Nikolas Cruz is getting LOVE LETTERS from TEEN Girls who are calling him SEXY!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Nikolas Cruz is getting LOVE LETTERS from TEEN Girls who are calling him SEXY!!!
Do you think people who are attractive have it easier in life with bias favouritism??

19 y/o Whacko, Nikolas Cruz has been receiving fan mail and LOVE LETTERS from people ALL around the United States despite massacring 17 people at a Parkland High School!!

The South Florida Sun Sentinel got copies of these letters that addressed to him and shows how much "admiration" and "devotion" hee has inspired from men, women and YOUNG GIRLS who claim he is SEXY and shouldn't be "put to death"!!

Public Defender Howard Finkelstein told the paper that "piles of letters" were given to cruz as he worries that every day boys and girls are starting to view him in an elevated way for fame and notoriety

The letters have "shake him up" because most were written by teen girls

One Texas Girl wrote "I'm 18 years old. I'm a senior in high school. When i saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you..something so Sexy about your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome. I'm really skinny and have 34C Breasts. I support Trump and i know that you are too so don't worry, i will make sure he is President for another 6 years in your honour." the letter ends with smiley faces and happy faces

That's just one of many letters addressed to him as Finkelstein says he's never seen so many love letters about a client in his 40 years of practice

Another woman said "I reserve the right to care about you Nikolas!", another Texan

It was written a "kiddielike" greeting card with a furry bunny holding binoculars. Inside it said "out of sight, but never out of mind"

But it's not just women but MEN as well as a New York man sent a pic of himself sporting a gray mustache in a 1992 Nissan convertible who called him his HERO

There were even a few letters with RELIGIOUS content but letters of "scantily-clad" TEEN GIRLS will not be shown to him.

He's also got a donation fund from that has 800 in his account donated by fans!!

As reported, his younger half brother, Zachary was telling him about his newfound fame as he too is in jail for trespassing on the school campus

Cruz has been known for his loner lifestyle as he's now attracted a small facebook group "Nikolas Cruz - The First Victim" with 300 members arguing against the death penalty because of the bullying..and some claim he was bullied for being a CONSERVATIVE!!.

This is nothing new however as many serial killers have attracted fanbase for their "looks" such as the late Charles Manson and Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsanarev and the Craigslist killer

Do you think attractive people have it easier in life with bias favouritism than ugly people??

Nikolas - Pickle Face

Howard - Public Defender

Fangirls for Nikolas -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Well, I guess his eyes are neat but the rest of his face looks troll-esque.

Full Throttle posted...
Do you think people who are attractive have it easier in life with bias favouritism??

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Literally every killer who gets media attention has followers.
Full Throttle posted...

One Texas Girl wrote "I'm 18 years old. I'm a senior in high school. When i saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you..something so Sexy about your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome.

^Bullshit like this is the reason some girls get the shit beaten out of them by some asshole and then they go around saying bullshit like: " ALL men are pigs!!" . Meanwhile, there are some nice guys out there (which some of those same girls rejected) sitting at home on Saturday nights wondering why the fuck they can't get a fucking date with a girl.
Confidence? It's nothing but an illusion.
Oliver_Oliver posted...
Full Throttle posted...

One Texas Girl wrote "I'm 18 years old. I'm a senior in high school. When i saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you..something so Sexy about your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome.

^Bullshit like this is the reason some girls get the shit beaten out of them by some asshole and then they go around saying bullshit like: " ALL men are pigs!!" . Meanwhile, there are some nice guys out there (which some of those same girls rejected) sitting at home on Saturday nights wondering why the fuck they can't get a fucking date with a girl.

Speaking of, I was watching a Hunter S Thompson interview with a Hell's Angel biker the other day and was a little surprised by the enthusiastic reaction to a discussion about woman-beating since today's audiences probably wouldn't have met the remarks about "sometimes you need to beat your old lady like a rug" with uproarious laughter and applause.

"I say if a man is beating his old lady and his dog bites him, that's between the three of them!" quoth the biker, who then insisted that Hunter (who got beat up by some of the other bikers) should have apologized for trying to intervene.

But the biker had a heart. He conceded that "Junkie George" was wrong for beating his dog.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Yeah, this guy isn't getting fangirls for being hot. They're attracted to the fantasy of having a "dangerous" boyfriend.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
The media should stop giving so much attention to these people. They should just give him a name like "Spoon" and never show his face. This might be a good way to stop people from doing this for attention.
When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings.
Golden Road posted...
Yeah, this guy isn't getting fangirls for being hot. They're attracted to the fantasy of having a "dangerous" boyfriend.

Many girls love bad boys. Especially highly dangerous bad boys that would cause harm to them if the bad boy had the chance. It's fucked up.
Full Throttle posted...
Do you think people who are attractive have it easier in life with bias favouritism?

In most cases yes.

SavageGlum100 posted...
Many girls love bad boys. Especially highly dangerous bad boys that would cause harm to them if the bad boy had the chance. It's fucked up.

I understand the appeal. I mean a "bad girl" would certainly make life more interesting for me then a "nice girl". However I say this knowing full well that "bad girls" are not keepers.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Golden Road posted...
Yeah, this guy isn't getting fangirls for being hot. They're attracted to the fantasy of having a "dangerous" boyfriend.

No kidding. Who's more dangerous than a psychotic mass murderer? And it's certainly going to stay a fantasy, considering he's *never* getting out of prison (assuming he doesn't get the death penalty since Florida is one of the few states which hasn't outlawed that barbaric practice)
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Women be crazy
i'd be more inclined to believe this is some crap from 4chan
don't stop faking
my conscience ain't afraid of you yet
100% vote rate for yes with 24 people voting? Surprising.
Miami Dolphins | Portland Trailblazers | San Francisco Giants
I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
Rasmoh posted...
100% vote rate for yes with 24 people voting? Surprising.

It's one of the few truisms that transcends political and social class.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
Poll of the Day » Nikolas Cruz is getting LOVE LETTERS from TEEN Girls who are calling him SEXY!!!