they didn't make my nose itch. I feel like I understand cats.

Blue_Thunder posted...
Not to make this topic about this but saying something like that unprompted is pretty toxic
Yellow posted...

Not to make this topic about this but saying something like that unprompted is pretty toxic

Lol imagine saying this on the Sex board. Already know for a fact everyone would have laughed and appreciated it.

Also don't forget I'm helping you save your life in your other topic (which I genuinely do hope you succeed in). So you're welcome.
4/1/2023 - Super Mario Sunshine>>>>Super Mario 64
Not changing my signature until 50 different people tag me and disagree. 5/50
Post #20 was unavailable or deleted.
Yellow posted...
Not to make this topic about this but saying something like that unprompted is pretty toxic

I'm pretty sure it was a joke.

If TC doesn't like it I'll refrain from commenting on it though.
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv4cNOBY2eCInbxg6B-KRks6vKMfmFvtp
Post #22 was unavailable or deleted.
that's not your cat is it tc?
Yep cats love running water. Why I have running water fountains for all mine.
gamertag - Jamal The Titan, PSN: MrCannady
Twitch - PrezVegeta
Took a bit to find a shot of both our voids together.
ZayKayWill posted...
Lol imagine saying this on the Sex board. Already know for a fact everyone would have laughed and appreciated it.

Also don't forget I'm helping you save your life in your other topic (which I genuinely do hope you succeed in). So you're welcome.
this board isn't filled with children, so no, bad jokes don't fly here
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
Shrek posted...
this board isn't filled with children, so no, bad jokes don't fly here

Wah wah. Shut up Shrek, you fat ugly ogre.
4/1/2023 - Super Mario Sunshine>>>>Super Mario 64
Not changing my signature until 50 different people tag me and disagree. 5/50
KazGT6 posted...
that's not your cat is it tc?

Yes it is

Blue_Thunder posted...
I'm pretty sure it was a joke.

If TC doesn't like it I'll refrain from commenting on it though.

I agree with yellow. And then to say if you said it on the sex board people would laugh but this isn't the sex board. The only one who can make sex jokes to me is Far-Queue because his mom is hot
So you didn't like it? Alright then my bad. Didn't think you'd be offended. I apologize for assuming otherwise.
4/1/2023 - Super Mario Sunshine>>>>Super Mario 64
Not changing my signature until 50 different people tag me and disagree. 5/50
I'm not offended I just think it's stupid
hockey7318 posted...
My cat is in the sink the second I turn it on. I need him to chill out on trying to scavenge food. He's now known as Tubby Toby because he constantly wants food. I've even found my dog whining watching Toby eat his dog food.

This is my first cat. How do I get him to stop wanting to be so fat?
Try putting their bowls in different parts of the house at feeding time.
I'm just a girl who loves games
hockey7318 posted...
I schedule his feedings and my dogs, but my dog doesn't always finish his food or the cat gets there first and starts eating the dog food. My dog is a hundred pound baby that just sits there, cries, and takes it.

It might be worth looking into an RFID feeder that only opens when it detects your dog's tag/microchip. They're pricy, but can be worthwhile if you don't have any other way of effectively segregating the dog's food. We've considered it for one cat, because the other keeps eating her food (which has thyroid and kidney meds in it, plus he's on special urinary food and she's not, so it's quite bad that he does this), but she turned 20 this summer and you know the second we drop a few hundred bucks to secure her food she's going to drop dead.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
300 days sober and counting
cats really like to drink water? don't they like milk more, or is that just a famous stereotype?
KazGT6 posted...
cats really like to drink water? don't they like milk more, or is that just a famous stereotype?
Famous stereotype mostly, although not all cats are huge water drinkers either.
Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
*walks away*
here i made this for u

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Lokarin posted...
here i made this for u


That's very cute
-_rustykranz_- posted...
Why did you make me sad!?
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
-_rustykranz_- posted...
If I wasn't allergic to cats, I'd definitely have adopted one.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
If I had a proper home instead of an overpriced closet passed off as an apartment, I'd get one or two little voids as well. They deserve all the precious love.
KazGT6 posted...
cats really like to drink water? don't they like milk more, or is that just a famous stereotype?

Most housecats don't care for largeareas of water. Which makes sense, they evolved from species which lived in arid places, so they rarely saw them, and in nature, something that's rarely seen tends to evoke a fear response: better to expend the energy of avoiding/escaping it than ignoring it and ending up eaten.

Now obviously that's not all housecats: Turkish Vans tend to like water (some owners have even written of them going into the bathtub and learning how to turn on the faucet), while big cats such as tigers and jaguars love water and swimming, and can often be seen getting into ponds for seemingly no reason except to do it (Lions, on the other hand, are much more apprehensive of ponds/lakes).
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
adjl posted...
It might be worth looking into an RFID feeder that only opens when it detects your dog's tag/microchip. They're pricy, but can be worthwhile if you don't have any other way of effectively segregating the dog's food. We've considered it for one cat, because the other keeps eating her food (which has thyroid and kidney meds in it, plus he's on special urinary food and she's not, so it's quite bad that he does this), but she turned 20 this summer and you know the second we drop a few hundred bucks to secure her food she's going to drop dead.
That's an interesting idea. We do feed them on two different floors, but the cat kind of has the entire house to roam and my dog does too outside of the area where the litter box is.

The cat is just so focused on food it's ridiculous. I've got a spray bottle on our counter to try and keep him off the counters because he's immediately up there the second food is out. Can't trust him once I'm doing dinner prep. I've had to put our 2 year old on security detail shoving him off of things when he tries to get too close.
he/him | Aromantic/Asexual | Screw Putin and Hamas
Times I have been subjected to aro/ace erasure as of 09/29/22 - 1
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Poll of the Day » Look at this kitten