This 17 y/o Oregon Girl was KICKED by a DEER..Look at her FACE!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » This 17 y/o Oregon Girl was KICKED by a DEER..Look at her FACE!!!
Do you think it would hurt to get kicked by a deer?

17 y/o Josie Lemley, an Oregon High School student was knocked unconscious during a fire drill after a spooked deer charged and crashed into her!!

She was smacked right in the FACE when the deer's hooves hit her and she was sent to hospital for a concussion.

It happened at Eagle Point High School when students were walking outside during a fire drill and 2 deer were of them was scared by the alarms and violently collided with Josie

Her face was left bloodied and with a bloody mark above her right eyebrow and bloody bruises along her nose and upper lip. She was unconscious from the blow for 30 seconds

Josie doesn't remember being hit as she said "Well we were having a fire drill during school hours, i made it halfway out there and next thing i know i was on the ground, i don't remember, i never saw any deer. I think i got hit in the face with a hoof"

Videos of the aftermath of the deer was taken revealing the deer was struggling on the ground, lying sideways while frantically trying to get up as staff believe the legs must have been injured in the crash

Do you think it would hurt to get hit by a Deer?.

Josie -

The Deer -

School -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
If the girl was black then BLM would already be protesting.
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Girl survives deer assault... yet another example of female privilege, amirite?
She looks like she'd be Gorbachev's granddaughter.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
aHappySacka posted...
If the girl was black then BLM would already be protesting.

Poll of the Day » This 17 y/o Oregon Girl was KICKED by a DEER..Look at her FACE!!!